Chapter Eighteen

The Unending Goodbye

Upon entering the Chamber of Thorns Sora noticed quite a difference now that Zexion had been stopped. The thick, choking darkness had dissipated leaving behind a terrible chamber full of pain, memories and death. Zexion's corpse was lying in the centre of the chamber along with Demyx.

The young blond looked as if he were sleeping but the large pool of blood gathered around his broken skull destroyed any peaceful illusion. They were both lying on their sides, facing one another in death. Sora noticed a small smile on Zexion's blue lips. He was at peace now.

Leon reached down and extracted the stakes from Zexion's body while Roxas pulled Demyx away. Leon lifted the dead Priest into his arms and stepped back so that Roxas could lift Demyx. The blue eyes blond was mildly surprised when he discovered that Demyx hardly weight anything.

Sora glanced around the chamber to find the entrance to the Endless Sea. He stopped when he saw a doorway with blue light spilling from the other side. He made his way towards the doorway and stopped so he could listen to the crashing waved beyond.

Sora walked through the door with Leon and Roxas close behind him carrying their cargo. Sora walked on through a dark tunnel until he reached a beach with silver sand and an endless ocean of dark water. The sky above glittered with millions of stars and a cool breeze washed over the beach. The place was the picture of tranquillity and calm. Sora turned to the light to see the source of golden light. There was a lantern attached to one end of a reed boat that was swaying in the water.

Cast the boat, take a ride

The last trip to the other side

Once you'll get there

Sacred marks you'll bear

Sora could hear the lullaby ringing in his mind as he approached the empty boat. It was big enough for two people to fit inside. Motioning for Leon and Roxas to bring Zexion and Demyx over Sora stepped back and let his friends send the dead lovers on their way. Zexion and Demyx were now lying on their sides facing one another. Zexion's arm was placed on Demyx's waist and that small smile seemed to glow. Leon pushed the boat away from the sand and out onto the ocean waves.

"Look..." Roxas breathed.

"My god..." Leon murmured and Sora could only nod in agreement.

As the boat left the shores silver light spilled from the Chamber of Thorns and across the sand. Figures started to emerge from the silver light so they could walk across the water. There had to be hundreds of them, the ghostly people were signing the lullaby as they walked on to the other side of the ocean. Leon and Roxas stood silently on the beach, their hearts constricting for the ghosts. It seemed Zexion's rage had indeed been great and encompassing.

"Riku..." Sora breathed out the name. He caught sight of long silver hair, a blue tank top and silver pants. The outfit he wore when he died that night.

"Sora." Roxas approached his cousin but the smaller brunet ran into the water and chased after his lover.

"Riku! I wanna come with you this time!" Sora cried out.

"Sora come back!" Leon called from the shore. "If you follow the dead you can never come back!"

"Don't leave me again Riku." Sora was sobbing now. "Please...come back..." the brunet was sobbing so badly now.

"Sora..." that voice...Sora stopped crying and looked up. Eyes he had missed so much were staring back at him. A face he longed to touch for two months glowed brightly in the silver light. "You have to go back."

"Riku." Sora didn't wait for an answer. He threw himself at the tall silver haired man and wrapped his arms around Riku's neck. "Oh god, I missed you so much."

Sora just stood there holding onto his lover as if his very life depended on it. That familiar scent filled his nostrils and he cried with relief. He buried his face in warm flesh and inhaled deeply, desperate to be as close to Riku as possible. He missed him so damn much. Sora sobbed with happiness when he felt arms wrap around his shaking body and Riku held him closely. This was how it was supposed to be...the two of them.

"I missed you too Sora." Riku smiled into the soft spiky hair.

"I wanted to go with you Riku. I wanted to be with you again." Sora sobbed.

"I understand how you feel Sora...but you have to go back." Riku pulled away to look into those beautiful sapphire eyes.

"No!" Sora grabbed Riku's tank top in his hands. "I won't let you go again."

"You won't be able to go back if you follow me Sora. You still have so much to live for." Riku stroked Sora's tear streaked face.

"But I need you Riku." Sora pleaded desperately. "I'm so sorry."

" wasn't your fault. It was an accident I never blamed you for that." Riku gently caressed Sora's face in his hands. "If you die now I'll fade away. Please live for me."

As Riku said this Sora glanced down and stared in shock as the tattoos on his skin moved and glided across his flesh so that they wrapped around Riku's arms. His handsome face now had holly tattoos on his cheeks and under his aquamarine eyes while his arms and torso became covered in the black and blue ink. Sora felt as if a great weight had been lifted from his body and heart. He felt free in a way.

"Zexion will find peace eventually but until then I'll bear this curse for you. You have to go back. Roxas still needs you." Riku glanced towards the shore.

