Chapter 1

Just a Dream

Transylvania, September 23, 1456

She sat on a stone bench watching the sunset she's waiting, waiting for what or who? It's seemed like an eternity to her "where are you? My love, please come home" she said to herself. In a far distant she heard a voice calling out her name "Elisabetha" the woman got up from the stone bench only to see her love walking towards her. His are stretched out longing for her. "Mathias?!" Elisabetha ran into her lover's arm, bind in his embrace "My lord I long for your returned, my prayer are answered" Elisabetha resting her head on Mathias' chest.

Mathias stroking his lover's hair "Oh, Elisabetha there is no need to worry I'm here, my love and I will always be here" he said lifting her chin to stare in her blue crystal eyes and reaching down to kiss her lips.

Late at night Lisa woke up from her dream with a start,"w...what was that sound" she said to herself. She heard some noises out side of her cottage almost like a growl of sort. She then got up from her bed and went toward the window in her room. She lives by herself in a small village in Transylvania, her parents past away. Her mother had taken ill from some time of sickness when she was at the age of ten and died her father just died of old age about four or fives years ago, she visits both their graves outside of the village. When she was near the window in her night gown, she held her cross that was around her neck, squeezed tightly in both her hands, till she got there she was relief that the sound only came from a dog passing through.

"Thank goodness" she said gently letting go her cross which swung around her neck. She sighed and walk back to her bed, she stared at the ceiling of her room "why do I have these dreams? And who was that man, man named Mathias it as if I knew him before, but where? Oh well, it's not important it was just a dream. Its getting close to winter, maybe I should get some herbs in case there could be some people ill this winter" she thought to herself and sleep came over her.


Early in the cool morning, Lisa went into the village to get some supplies for her long trip in the forest, see the village is near a huge forest easy to go in and out of the it by a small trail, but there is also a lovely river in the forest and also different kind of unknown plants which could be helpful for Lisa's herbs and medicine, and finally in the forest lies small graves which both of her parents together rest in peace.

She lived in a village that believes in superstitions and we all know how far people will believe in any superstitions even silly ones, right? "Lisa, Lisa!" a woman's voice with dark brown her wearing a simple dark green dress coming thru of crowd of people, "good morning

," "good morning to you Lisa, how are you doing, I see you are getting some supplies for whatever for if I may ask?" Rosette is Lisa's somewhat a childhood friend you can say. "Well if you must know I'm going into the forest to look for some herbs before winter comes knocking at our doors" Lisa smiling after her last words. "Lisa, you cannot keep on doing this, what will happen when people think you're doing…" Rosette getting closer to Lisa and whispering her last words in to her ear "…witch craft"

Lisa looking down then at to her friend, whispering, "I am not doing witch craft Rosette you know that I am no witch either, and don't worry I am only concern for the people's health this winter and…and I do wish to help everyone Rosette" Turning her gaze to the walking villagers "You that's what you wish for Lisa, but please be careful promise me you will be careful" "You have my word Rosette" giving her friend a hug, "I must off I need to go home and check on my Husband and son" "oh and how is little Jonathan doing?" Rosette smiling to Lisa question "he is doing fine for a three year old" Lisa smiling thinking what it would be like to have a child of her own someday. Rosette looking at Lisa knowing what she was thinking of, oh how they know each other so well.

"Lisa…" Rosette began to say, getting Lisa's attention, "Lisa, you will have a child someday I know it and I hope it will be a beautiful one indeed just like a little Jonathan" giving Lisa her hopes smile. "Thank you Rosette, I really needed that, perhaps God will answer my prays one day and may just maybe I'll find some one to love me" me you will Lisa, you will. I must be off, good bye Lisa and be careful" Rosette hurrying off. Lisa sighs and went off to the Direction of the forest trail. "I wonder what its like to have a family of your own with a loving husband and a child of your own, maybe I'll know what it is like someday." Wondering to herself "and those dreams, what do they mean? They must mean something, but what? It does not matter now dreams are just dreams, right?"

Finally reached the trail and soon began to walk thru into the dark forest.

Author's Note: Sorry it took me so long to update this story, since school started I just been busy with homework, tests, projects, etc... And just to let you know I might not update soon, but I promise to finish this story. Please review or have any ideas to help me, till then be patient.