MidnightsFantasy: Okay peeps, here's chapter 2

Warning: This chapter contains Cloud x Leon lemon...you no like, you no read. comprehende?

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy characters...even though I control what they do! mwahahahaha!!!


Chapter 2

I couldn't see anything now. My vision was being blinded by darkness. But the darkness was starting to lift and a light began to shine. I looked around desperately, trying to find someone, anyone. I aimlessly walked around and took in my surroundings. Nothing to brag about, really. Endless white...yipee. Only one question kept running through my mind...where's Leon? I sat down and held my knees to my chest, my forehead resting on them. I rocked back and forth as small tears ran from my eyes.

"Where are you, Leon? I'm scared and I don't know what to do. Please...come and find me."

I looked up at the whiteness all around me. Suddenly I felt myself being lifted off of the ground and a soft voice whispering in my ear.

"Don't be afraid. Everything will be alright. Just relax, it's okay."

I guess the person or whoever it was was harmless. So I just decided to do what the voice said and I let my whole body relax, feeling the stress drift away like a cloud in the sky. I found myself rising higher and higher until I was set down on something fluffly. I looked around me. Hmm...blue skies, white puffy clouds, but no one there.

"What the hell is going on?"

"You're in any place but hell, sweetheart," a woman's voice chimed.

"Hey, you're that voice from before. Are you the one who lifted me off of the ground?"

"Indeed I am. I am Rinoa, the Angel of Death. I have brought you here to see if you can enter heaven."

"You're joking? I have to be reviewed to enter heaven?"

"Yes. It is very annoying at times. But most pass with flying colors. Well, let's begin," Rinoa said as she held up her right hand.

Then two huge golden gates came from the clouds. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Beyond the gates there were people, angels no doubt. But to my amazement, I saw the one angel I had been longing to see. I couldn't believe it.

"Leon?" I said unconciously.

"Hm? You know him?" Rinoa asked.

I saw Leon look over towards the gate and his eyes widened in shock.

"Cloud? Baby is that you?" he asked as he walked over to the gate.

I turned towards him and ran near the gate. Here we were. Two lovers who were torn apart by death. Now, we were only inches apart, the only obstacle standing in our way was a gate. He reached out and ran his palm along my cheek. I leaned into the touch and closed my eyes. I've longed to have his hand upon me again and now it's really happening.

"It really is you," he whispered softly, leaning closer to the gate.

I smiled. I opened my eyes and saw the joy shining in his grey ones.

"We need to begin, Cloud," Rinoa said; gesturing for me to come.

I turned to look at her and then I glanced back at Leon.

"It's okay. I'll be right here," he said to me.

I then turned my body and walked back over to Rinoa. She smiled warmly at me and then pulled out a little black book from her bag, which came out of nowhere. That seems to happen a lot here. Anyway, she opened the book and flipped through a few pages.

"You're very young to be dead, Cloud and you died from jumping off of a building? Well, certainly haven't seen that one before. I have only one question for you, why did you do it?"

I should've known that she might ask that. But I was prepared with an answer.

"My lover was murdered and I just wanted to be with him again. I tried to go on without him, but...I couldn't. I loved him too much to be apart from him."

"How touching! There was still no excuse for what you have done. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do and I'm willing to take a punishment."

She seemed to ponder over this...until Leon interrupted her.

"Rinoa, please let Cloud in. He'd never do anything like this if he didn't have a good reason. Please...please let him through."

I looked from Leon back to her. Rinoa looked at me and then smiled.

"You have a very stong bond with Leon. It seems that I cannot ignore it. Welcome to heaven, Cloud."

"Thank you."

Then the large gates parted, allowing me entry. I immediately ran to Leon and jumped in his arms laughing from joy. He was smiling too as he held my body close to his in a warm embrace.

"Oh, Cloud. It's so great to have you back in my arms."

"I understand. I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too," he said as a tear ran down his cheek.

"I love you, Leon."

"I love you too, Cloud."

