The Bewitching Hour…

Hermione and Harry were at The Burrow in Harry's room having a fight, both were standing facing each other. Harry was telling her about his plans to leave. Hermione got upset and defensive. She tried to stop him, but he was set on leaving.

"Harry! I'm not saying that! Will you just stop and li-"she was cut off.

"No! Hermione it won't stop so I need to leave, now! It's for your own good!" he said throwing his belongings in his trunk.

"Harry when we said we would stay with you we meant it! We won't let you come to any harm!" she cried, tears in her eyes.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, without you guys, to Godrick's Hollow. I won't let you guys get hurt." he had locked his trunk and was now placing it in front of his bed so he could grab it tomorrow.

"Harry, we love you. Please don't do this." She pleaded. She was on the floor now crying.

"Hermione please don't do this, I need to leave this is my problem not yours." He kneeled down and embraced her.

"I won't go now then, will that make you happy?" he said she looked up at him and mustered a meek smile.

"Harry, please stay or let us go with you." He stood up.

"Hermione, I think you should go to bed now, it's really late and Mrs. Weasley would kill us knowing you were in here, again." He bent down and picked her up. She turned and faced him. He wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Go get some sleep okay? And don't worry about me. I'll stay. Goodnight." He kissed her on her forehead. She smiled and left to go to her own room. She had to go to bed soon because tomorrow was there trip to Kings Cross.

The next morning was chaotic. But when they finally got there everyone was now calm and emotional. Finally, when all the hugs and kisses were exchanged, they were all on the train. Hermione and Ginny were sitting on one side and Ron and Harry on the other. It was their seventh year, Ginny's sixth. The train ride went by fast especially since it was indeed their last ride to Hogwarts. They watched the sorting for the last time. It was kind of depressing. Hermione was especially upset and it was not good, only their second day and already Hermione had gotten into five fights with Ron and three with Harry. It was distressing so she decided she would cool down and went walking. As she walked she tried to clear her head. But that was a difficult task everywhere she went there was some sort of commotion. Even the library was loud. She ended up just walking around willing herself to find a suitable place to be alone. She had the overwhelming feeling that she needed to be somewhere else, comfortable, stress-free environment whose air was not filled with such tension. As she walked she stumbled across the Room of Requirement. Perfect she mumbled as she grasped the handle. She turned it slowly and opened the door. She walked inside. There was a chair and sofa in front of a fire place perfect for what she wanted. She sat down and started to think. She went to close her eyes but she saw a second door.

"What the hell?" she said as she got up and crossed the room and looked at the door. Is there supposed to be a second door? She thought. Was it to another room? There was never a second door when her and Harry used it. Nor was there one when she used it. Now that she thought about it, there wasn't one when they were doing the DA. So why was it only now that it appears? Should I open it? No this room has many things unknown about it. What if it is a portal or something? That's ridiculous though. Dumbledore would have told us if it was. I'll just ignore it. She sat down once again. She closed her eyes and relaxed. The sight off the door flashed beneath her closed eyelids. Ugh this is ridiculous. She thought. She sat up and walked over to the door. She grabbed the knob and turned.

Lupin's P.O.V.

Remus was watching his two best friends wrestle on the floor. It had not been started by an argument, but just for the fun of it. James went to grab Sirius' arm but grabbed only air. He collided with the small couch Remus was occupying. The book he had long abandoned had landed with a loud thud. James jumped up and lunged at Sirius and caught him by surprise. Within seconds Sirius was on the ground, pinned by James.

"I can't even read three sentences without being disrupted." Said Remus in a mock-angry tone.

"Sorry Moony, but James just wouldn't shut up about You-Know-Who…" Sirius said, giving him a cheeky grin James punched him in the arm.

"Oh really James, just leave her alone and she'll notice how you've "matured" Stated Remus. James looked lost in thought for about three seconds until Sirius literally knocked him out of it. Hitting him hard in the side, Sirius laughed.

"Wrestling isn't mature, if that's what you mean Moony!" James holding his sides complained.

"Ouch, that hurt."

"Sorry Jamie boy." Teased Sirius. Remus just stood up and left the common room. He began walking up random corridors, trying desperately to entertain himself.

"I need somewhere comfortable…" he said to himself. The Room of Requirement! He quickly but quietly made his way towards the Room of requirement. He paced the Wall three times. The door appeared and he walked in. Cozy. He thought. It had a small couch and I kindling fire. He stretched out upon the couch and started to read. As he looked at the title of the chapter he was on over the book he saw a door. Is that supposed to be there? He asked himself. He wasted no time in trying to find out what it was, or where it led to. He crossed the room and grabbed the door handle. It wouldn't turn. It felt as thought there was someone else trying to open it. He let go and stepped back, waiting for the other person to open it first. He watched the knob, it turned and slowly the door opened. In the door way stood a teenage girl, with curly brown hair. She was wearing long sleeve v neck olive green shirt with a white tank top peeking out from the neckline with beige drawstring pants.

