It was a brisk and chilly morning for the children of Station Square, Westopolis a city which only lies at least 10 miles away from Tokyo, city of hopes and dreams. It was about 6:00 that morning on September 4, and all the children were waking up and getting prepared for the first day of school. On the street of Spring Field Cove, Station Square it was no exception, every body was up all but one that is. Amy Rose groaned hatefully as she lazily sat up from her sleep; she couldn't stand waking so damn early and what's worst was that she was going to have to keep waking up like that for the whole year.
" God, it's that time of year again, isn't it? Why the hell do we have to wake up so early? It's not fair." She complained as she slid out of her bed to stretch. " Now that that's done let's get dress and see what to eat." Amy smiled as she skipped cheerfully to her large pink closet. Amy opened the doors and felt like she had an whole ocean in a closet. She took in a breath and began searching for good outfit to wear, but for almost 11 minutes she had yet to find something that she felt good about wearing. Finally Amy just sat at the bottom feeling pretty bad already on her first day. She huffed angrily and looked up at her closet in despair. " Is there nothing I could wear for this dreaded day!?" she shouted out as she threw up her arms .
Amy felt like she lost all hope, until her eyes caught upon the coolest set of gothic/punk set she ever set her eyes on. Her emerald eyes shimmered and gleamed in delight as she picked up the outfit. It was an medium size black tank top with the logo 'YOU WISH YOU COULD' on the front, black, baggy, bell-bottom pants with spikes bracelets on her neck and her wrist, and instead of a red head band Amy switched it for a black one, with black Nike shoes. Amy was just way too excited and couldn't wait to try it on that she rushed into the nearest bathroom almost tripping on the way. When Amy was finished getting dressed, she stood in front of the mirror brushing her long pink quills in deep thought. ' I wonder if my friends would even recognized me or maybe even Sonic; not that I care really since him and Sally are hitting pretty serious, I bet he doesn't even know my goddamn name!!' Amy fumed as her hold on her brushed tightened.
Two years ago, Amy was nothing but a sweet lady who only cared for the health and safety of others but that was all about to change that fateful night of December 23. It was a cold snowy night and everybody seemed eager for Christmas to come their way; all the stores was closed and all the lights in the buildings were slowly turning themselves off all but the street lights. Amy walked down a small snow covered sidewalk path that led her close to a sports store that was just right across the street on the right. She had missed a couple of days of shopping from a cold and now she started to wish she hadn't; she just couldn't stand the cold weather for a long period of time. Amy pulled up the collar of her long red coat and began to shiver violently; it felt like her body was completely on ice. "Why am I doing this crap!? It isn't like some guy going to care or even think about me..." Amy stated with a long, heavy sigh as she lowered her head in hopelessness; seeing nothing but the snow on her shiny new red boots. Strangely, she felt as if someone was coming her way, which was odd; nobody should out this time of night and picked up her head to see the stranger in the distance but all she saw was blinding snow and darkness. Amy took a step back in fear as she checked her watch on her wrist. "It's 12:00 at night! Who in the right of mind would be out?" she mumbled to herself as her sensitive hearing picked up on the stranger's footsteps and heard that its pace was getting slower. Amy gulped fear as she thought of who it could be and she was praying it wasn't a killer on the loose. Amy squinted her eyes to get a better view and to her happiness it was Sonic the hedgehog. Amy's once fast heartbeat slowed to a steady beat as she saw the azul hero walk towards her. Sonic was wearing a loose dark blue T-shirt with baggy blue jeans with a blue and red dragon on the side of his left pants leg. Amy saw that his head was cast down and knew that something was bothering him but decided to keep her mouth shut about the issue. " Sonic!!" she squealed in surprise which cause him to stop his movement. Sonic looked up at her with complete annoyance and anger in his eyes; he felt that she would never leave him alone and even when he died, she'd still be there haunting his soul forever. Amy's eyes were full of concern and sadness as she took a few closer steps towards him. Sonic clenched his fist and growled hatefully at the female.
" Stay away from me..." he growled meanly.
Amy blinked in surprise at the tone of voice. "Why Sonic? I thought I was your friend?"
Sonic snapped his head up to look her with brutal truth.