"Riku..." Sora let the tears fall.

"You live a good life for me Sora. If you don't I'll know about and I'll haunt your ass." Riku grinned in that way that always made Sora melt. The small brunet laughed.

"I'll see you again won't I?" he asked tentatively.

"I guarantee it."

Riku bent his head and pressed his lips to Sora's willing mouth. The burnet sighed with absolute happiness as a familiar warmth filled his mouth and his body, once so cold, was now alight. He wrapped his arms around Riku; neck and pressed his lips more forcefully against Riku's. Everything else just faded away, leaving the two of them alone in their reunion and goodbye. But this wasn't truly goodbye, just a see you later kiss. He would see Riku again...Sora knew that and he was happy.

"I love you." he breathed against pink lips.

"I love you too Sky." Riku smiled as he let go and backed away towards the silver light.

Sora watched him go with a sense of relief and freedom. He no longer felt that terrible crushing guilt crushing his soul into nothingness. He smiled brightly as Riku flashed him that winning smile once more. Sora waved to him and watched as the silver haired man vanished into the silver light along with all the other ghosts. Leon and Roxas approached Sora, worry on their faces but Sora only smiled.

"Everything's ok now." he smiled and closed his eyes as he woke up.

Three years later

Sora Kurosawa cursed as he ran through the building to reach his office on time. The traffic had been bad on his way into Radiant Garden and he was running a few minutes late. His boss would want his newest pictures that were now resting in the brown envelope he was carrying. It was Roxas' fault that he was running late. The blond forgot to set the damn alarm clock again but Sora figured that he had to get his own clock one of these days. He had run out of the apartment, leaving Roxas and Axel alone.

So much had happened in the three years since the Manor of Sleep incident. Axel had made a full recovery and although he still took medication for depression he was getting better. Roxas helped him to understand that Reno's death wasn't his fault. Slowly but surely the red head was beginning to believe that. Sora had ever seen Roxas look so happy. Just mentioning Axel's name made Roxas glow and smile. Sora was so happy for his cousin.

When Cloud woke up Leon took him out of Radiant Garden and out into Twilight Town to see his old friends. Sora and Roxas had been invited to the reunion and they watched as Cloud got reacquainted with his friends. Cloud and Leon had tied the knot last year and the two now ran a popular delivery business along with Cloud's childhood friend Tifa Lockhart. Sora was snapped out of his thoughts when he collided with someone.

"Oh my god I am so sorry." A musical voice cried out.

"That's ok; I wasn't looking where I was..." Sora trailed off when he got a good look at the guy he bumped into. "Going..."

The guy in front of him was breathtaking. He had long white hair that cascaded down his back and a white feather was visible in his hair. He was clutching a few books to his chest and the light purple top he was wearing defined his torso.

Sora felt his eyes widen when he saw that this angel was wearing a plaited skirt and black boots below his knees. His blue eyes were highlighted by red and green eye shadow and his nails had been painted black. He looked like an angel.

"I'm really sorry." he murmured.

"It's ok. I'm Sora Kurosawa by the way." Sora stuck out his hand. A smile blossomed across that amazing face and Sora felt his heart flutter.

Sora had kept his promise to Riku and he had lived his life to the fullest. He was now a respected photographer and his name was a well known one around Radiant Garden. Even though he had a great job and amazing friends he never found someone that could pique his interest as much as Riku did. He knew he would always love Riku, but there was a part of him that wanted to find someone again. Maybe this angelic creature was what he had been waiting for...

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He shook Sora's hand. "I'm new here."

"Oh, in that case how about I show you around?" Sora offered. He could hand in his pictures later.

"I'd like that." he smiled brightly. Sora smiled back and for the first time since he said goodbye to Riku he felt a certainty about his future.

"What's your name?" Sora asked. He didn't miss the pretty blush that painted this man's cheeks.

"I'm Kuja Tribal."

Yeah, I'm living every day for Riku just like I promised. I have Roxas, Axel, Leon and Cloud. We're leaving that nightmare behind. I think it's time for me to move on now with my heart. Hmmm...I hope Kuja likes coffee.

Note-It's over my loyal viewers. After 18 chapters this story comes to an end. If any of you guys wanna do a story like this then you have my full permission. Just don't copy it word for word. I could always write a prequel about Roxas, Axel and Reno and their adventure into All God's Village. The idea I had for a sequel was this: Sora goes to takes pictures of an old mansion in the woods but he vanishes leaving Kuja Tribal, a man gifted with Second Sight, to find him. This would be based more on the first Fatal Frame game. Tell me what you think and I'll see what I can write. Till then take care everyone and god bless.