Curse of the Nanban Mirror

Chapter Seventeen: Another Prince?

"HOOOOOOOT!" Ranma-chan whined as she draped herself out of my window. "Why is it so hot!?

"Ranma, move away from my window, you're blocking the barely existing air flow." I said dryly as I scribbled furiously the translations to the latest batch of movies Yamamoto sent me.

"How do you stand this heat?" she whined.

I didn't even both to look up as I answered. "The more you whine and moan about this, the hotter you'll be, just stop thinking about it and you'll eventually cool down. Think of snowy mountains or ice caps or something."

"Katsu-nee! I wanna play! Stop working already!" Hinokou whined as he jumped on my back.

"Yeah! Katsu-nee." Ranma snickered. Surprisingly, these two idiots get along quite well and since they both know about my gender issue, they found it a hobby to mock my situation whenever possible.

"Shut up Ranko-chan," I retorted lazily as I flipped the page and continued with my work. "Why are you in my apartment anyhow? It's only ten in the morning. Akane couldn't have possibly kicked you out of the house already."

"The freak wouldn't leave me alone, and it's too hot to be fighting him." She reasoned.

I paused and glanced up. "Ranma Saotome, actually doesn't want to fight? This is a rarity! Where's the hell committee that plan this!?" I did a mock look around as if someone was hiding.

"Very hilarious Katsu," she snorted.


"I got it!" Hinokou jumped off my back and ran off to get the phone while Ranma went off to raid my fridge for popsicles. "Kasumi-nee?" I glanced up from my work curiously. "A ride on a yacht? What's a yacht? Oh! You want to talk to Katsu-nee? Wait a sec!" He quickly dragged the corded phone to me as far as it went before I quickly got up and grabbed it before he yanked the cord from the socket.

"Hello Kasumi-san," I greeted once I scrambled over to the phone, nearly running into the wall.

"Katsu-chan, I was just telling Hinokou that Kuno invited the family and some friends on a trip in the seas with his new yacht. Would you like to come too?" she asked sweetly.

"A yacht trip?" This should really trigger some memory of the series, but with this new translation, it's quite hard to think. After all, how can you think of anything else when the movie is called Blacula!? Seriously, this is the first time I've even heard of this movie.

"We're going to be at the docks. Oh, is Ranma over there by any chance? We're not going to be home tonight for dinner. So please tell him to come if you're planning to come."

"I'll be sure to tell him." I said.

"You're coming right Katsu-chan?" she asked.

I wanted to say no… but it's always hard to say no to her. "I'll be there Kasumi-san. Bye." I hanged up before turning to Ranma. I felt the side of my head pulse in irritation. "Don't eat all of my sea salt ice cream!" She and Hinokou were gobbling away my ice cream.


Ten minutes later, I found myself sitting on the deck… continuing my translations… I think I'm starting to become a workaholic… Where the hell did this come from? I know Ran-nee had that issue, but Genyu-ni is a lazy ass.

"Foul apprentice, normally I would banish you, but seeing I'm in a good mood and your foul master sorcerer is not here, I'll leave you be." Kuno declared loudly.

"Hmm? Yeah, sure…" I said before erasing furiously at my last two lines before rewriting it again, stupid Kuno, I wrote exactly what he just said instead of the actual lines.

"Whee!!!" Hinokou screamed in delight from above.

"Hinokou-kun! Please come down! It's dangerous up there!" Akane tried to get my charge down from the mast. "Katsuya! Get him down! He could fall and hurt himself!"

I gave a shrug. "Listen to Akane-nee, Hinokou."

"Take a break Katsuya; you're on a yacht for god sake." Nabiki said as she took a seat next to me.

I turned to her pushing my glasses back up the bridge of my nose. "Sempai, I have bills to pay and a guest that crashes into my house nearly every night to feed. In addition, I've been out of action for over three weeks and I'm quite behind on my work. Please excuse me, when I say… fuck off."

She laughed in amusement. "Do try to relax; it's not much fun on this trip without someone with at least some intelligence to talk to on this trip."

"Don't you have some idiots to exploit, sempai?" I sighed flipping through my work before putting it back into my backpack and grabbed another set to do.

"Don't you have a charge to look after?" she retorted with a smile in her voice.

"Ah, touché." I responded.

"Hey, it looks like a storm is coming… Shouldn't we head back?" Ukyo noted.

"Hmm… Maybe you're right." Ranma wondered as she looked at the clouds.

"No worries ladies, my yacht can withstand any storm, any challenge! Bring it on!" Kuno obnoxiously declared to the sky.

"Oh hey!!! Raijin and Fujin are up there!" Hinokou said brightly as he jumped from the mast and into Akane's arms.

"Hinokou! You shouldn't have done that! Did you know how dangerous that was!?" Akane scolded.

"Shouldn't you go save your charge?" Nabiki asked.

"He asked for it when he jumped," I said lazily.