He laid his forehead against mine. His steel grey eyes now stared into my sapphire ones. He pressed his lips against mine ran one of his hands down my back. I couldn't help but moan. I haven't had his hands on my body since he died. He pulled me closer against him and I kissed him harder. After what seemed like an eternity, we broke apart for much needed air.

"It's seems you've been deprived of my body for too long," he said seductively.

"Fuck yes I've been deprived."

I knew that he could tell that I was needy. Being pressed up against Leon was making my body react. He reached down and grabbed me, right in the middle of public.

"Ah! Leon..." I moaned.

He chuckled slightly, obviously amused at the state I was in.

"You want it that badly, do you?"

"At the moment yeah! Stop touching me out here!"

"Okay," he answered simply and let go of me.

I gasped and breathed deeply. I hadn't felt like this in a long time. Leon was doing things to me that was making me go crazy. He took my hand and led me into heaven.

"Come on. I want to show you my place."


We walked for a long time among the clouds. Surprisingly, the houses were exactly the same they were at home. We finally reached Leon's home, which was huge. It was like a mansion...okay, it was a mansion. He led me inside and it looked like something you'd see in a dream.

"Well, what do you think?"

"It's beautiful! I love it!"

I saw him smile and before I knew what was happening, he was tickling the hell out of me. I fell to the floor laughing, small tears running from my eyes.

"S-Stop Leon! Hahaha! I give! I surrender!" I yelled between laughs.

He was laughing as well. Leon clearly enjoyed torturing me like this. It was at this time that I noticed that Leon was staddling me.

"You planned that, didn't you?"

"Just because I'm an angel doesn't mean that I play fair," he smirked.

I looked into his eyes and saw the desire within them. I was a little worried, to be honest. Leon could sometimes be a little rough and I have a feeling that since he hasn't seen me in two weeks, he was gonna be a little rough with me. This is gonna be a long night...

Normal POV

Leon leaned forward and captured Cloud's lips. His tongue ran across them, begging for entrance. The blonde complied, not wanting to put up a fight. Said smirking brunette was now lying on Cloud, completely covering him. He sucked lightly on his tongue, making him moan and thrust upwards. Leon growled deeply and thrust back against him.

Cloud dug his nails into Leon's back, pleasure coursing throughout his body. Leon pulled away, breaking their passionate kiss. The needy blonde groaned, disappointed that Leon stopped his actions. The other chuckled slightly.

"Easy, I'll give you what you want. I just thought that it would be more comfortable in my room. Unless you want to keep going..."

"Just get me up there before I go crazy dammit!"

His lover complied without complaint. He got off of Cloud and picked him up then began to ascend the white marble stairs. Cloud wrapped his arms around Leon's neck and rested his head on his shoulder. Once they reached the room, he laid the over eager Cloud on the satin bed. Quickly both embraced each other in their arms. The brunette stared at his lover for a moment.

"What is it Leon?"

"Just happy that I have you back. I've been so lonely. Everytime I would get into bed, I'd always look beside of me and hope to see you there. But you were never there and now...its as if my dream has come true."

"I understand."

"But enough of that. Let's focus on now," he said as he pulled his body on top of Cloud.

Leon's lips connected with Cloud's again, their feverish kiss beginning once again. Leon moved his hand up and down Cloud's shirt and dragged his fingers across his chest. His fingers ghosted across his sensitive nipples, making the blonde moan loudly. Leon broke the kiss and lifted his shirt off, revealing his strong chest and abs. Cloud gingerly touched the smooth skin, making the brunette smile. He leaned back down, his mouth next to Cloud's ear.

"Is this ok? I mean, if you want me to stop then I will."

"No it's alright. I'm fine."

"Wait here. I'll be right back."

The brunette disappeared from sight, only to return a few seconds later. He had a small bottle with him. At that point, Cloud became a little nervous. Leon sat on the bed and kissed Cloud's forehead.

"Relax. I won't hurt you," he said as he squeezed some of the lubricant on his fingers.

"I know you won't hurt me. I love you."

"I love you too, Cloud," Leon said as he placed a finger at Cloud's enterance.

