Authors note: I know this is kind of short, but I couldn't leave this alone. Apparently when you search for things like potassium, water, explosion, and chemistry pranks, you find some pretty awesome ideas. And to think I just wanted a break from forthcoming classes…
WASHINGTON- A large explosion erupted from the plumbing of the Jeffersonian Medico-Legal lab this morning. Witnesses claim the sound was heard first, followed the geyser of water that shot from the floor. Shortly before the chaos, two employees were seen sprinting out of the men's restroom, approximately three minutes before the blast occurred. "They were carrying a large metal tray and what appeared to be a large quantity of newspapers." Says Dr. Mitch Cooper who suffered minor burns from the fire that started as a result of the denotation. These men were taken from the scene after the incident for suspicious activity. Soon to be identified as Dr…
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"INCREDIBLE!" Dr. Saroyan waved the Post in the air as she continued her rant to the men sitting at her desk. "Do you two honestly think this is amusing? I have had board members calling me day and night asking how I'm going to handle this! Jack, even you must have limits! Dr. Addy, you must have known the damage this would cause." Cam glared at the calm scientist, the other squirming nervously in her chair. "What am I to do? Attempt to fire the millionaire who built and destroyed my lab? Or his comrade, the one I had to push the budget to hire?" Silence.
"Dr. Saroyan, Zach really didn't have much to do with this one. We were discussing what we could do with the remaining Potassium in the Chem lab. I came up with idea of the toilet. All he did was hold the supplies so I could wrap it in the newspaper and flush."
"You sound a bit too proud Hodgins, after just blowing up half the lab and injuring a couple of coworkers!" Cam's voice had now reached the limits of hysteria.
"---Dobson only has a slight concussion," interrupted Zach, making sure he got in his say, "and Mitch from accounting will be fine after his eyebrows grow back in."
"Honestly Dr. Addy, the point is not that injuries are minor, it is that you two have caused such an uproar I actually don't know what to do with you! Do not worry however, I…" Before Cam could continue, shouts rang out from behind her door. "Oh god, what now? You both-- sit!" She growled before rushing out of the office. Ignoring instructions and giving a grin to the surprised Zach, both scientists jammed their heads out the door. A large projection was gracing the lab wall. Holding his stomach in laughter, Hodgins watched as a cartoon Cam was repeatedly beheaded, a picture version of Dr. Brennan swinging a gigantic, medieval axe.
"Oh man Zach." he said. "We so owe Angela."
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