" I can't stand you!!! I hate you !! Can you say that? I-H-A-T-E-Y-O-U!! Your always following me and I wish you could just die and go to hell !! Get out of my life, you pink moron!!" he screeched making Amy's ears hurt and ring. Did she here right? Her hero hated her and all she wanted to do was get him a new snowboard for Christmas. Amy's emerald eyes filled with crystal tears and one by one they fell in cold snow below her. Her heart ached and hurt so much that she fell to her knees, clutching her chest and gasping as if she was dying. Sonic was still standing there smirking and snickering and decided to make her life worst than it was. "Oh I forgot to tell you Sally and I are together so we don't really need you around anymore." That did it for Amy; she just couldn't stand here any longer. She stood up and ran home not once turning back, tears fading into the night sky. Sonic shrugged and turned around and began walking back from where he came, unknown to them that a certain pair of ruby red eyes watched the whole thing.
' Ohhhhh!! That bastard!! Some hero, He'll pay I can promise you that' she vowed to herself as she put the brush down and walked out the bathroom. Once out the bathroom she stood in a long hallway, which to her, seemed to go on forever. She sighed "I have a feeling it's going to be a long day" slowly she began to walk down the stairs to the kitchen. As soon as she got to the kitchen, she saw her Chao, Heart sitting on the table, eating an apple. "I see you're up pretty early today Heart." Amy said with a happy smile. Heart looked at Amy and nodded. Amy shrugged "Well since not as hungry, I guess a fruit will do for breakfast." Heart again nodded and threw Amy an apple with good speed, but Amy had been practicing with her reflexes and fighting skills and caught the apple with ease. " I wonder what's going to happen today?" Amy asked Heart as she took a bite of her apple. Heart gave Amy confused look making Amy shake her head. " Hey Heart, what time is it?" Heart looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 7:26am. " Well, I got some time." Amy shrugged and took another bite of her apple. She was about to finish the rest of her breakfast when there was a faint knock on the door. Amy blinked in surprise, "Who could that be?" she wondered as she walked over to the door.
"Who is it?" she asked sweetly.
"It's me Cream and Blaze" said Cream politely.
Amy's eyes widened "Hold on"
Amy quick opened the locks of her door and saw Blaze and Cream. Blaze wore a beautiful light purple bell-bottom pants, short sleeve shirt that said 'Pretty Kitty' on the front, on her feet, was the most beautiful pair of black high heel boots that Amy ever seen. Cream was different though, she wore a pretty yellow skirt, a white short sleeve blouse with a yellow flower pendant pinned on the right side of the blouse and two pens and pencils in the front pocket of the blouse. What really made Cream stand out was her hair. Cream had a French curl bang than hung loose and covered her left eye and two bright yellow bows on each of her long floppy ears. Both girls were amazed at Amy's outfit; both thought that wouldn't be her style but they were wrong, DEAD wrong. "Wow Amy, you look tough and yet very pretty." said a very cheery Cream. Amy blushed, "You really think so?" Both girls nodded. "I'd bet you'd get all the guys wild this year." joked Blaze but when Blaze looked back at Amy crestfallen face, she knew she said the wrong thing at the wrong time. Cream frowned "Amy are you OK.?" Amy looked at the both the girls and gave a smile. "Yeah I'm fine. Come on Let's get going" Blaze and Cream looked at Amy as she picked up her book bag and locked the door behind her. Amy stopped for a second and realized that they seemed in shocked and being impatient, Amy started tapping her foot. "Well?" snapped Amy and both girls smiled at their leader. "Yeah we're ready. You wanna race?" asked Blaze. Amy shrugged "sure why not". Cream raised her hand, "I'll start the countdown. 1... 2...3... GO!!!" Cream shouted and they were off, with Amy in the lead. At that moment, Amy Rose knew that this year was so going to be the best year ever... or so she though... As the three girls raced, Amy felt peace, something she had been dying to have for years and she was finally getting that chance. Running for a least an hour, Amy suddenly came to a halt, making the other girls shocked. "Why did you stop Rose?" questioned Cream as she slid to a stop right behind Amy. Rose however wasn't paying any attention to Cream or Blaze at all, but was staring at a corner not to far from the sports store and a Chao day-care across the street. Blaze walked up from behind Amy to see what made her stop and a anger filled her golden eyes. It was the bus stop and who do you think was there? Sonic and his dumb team. Amy glared as she made her way closer to the stop. Cream looked up at Amy and nervously gulped at the site of Amy's hateful face and knew right then that Amy could lose it any minute from now.