"Idiot, head under the deck, a storm is coming!" I paused and glanced up when I heard Shiyu's voice, but didn't even see a hair of her anywhere. Instead, I saw the looming dark cloud Ukyo was talking about early.

"Though, we should probably head inside now, before the storm hits." I said before getting up and in before anyone else.


"My yacht!" Kuno screamed in anguish after storm and a havoc induced moment by Ranma and Happosai.

"There goes our ride home," Nabiki sighed as she sunbathed.

"Is something wrong, Katsuya?" Ryouga asked as I help him and Akane out on the shelter building. "You seemed dazed."

"Yeah, you looked like you were in a deep thought for a second, and then lost, the next." Akane added.

I frowned as I tied the logs tightly with a foot planted firmly against it as I pulled. "It feels like I'm forgetting something… Something very important, but I can't seem to remember what it is…" I shrugged. "Probably will come back to me later."

"RANMA! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE AND HELP!" Akane roared a moment later, tossing the hammer into Ranma's head. I winced at the impact; if that had hit my head, I would be unconscious and bleeding.

"Katsu-nee! Katsu-nee! Vampire lady wants to talk to you!" Hinokou said.

"Vampire lady?" Soun glanced up from his shouji game with Genma, before the panda quickly switched up the pieces.

"One of Hinokou's imaginary friends. He was talking to Raijin and Fujin earlier on the yacht before the storm." I lied. "Uh… excuse me, I need a little break. I'm starting to get a slight cramp in my arm."

"So, you want to talk to vampire lady?" Hinokou asked.

I gave a fake sigh and a little show to everyone else making them think I'm just playing along with him. "Yes, I'll talk to the vampire lady, where is she?"

"I'll take you to her!" he chirped before grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the forest.

For about five minutes, he rambled on about how Raijin and Fujin was making fun of him and how he insulted them back. Apparently, he pissed them off enough to strike down Kuno's ship more then necessary. Otherwise, the ship would have just suffered mild tears on the sails and maybe some scratches on the side… Aw crap, I have a delinquent as a charge! What god did I piss off, seriously!? Oh wait… he is the god I pissed off. Never mind.

"Well, moron, find choice of a place to crash on." Shiyu commented the instant I felt no other chi other then ours around.

"It's not like I was the one steering the boat. What got your panties up in a bunch?" I crossed my arms defensively.

"You landed on kidnap island." She snapped.

"… There's actually a place named kidnapped island?" I asked stupidly. No, I'm not being sarcastic. I'm actually, curious if that really is the case.

"No stupid, that's what it is. People land here and they get kidnapped. Normally, the targets are girls, but they have occasionally kidnapped boys by accident as I have seen once or twice."

"So pretty much, stay male and as inconspicuous as possible."

"No, I meant for you to turn girl, wearing nothing more then a bikini top with a g-string, dumb ass!" Can't you just hear the love in each sarcastically biting word? "You should probably keep an eye out for your mother and aunts if you don't want something happening to them as well."

"Thanks for the warning. I'll keep that in mind. Hinokou, let's head back before they come looking for us."

"Bye, bye miss vampire!" Hinokou waved before latching onto my arm before we walked back to the camp site. However, as we got there we found Soun crying.

My heart dropped when I heard who it was. "KASUMI! OH MY DEAR KASUMI! WHY!?"

I hurried over before Soun grabbed onto my shoulders. "Katsuya-kun! They've taken Kasumi! My Kasumi!" he wailed on my shoulders.

"Who took Kasumi-san?" I asked trying to pry the man off me.

"Don't know, but whoever took her, left this," Nabiki said with a frown as she held up a peach.

A peach… damn it, why does it sound familiar? Never mind. Shiyu wasn't kidding about this place being Kidnap Island. "What about Ukyo and Shampoo? Are they okay? And where's Akane?" I asked.

She shook her head. "They all spread out. Ranma and Akane should be exploring somewhere."

"Hmm… I'm a little worried about Ukyo. Unlike the rest of us, she's alone. I'm going to go find her. Hinokou, you stay here with everyone else." I said before shrugging off my bag and handing it to him.

"But—!" he tried to argue but I gave him a glare.

"You're staying here." I ordered before turning to Nabiki. "Sempai, please keep an eye on him."

"One thousand yen." She said simply.

I sighed. "I'll give it to you after we get home." With that, I quickly jogged off towards the smell of okonomiyaki. I gave a sigh of relief when I hear the sizzle of a flipped okonomiyaki. "Ukyo-san!"

Scantily clad in her bikini set, she turned to me before giving a grin. "Hey sugar, I thought you were staying with the Tendos. Came over for some special Ukyo okonomiyaki instead?"

"Nah, I think that's reserved for Ranma." I grinned brightly before she blushed. "I think you should stay with the Tendos tonight. Something strange is going on, Kasumi-san got kidnapped."

Her eyes widened. "What happened?"

