The ambulance. Oxygen mask. Needle. And I understood.
I was going to die in this body, and it would be so simple! Like a billion other mortals, I was going to die. Ah, this was the reason for all of it, the reason the Body Thief had come to me, the Angel of Death; to give me the means which I had sought with lies and pride and self-deception. I was going to die.
And I didn't want to die!
"God, please, not like this, not in this body." I closed my eyes as I whispered to a God I knew would never save me, as they wheeled me into the back of the ambulance. "Not yet, not now. Oh, please, I don't want to! I don't want to die. Don't let me die."
I was crying, I was broken and terrified and crying. Oh, but it was perfect, wasn't it?Akito had a more perfect pattern that never revealed itself to me, the craven monster who had gone into the Sohma Estate not to seek the fire from heaven but for pride, for pride,for pride.
And what little mercy I was given!
Taking the shape of the hideous, deformed thing I am, eyes cast upon me, my bleeding, crying, stench-ridden form. They snickered; why are you laughing? Can you not see I'm in pain? What did I ever do to you?
And even She was there!
"Look what the cat dragged in," she spat the words so coldy, as if she were glad I was dying, ridding the world of my disgusting presence. "Are you dying, dear monster?"
I thought it was obvious!
I hissed at her, the left side of my stomach and chest torn to bits from things I cannot and dare not remember. What was the point? I couldn't save myself, or be saved now. Trying to stand, I growled unheard words to her. The rest laughed at my pitiful attempt to live.
They were laughing at me!
As I changed back into human form and drew my last breaths, I noticed the ambulance pull into the yard. It was no use. No use. No use as the doctors gasped and attened to my torn up form. No use as they lifted me on to a gurney, injecting God knows what into my veins. No use as the van started to kick into life, driving at top speeds. No use while my eyes were closing, lulling me into eternal rest.
There was no use now, was there?
I almost cried while writing that.