"Amy are you OK?" Cream asked shyly.
"Yeah Rosey, you gonna be OK?" asked Blaze as put her hand on Amy's shoulder. Amy shrugged and walked over to the stop having Tails making her presence known. Tails looked behind and saw the girls walk up to the group. "Well, if it isn't Amy Rose... Going to chase Sonic this year or is too fast for ya" he laughed foolhardy as the others looked at the pink girl and began to giggle and snicker softly. Amy took in deep breath and glared hotly at the two tails. Amy smirked "Why waste my time with 'Fakers' when I can have someone real and caring, you two tailed freak!!" Those made everyone stop smiling and turned serious as they looked at the girl and fox, all but certain black figure in the back of the crowd.
Shadow, who was enjoying his own time, smiled slightly as he heard the word 'Faker' come from Amy's rosey pink lips. Shadow smirked slightly, 'I have to admit, the girl's got spunk. She just might be the one... I must be losing my head...' just as soon as that thought came, Shadow growled and tried so hard to get the mental picture of Amy from his head but failed to do so. Ever since she helped him, she was always on his mind day and night. Sure he couldn't help but like her but he seem that she'll like him back since her mind was all Sonic. Shadow looked up to see his look-alike and felt a sudden feeling of hate rush though him. 'He'll never care about her like I do. Amy, why do you even waste you time, on this waste of life.' He sighed and was about to walk off, but that thought was cut off when he heard a soft gasp coming from the crowd.
Tails was dumbfounded and was white as a ghost when he heard those words come from Rose. "Rose...Take them back..." he pleaded as he took a step back and bumped into Knuckles, who was backing him up for support. Amy smirk grew wide "Aren't YOU going to chase Cream this year Tails? Oh I forgot. She might not want to be with stalkers, let alone nerdy weirdoes" That did it for Tails as he fell to the ground in tears and Amy's shadow stood over him. "You're such a lame ass, Freak." She rolled her eyes and being herself, she walked away from him with happy grin on her face. Knuckles looked up at her with a challenging look. " Rose that's enough!! Leave him alone." Amy huffed angrily with her hands on her hips. "All right I will, but tell you freaky friend to back off before he gets hurt." Sonic then walked up from behind the red echidna with a look of hate and amusement in his eyes. Amy smiled as she batted her eyes "Hey Faker you finally shown your true blue colors" Sonic snarled. " Shut it girl, your voice is killing me." Amy blinked in surprise. "Really? OK, I'll sing for you!!" She mocked as she began to sing 'Going Under' by Evanescence. Sonic shook his head to try to keep his anger down as much as possible. He looked back up at her with sudden rage, which confused the girl a bit. "Don't ever tease Tails like that ever again?" Suddenly Rose stopped her singing and looked at the azul hero in amusement. "Or what?" she urged him and he moved closer to her and raised his fist. Amy looked up in fear and shock, as he got closer with full intents to make her bleed. Sonic, who was now above her, smiled sinisterly down at her with his gloved fist reared back ready to strike and break her jaw. "You wouldn't dare?" stammered Amy as she took a step back. All the other girls watched in horror as they saw their leader almost fearing for her life. Cream couldn't believe her eyes as she saw Sonic tower over Rose. Tears formed in her eyes as she watched the scene in front of her. 'This cannot be...Sonic wouldn't hurt Amy...Would he?' she fell to her knees and cried silent tears while Blaze stood strong and ready to back up Amy. Blaze glared at the blue blur and was waiting for his next move. 'Go on you blue rat, try something' she urged silently as she watched on. Everyone was watching in fear and excitement as continued to watch but was not prepared to here the next few words that caused the whole crowd to gasp. Sonic started to chuckle evilly which was something everybody didn't hear at all from the hero. Sonic smiled at the frightened girl, "Oh but I would and I will." and with good speed he let his fist try to make contact with her face, making Amy close her eyes in fear and pray to God above to make it quick...But it never came...at least for her...