Hi and welcome to my newest fic! Now, this is my first time writing Yu Yu Hakusho, so please bare with me. Be gentle in the reviews, but I'd also like some criticism.

Alright, before I begin I have to post some warnings. This fic contains YAOI, MPREG, SHONEN AI, AND LEMON SCENES. If you're uncomfortable with any of the following, I suggest you find another story to read. Don't go complaining to me that you found something in my story "disgusting", cause all I'll say is "I warned ya!"

Also, this story is a HIEIXKURAMA fic!

That's about it for the intro, so, on with the story!

Talent For Love

Chapter One

All seemed completely quiet and still as the fox's keen eyes scanned the surrounding area in search of his "prey". He sat high up in a tree, completely hidden to the naked eye, concealing his ki. Reaching up, he wiped the sweat from the brow on the back of his sleeve. His breathing was ragged, and to put it simply; he was exhausted. He'd been on a chase for nearly three hours now, but his prey didn't seem to be willing to give up. Chasing him down and capturing him would be the only way to end this little game, Kurama knew this well. However, the idea of capturing the little fire demon and the actual action were far different from one another. The hiyoukai was crafty, hiding his ki and running at speeds even Kurama couldn't pursue. Hiei was being playful today, and Kurama suspected he had plenty more energy to burn off. This had to end quickly, before the kitsune suffered from a heart attack.

Suddenly, a flash of ki was released in the distance, giving off Hiei's position. Kurama, grinned. His mate knew he was exhausted and actually wanted to be caught, so he was making it easier on the fox. Sprinting off, Kurama followed the signal and came to an open meadow that the two demons used for sparing. It was miles from their house, but they still considered it as their property. No one lived close enough to walk through the forest or the meadow, so the two were free to play their demonic games.

Entering into the giant field, the kitsune leapt up into one of the trees to have a look around. Everything was still, to the human eye at least. But if one looked close enough, they would see a blur of black, getting further and further away. Kurama's lips curled into a grin once more as he took off and chased after his target. Hiei was much easier to pursue now that he was in sight, and the fox knew this would all end soon. Within seconds, Kurama had caught up to the half-koorime. It only took him a few more seconds to pounce and pin the petite demon to the ground.

Hands on the hiyoukai's shoulders, straddling his hips, Kurama smiled down devilishly at his prey. Hiei lay below him, covered in a layer of sweat and smiling as well (a sight that few get to witness, one that is specifically reserved for his fox). His crimson eyes locked onto Kurama's green ones as the fox whispered.

"Got you."

Hiei shivered as the fox's hot breath met his neck. He regained his composure within seconds, however. "Yes, but what do you plan on doing to me now that you've got me?" he asked, his eyes practically shimmering with lust.

Kurama smirked and leaned down, pressing his soft, moist lips to that of the fire demon's. They shared a long, lingering kiss before the kitsune pulled back to examine his prey. "That, for a start. I think we should go back to the house and get cleaned up before we continue though."


The two demons headed back to their home, sweaty and exhausted. They entered through the back door and hurriedly found their way to the bathroom. Kurama pulled the shower curtain aside and turned the water on. Hiei busied himself undressing as Kurama readied their shower with the necessary things (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, wash cloths, soap). Once the shower was prepared, Kurama started to shed his clothes as well.

Hiei grinned as the fox's dirty shirt fell to the ground. "Here, fox. Let me help you." Gingerly, he grabbed hold of Kurama's waistband, slowly pulling the pants down and off of the kitsune's body. Hiei then did the same with Kurama's boxers, not failing to notice the bulge inside of them. Once the kitsune was completely naked, Hiei slithered back up Kurama's body, planting kisses on his way up until he reached the fox's lips.

Kurama let out a laugh, which broke their kiss. "Koi, can't you wait until we're showered?"

Hiei 'hn'ed before stepping into the shower, followed by his fox. When the two of them showered it usually took a while for them to actually get clean. A lot of foreplay was usually performed before they got down to business. Kurama wet the washcloth he held and began to lather it with soap. Once it was foaming, he gently ran it along the hiyoukai's body, scrubbing every inch. Hiei repeated the same process with Kurama before reaching behind him and grabbing a bottle of shampoo.