Then he slowly pushed the lubricated finger past the tight ring of muscle. He felt Cloud move slightly underneath of him.

'I don't want to hurt him. I know this is uncomfortable for him, but if I don't it'll hurt worse.'

Cloud got used to it quickly and sighed in pleasure...until the second and third fingers were added. The blonde cried out slightly and Leon grabbed his hand with his free one. Cloud's fingers linked with Leon's, gripping tightly.

"Leon..." Cloud's strained voice whispered.

"Shhh...it's okay."

'I'm sorry Cloud. I'm so sorry. It'll all be okay. I forgot that you haven't had this for awhile.'

Leon scissored his fingers back and forth in Cloud. Soon the blonde male was moaning in pleasure. The brunette removed his fingers and coated his erection with the lube. He looked into Cloud's eyes again. Uncertainty was vibrant in those blue orbs. Leon reached out and stroked Cloud's cheek.

"Baby, do you want this?"

Cloud smiled at his concerned lover, "Of course I do."

Now it was Leon's turn to smile lovingly at his angel. He positioned himself at the blonde's entrance while leaning forward and kissing Cloud to distract him from the penetration. Then he slowly began to push himself inside of him. Cloud gasped, breaking the kiss, and that was when his features showed a sign of pain. Concern suddenly crept into Leon's mind.

'He's extremely tight even though I prepared him! I really hope I don't hurt him a lot. I don't want this to be a bad experience for him.'

Once Leon was about halfway into Cloud, the blonde cried out in pain at the size of his boyfriend. Leon immediately stopped all movements and held onto Cloud's hand, trying his best to comfort him. But as he looked at Cloud's face, he saw that his beautiful blue eyes were tightly shut and a small tear made it's way down his cheek. Before the tear could reach his chin Leon wiped it away with his free hand.

"I'm sorry, Cloud. I...I never wanted to hurt you. Can you do this?"

Cloud only released a small whimper and slowly opened his green tinted eyes to look at his love. Lacing their fingers together he said, "Leon, I love you. I want this."

"But I was hurting you babe," he said sadly as he ran his free hand through the blonde spikes.

"Please Leon, keep going."

'What do I do? I don't want to hurt him anymore.'

Aggrivated at Leon's stillness, he screamed, "Dammit, Leon, move!"

Tired of waiting, Cloud grasped Leon's hips and forced him forward; driving Leon all the way inside of him, screaming as he was fully penetrated.

"Cloud, are you ok? Why did you do that baby?"

"Cause you wouldn't move dammit. Go on, please."

Leon had no complaints on that one. He began to pull out slowly and then push back in. Cloud's breath hitched as Leon hit that one spot that made him go crazy. The blonde moaned loudly and began to thrust his hips against Leon's, causing more friction.

"Faster, Leon. Faster...nnh!"

The brunette grinned and pounded into his lover as fast as he could. Cloud was now reduced to a shuddering mass of nothing but pleasure as his lover his his sweet spot every time. Leon couldn't help but moan along with Cloud for the feeling of finally becoming one with his baby was too much to bear. Suddenly his stomach tightened and a strong feeling came over him.

"Cloud! I'm going to cum!"

"Nnn...come for me, ange."

Leon yelled Cloud's name as he reached his blessed release. At the sound of his brunette climaxing, Cloud followed shortly after onto their stomachs. Said Leon was breathing rapidly, sweating from every pore. Breathless, he looked at his porcelain skinned angel and kissed him deeply. When the kiss ended, Cloud pulled his lover down beside of him and cuddled next to his toned boyfriend. Wrapping an arm around his small waist and nuzzling his neck, Cloud sighed and fell into his thoughts.

Cloud POV

So here I lay now, with the only one I could ever truly love. His arm wrapped around my back and pulled me closer to him and I happily snuggled closer to his warmth, happy to be with him again.

"Cloud?" he whispered.


"I love you, Cloud. I love you more than life itself," he whispered as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too, Leon. I'd give up anything for you."

Which is true. I gave my life for him. But it was worth it; because now I can be with him and I don't have to cry anymore.

The End