Hermione's P.O.V.

Hermione turned the knob but it wouldn't move. She tried to turn it again and it opened. She cautiously opened the door. She gave a small gasp. There was a tall teenage boy, dirty blond hair and in a Gryffindor Uniform. It was Remus Lupin, at age seventeen.

"Hello." He said quite calmly. She just stood there in shock, her mind reeling. Is this possible? She thought. Had she gone back in time? How? Well now I have to deal with the present, but I can't tell him "Oh yeah I'm from 20 years into the future." She needed an excuse, now.

"Hi, I'm Her- Emily Chanliere. I'm a, transfer student from Beauxbatons. I'm looking for Dumbledore." She said she hoped to Merlin he believed her. He looked at her for a second and then took a step back.

"Why are you here so late?" he asked. She responded instantly.

"Dumbledore set up a portkey for me and I came from Beauxbatons, we're in a different time zone." He seemed to believe her. He turned.

"I'll take you there now then." She followed him out into the hall. Dumbledore had been the first person she could think of. He was so smart and "all knowing" he must know what to do. He had told her once he had a mix up with time once, he would understand. They were going right towards the big Gargoyles.

"Acid Pops" Remus said.

"How do you know the password?" Hermione asked openly.

"I'm a Prefect." He answered as the stairs ascended upwards.

"Come in." She heard a voice say inside. Remus opened the door. And Hermione stepped inside.

"Hello Miss Chanlier, I'm glad you could make it. Remus, thank you for escorting her here you may go now." He said to Remus. Remus nodded his head and walked out, closing the door behind him. Hermione was so confused she just sat down in a chair.

"Well Miss Granger. You're probably wondering what your doing here, and how you got here." He said. She was right he knew everything.

Lupin's P.O.V.

As Remus walked back to his companions in the common room he took a few moments to think about what just happened. 'That was interesting,' he thought to himself,' why was a young, attractive, student from Beauxbatons arriving here by Port Key? Why a Port Key? Why not just arrive here by flu powder or apparation?' He now realized that he was in front of the common room door. He said the password, 'scarlet ibis' and the portrait hole swung open, inviting him into the warm room compared to the cold chill of the corridors. Sirius waved enthusiastically while on top of James.

"I swear if I walk into another scene like this I'm moving three beds down from you guys. Last time I checked Sirius's nickname was not 'Lily'." He said as he sat down in a squishy armed chair.

"Aw don't be like that Moony. You know I love Lily." James replied as he struggled from underneath Sirius to get up. "We're going to have a kid some day. Hmmm… Ronald, eh Harry-No! James. Wait I got it. Harry James Potter!"

"Why would you name him Harry? You should name after the greatest, most brilliant wizard in Britain!" Sirius declared majestically, standing on the couch in imitation of a great statue.

James threw him an incredulous look.

"And who might that be?"

"Why, I should think it's rather obvious. Me, of course. Just you wait. In 10 or so years, I'll be the greatest wizard ever known, mentioned in newspapers worldwide and respected by every wizard!" Sirius told him with an arrogant grin.

"What ever you say Sirius. I've got to catch up with Evans and see if she'll help me on this bloody potions essay." He yawned.

As much as Remus liked helping James with his homework he just wasn't in the mood tonight. The thought of that mysterious girl bugged him deeply. Lupin picked up his abandoned book and began to read. After a while he lost interest and decided to tell them about the strange and striking girl he had met by in the room of requirement. Why would either of them be asleep at 2 0'clock in the morning? That would actually make sense.

Hermione's P.O.V.

"Well Ms. Granger I suppose you would like to know your schedule?" Dumbledore said with a hint of a smile playing upon his face.

"Am I actually staying here, in this time period? I mean what if I disrupt the balance of time? Shouldn't I be heading back? Harry and Ron will be dreadfully worried about me…" She rambled. To her ears it sounded vaguely familiar like something Luna Lovegood would say.

"Ms. Granger, I trust you know how to behave yourself. As long as your arrival from a different time period stays a secret and you do not draw too much attention to yourself I'm sure everything will be fine." Dumbledore replied confidently.

"O-okay. That would make sense." She said to herself. Her word being the conclusion of the discussion she was sent off to bed. She had been informed that there was already a bed waiting for her and would be marked with her 'name'. Hermione made her way to the Gryffindor common room.