Squirting some into his hands, he lathered up Kurama's red locks, massaging his skull diligently. Kurama closed his eyes, letting out a soft sigh. The fox loved the attention the fire demon gave him, and when his hair was played with he went into a trance-like state.

Hiei grinned, noticing how much his partner's body had relaxed. Dragging his fingers downward, he stopped behind Kurama's ears, where he started to scratch and rub.

Kurama let out a moan, his whole body shuddering. Just like dogs, foxes were sensitive behind their ears, and Hiei knew this well. The Jaganshi was well aware of Kurama's weak spots, and never failed to find them at the right time.

When the teasing was over, Kurama was free to wash the soap from his hair, proceeding to finish it with conditioner. Letting the substance sit on his head for a while, Kurama poured some shampoo into his hands and started to wash Hiei's hair. Even in water Hiei's hair seemed to defy gravity. It was sopping wet, yet it still stood, spiked and proud.

Kurama laughed as a stray bubble from the shampoo landed on Hiei's nose, causing the fire demon to go cross-eyed looking at it. Eventually it popped and Hiei clamped his eyes closed shut. "It won't hurt you, Koi."

"Hn, those things burn!" Hiei retorted, passing Kurama so that he could wash the shampoo from his hair.

Once Kurama had washed his hair clean, the water was turned off and the demons took turns towel drying each other. This bathroom routine had started soon after the first time they mated. At first Hiei thought it to be childish and stupid. Why would someone need help in the bathroom? He saw it merely as a weakness, until Kurama decided to step things up a notch. To put matters simply, Hiei now looked forward to their bath time.

Completely dry and naked, the two demons fell down onto their queen sized bed together, sighing in sync. Kurama turned his head to look over at Hiei, who was staring up at the ceiling.

"I do believe we haven't finished our little game from before." The kitsune brought up, bringing a smile to Hiei's lips.

The small fire demon turned on his side to face his fox. Kurama's crimson locks lay sprawled out around his head, nearly shining in the moonlight. His emerald eyes danced with excitement, and he had a grin lingering on his lips. "Then let's continue."

Kurama sat up, straddling the smaller demon's hips and pinning his arms above his head. Anyone who knew Hiei knew that he never gave up without a fight. He was always dominant in battle, and generally stubborn in life. When matters came to Kurama, he was the completely opposite. He let the fox do whatever he pleased to him, and he enjoyed it. Somewhere in their relationship, it seemed Kurama had become the uke, and this was perfectly fine with the hiyoukai.

Leaning down, Kurama planted a trail of kisses going up Hiei's firm chest. Once he reached his neck, he veered to the left, latching onto a rather red patch of skin and sucking on it. That red patch was the mark Kurama had left to make Hiei his. Like the hiyoukai, Kurama had a similar mark that resided on the left side of his own neck. These marks let other demons know that they were mated, that they were taken, and completely devoted to each other. Demon markings were like wedding rings to ningens, and demons wore them proudly.

Hiei took in a sharp intake of breath when he felt Kurama sink his teeth into his skin. Letting the breath escape, a moan came and the tiny demon seemed to wiggle beneath his lover. His hands found their way up the kitsune's spine and into his hair.

Kurama lowered his back end, pressing his hardening member up against Hiei's and releasing the flesh between his teeth. He rubbed against his partner as he took Hiei's lips into his own, their tongues fighting for dominance. Their kiss lasted for minutes until they were forced to break apart for air.

Now thoroughly turned on, Kurama dragged his body down Hiei's, his mouth stopping at the fire demon's most sensitive spot. With a few licks, Kurama took Hiei into his mouth. Hiei arched his back almost instantly, letting out a pleasing moan. Kurama grinned around the member in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it's length.

Already, Hiei felt himself getting close to his end. He looked down at the redhead on his pelvis. "K-Ku...rama..."

