A/N: Well, here it is, time for another story. This story is a new twist on one of the old shows (I know you'll figure that out right away!) And, of course, I hope you like it. A little spoiler, though: If you haven't read my stories, "Bewerewulfed" or "Brace Yourself", you might be baffled by a few references; such as: Danny obtained his wulf claw powers in "Bewerewulfed" and his supersonic speed in "Brace Yourself". If you want to learn how, feel free to read those stories. But if not, that's OK….just pretend you read them, so when you are confused, have faith that the referred "facts" from my other stories are "true"! And remember, I like action, and light-hearted fun, so take a breather from reality and have….

A Mini-Review

(Don't sweat the small stuff!)

Chapter 1

It's another typical day at Fenton Works, where Jack Fenton, Danny's father, is in the basement tidying up. He doesn't notice that he has accidentally activated the 'ghost portal' while cleaning. He continues scrubbing and yells toward the stairs, "Danny, hurry up or I'll be finish with the cleaning!"

Danny, who has just started to go downstairs, hears him, slows down, and smiles mischievously, thinking, "And if I just take my time, he will be done and I'll just tell him that because he did it all, I had a good excuse for not helping!" But just as he smugly enjoys his decision, an ice-cold breath escapes his mouth. "Oh, no! More work!"

He concentrates and two bluish white rings obligingly envelop him, transforming him into his alter ego, Danny Phantom. He and his black and white suit instantly become invisible. He soars downstairs and grabs a Fenton thermos just as Technus, the mullet-haired ghost of all things scientific and technical, squeezes out of the newly activated 'ghost portal'.

Checking to see that his father is still engrossed in wiping some beakers, Danny heads directly toward Technus. But that distraction is enough for Danny not to see that Technus has grabbed a device and has already begun to turn to escape. Unluckily for Technus, however, Danny is too quick for him and making them both intangible, pushes him through the wall, and outside of Fenton Works.

Turning visible again and activating the Fenton thermos, Danny yells to Technus, "Kinda of a short trip this time, huh, Technus?"

Technus, while hiding the device, lies, "No fair! I hadn't had the chance to do anything!"

To which Danny replies, "Which is exactly the reason why I'm not going to give you the chance. I don't want you to get too big to handle!"

Technus, who has now been sucked into the thermos, thinks out loud; and with his voice muffled in the cramped space, mutters, "Too big to handle? Hmmm….great idea! He really has a future in public relations!"

Danny produces a small 'wulf claw, rips a small hole into the dimension, shoves the thermos part way in, and releases Technus back into the Ghost Zone. Danny smugly smiles, "These do come in handy when I can't get back to the portal."

Technus, now back in the Ghost Zone, wickedly smiles, "No matter. I won't let you get too big for your britches, er, hazmat suit, Ghost Child!" He immediately sets out toward Skulker's lair.


Later, at Skulker's lair, Technus and Skulker are talking over Technus' plan.

"And what do I get if I modify this device?" Skulker queries.

"A small part of the world!" Technus assures.

"Small?" Skulker objects. "But if your plan works, that's all anyone will get!"

Technus replies, "Exactly…But you'll be the biggest part of it?"

"Hmmm." Skulker mulls it over. "OK…but what about the Ghost Child? I will do it if you give him to me! I still have a sour taste in my mouth from his having escape from my perfect traps in my perfect island!"

"Sounds fair! Do what you want with him. He'd probably interfere anyhow. So, since you do the best hunting, it would be best for you to figure that part out." Technus answers as he hands the ghost hunter the device.

Skulker, thinking of a new plan concerning the young hybrid, silently says, "Hmm.. maybe, just maybe, I can get him and get back at him after all!" He immediately begins to modify the device.


Meanwhile, it is the next day, and Danny, Sam and Tucker have just arrived at school and are stopped at Danny's locker. Danny is exchanging his books for the next class, and the friends do not see Dash, who has his arms full of books and is coming toward them.

Just as Danny closes the door of his locker, Dash slams his books on top of Danny's head, causing Danny to drop his own books.

Dash sneers, "Thank goodness you're such a runt, Fen-tiny! I needed a place to rest my books!"

Danny responds sarcastically, "Oh, I see! All that knowledge is just too much for you to handle, right Dash?"

Dash, pushing the books down harder on Danny, which results in Danny falling to his knees, retorts, "No, I can handle the football just fine!" He laughs as he pulls the books off and continues down the hallway.

Sam, helping Danny up, remarks, "Uh, your short fuse deserved that!"

Danny, fuming and picking up his books off the floor, answers, "I bet he wouldn't try that if I was any taller!"

"Well, I wouldn't hold my breath!" Tucker chimes in. "I haven't grown even a half millimeter for over a month! Maybe I'm doomed, too!"

Sam adds, answering each of her friends in order, "C'mon guys! Don't waste your breath over that 'mock-jock'! And, anyhow, why can't boys understand that height isn't everything?"

Tucker and Danny look at her in total disbelief, and then laugh at her as if she's kidding.

She frowns at them and they stop laughing and frown, too, but not because of her response, but because they do want to be taller. Danny, unsatisfied, continues, "Yeah, well, just once I'd like to be bigger than Dash and show him a thing or two!"

Just then, the bell rings and they head to Mr. Lancer's classroom.