Kurama knew exactly what was going through the fire demon's mind. Slowly, he let Hiei's member slip from his mouth and sat up, reaching to the night stand for a tube of lubrication. He covered two of his fingers with the slick substance before replacing it and moving to Hiei's entrance. He looked up at the head of the bed, where Hiei sat panting and was given an approving nod. Gently, Kurama slid his two fingers into his fire demon.

Hiei gave out a slight hiss. No matter how many times they did this, it always hurt. Maybe it wasn't as painful as the first time, but it was still nearly excruciating. He felt the kitsune wiggle his two fingers inside of him, teasing him and getting close to his prostate. Hiei bucked his hips, letting out a growl.

"Alright, Love," Kurama laughed, slipping his fingers from Hiei's entrance. "I'll give you what you want." In a split second he was inside of his fire demon.

Hiei's eyes went wide as he let out yet another moan. He was tight, very tight. He always had been, and no matter what Kurama did he'd always remain that way. Kurama loved this, of course, and was grinning as he gently thrust in and out.

Hiei closed his eyes, his hips coming down to land on the mattress once again. This didn't last for long though. Kurama grabbed hold of Hiei's ankles and placed them on his shoulders to get at a better angle. He continued his gentle rocking, Hiei moaning the whole time.

The fire demon's eyes opened to meet those of his fox. He gave a lustful smile, sweat dripping down his face. Kurama returned the smile, picking up his pace and slipping a hand around Hiei's member. He began to pump, completely in rhythm with Hiei's thrusts.

As he dove deeper, Kurama eventually found what he was looking for. He struck Hiei's prostate, causing the hiyoukai to nearly cry out. The excitement of hearing Hiei moan caused him to pick up his pace even more. He felt himself nearing his climax.

With a few more thrusts, Kurama spilled his seed inside of his lover, just as Hiei came all over himself. Panting, Kurama slipped out, careful not to fall and crush his lover. He guided himself to Hiei's side and lay down, attempting to catch his breath.

Hiei turned his head and smiled lazily at his fox. "You never...let me down, fox."

"I'm glad...you...enjoyed it."

Now both thoroughly exhausted, Kurama spooned Hiei up against him and held him tightly in his arms. "Get some rest, Koi. You have a big day ahead of you."

Hiei, who was half asleep already, was confused by the fox's words. "Hmm?..." he mumbled.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about your birthday," Kurama started, wiping the hot and sticky liquid from Hiei's stomach. "We're going to Genkai's to celebrate."

His one hundredth birthday! He had nearly forgotten! Tomorrow marked a huge day for both Hiei and his twin sister Yukina. Not only would they both be turning one hundred, but the team would be expecting a new member soon. Once every one hundred years, an ice maiden gives birth asexually. Yukina would become pregnant within the next few days and give birth to a Koorime baby in nine months.

"Hn, I didn't forget, Fox." Hiei muttered, trying to shake the thought from his mind. He loved his sister dearly, and he knew how excited she was for this to be happening to her, but his hatred for her people would never die. What they did to him was unforgivable, and he just prayed that Yukina's baby wouldn't turn out to be a cold wench like those who inhabited the floating ice land in the Makai.

"Good," Kurama replied, letting out a yawn. "Then let's get some rest. Good night, Koi."

"Night, fox."

"I love you, Hiei." Kurama planted a kiss on Hiei's lips before adding. "Oh, and happy birthday."

"I love you too, fox. Thank you."

With that, the two demons drifted off into a peaceful slumber, lying together in each other's embrace.

-Author's Corner-

Well, that's the end of the first chapter! I REALLY appreciate any reviews and comments you might have. This was my first lemon (not to mention my first yaoi fic) and I'd really like to know how I did. I know I'll improve with time.

I'd like to ask a favor of anyone who reviews. Please leave baby names in your reviews! I'm not revealing any sexes of any babies that may be born in this fic, so I'll need a name of both sexes, please. Which ever name I pick out will be credited to the person who suggested it, and will be placed in my fic!

Thanks so much for reading!