"We don't know yet, but you shouldn't be out here alone at least. Come on, it's safer in groups. I'll walk you back before I go check on Shampoo, Mousse and Cologne-san."

"Sure, give a second," she said before scurrying about to quickly pack away her items.

I was quite willing to let her be and wait, until I felt an unfamiliar chi drawing near. I looked around but saw nothing. "Ukyo-san, you better hurry."

"Is something—" I quickly turned when she got cut off.

"Ukyo-san!" I shouted and found a peach on the ground.

"Katsuya!" "Katsuya-kun!" I turned to see Genma and Ryouga run up to me.

"It got Ukyo." I said before tossing the peach to them. "I'm going to check on Shampoo."

"Katsuya! I'll go with you." Ryouga said. I wanted to protest, but he grabbed me by the arm and started leading me the wrong way.

"Ryouga! It's the other way!" I had to steer him.


We were too late to warn the others. Shampoo was already gone by the time we got there. At the moment, everyone was holding a meeting to plan on what to do before Akane gets taken. She's the last girl in this group. While they were planning, Akane took up the mantle as the hostess and decided to serve everyone tea…

"Here you go Katsuya-kun! It should taste fine." She chirped brightly. She doesn't seem too worried that everyone was slowly being taken away… but then again, this means she gets to cook.

"Uh… thanks?" I said hesitantly as I accept the steaming murky goop that was in the cup.

"You're not going to drink that are you?" Ranma whispered loudly… though, I don't see why people do that… When they whisper, they're actually much louder then when they are speaking normally.

"Shut up Ranma!" Akane tossed the tray at him.

It hit soundly on his head and bounced back quickly. Had I known the tray was going to attack me next, I would have dodged or have my fan block. Instead, it smashed the cup in my hand and spilled the hot murky water onto me. I quickly darted out of the house when the water hit and ran and attempted to run towards the beach to get the cold water to turn me back into a guy.

However, before I even managed halfway through, a shadow appeared below me and dragged me under. "Katsu-nee!" I heard Hinokou shouted before the night sky disappeared from my view.

"Hmm… not as cute as the other girls, but you'll do." I heard a high pitch voice cracking in the darkness.

"Where is Kasumi-san and the others!? You took them didn't you!? Who the hell are you people!?" I snapped.

"Sassy. You'll be an interesting candidate. Now if only you learn to shut up!" he snapped before he pulled me out of the darkness and towards a big… tree? I blinked trying to get my eyes focusing back to having light again. "Come on girl! Your clothing is atrocious! You look like a boy!"

A vein throbbed irritation on the side of my head before I was about to introduce him to Mr. Dirt -and Miss Ass-kicking… at least I was going to, until I noticed he looked like a monkey. "… Monkey…"

He hissed angrily. "I'm not a monkey!"

"Ape," I corrected.

"Don't test your luck girl!" he snapped as he dragged me along and into the tree… house… thing…

I must have a death wish of some sort; I've been pissing off people left and right lately… Getting the tar beaten out of me by Kumon, getting dragged off by Shiyu for training, but instead I ended up with a much crueler experience with Ryoma… holy shit, I've been hanging out with my grandfather for a week! And I haven't even noticed! Why do I think of the strangest things in the most inappropriate times?

"Get in!" he said before shoving me off the edge.

I gave a yelp as I landed on something soft and squishy. "Damn it! Tell me where did you take Kasumi-san and the others!" I shouted.

"… Katsuya?" I tensed when I heard Nabiki's voice. I quickly zipped up my loose sweat shirt and turned around. Good thing it's so dark here, or else they'll definitely notice.

"Sempai?" I called out.

"Katsuya!" Ukyo weaved through the crowd.

"Stupid boy!" Shampoo followed shortly with a loose grip on Kasumi's hand. I'll have to ask later why.

"How did you get kidnapped? Did they mistake you for a girl?" I can hear the grin in Nabiki's voice.

Kasumi quickly left Shampoo's side silenced Nabiki with a gentle hand against her mouth. "I think it's best that they don't know the truth to Katsu-chan." Thank you Kasumi!

"We're going to have to change her clothes then. Maybe they might have mistaken her earlier, since there weren't any other girls around at the time, but here, it won't take more then a second for someone to figure out, since there are obviously more girls then before." Ukyo reasoned.

"Oh! We get to pretty up stupid bo-girl!" Shampoo giggled as she clapped her hands together and corrected herself.

"What?! Wait! No!" I shouted out.

"You do a pretty good girl voice… is there something else you and Ranma were doing while he was over at your place?" Nabiki raised a brow.

I quickly raised a hand to cover my mouth. I forgot about the difference in octaves in my different forms! "It's not what you think!"

"Don't worry Katsu-chan; they won't judge you and your hobbies. It's time to put it to good use now," Kasumi chirped.

"Wait! No!" I protested.


"… Did you really have to do this?" I grumbled under my breath ten minutes later. As they were giving me the torture of a lifetime, they informed me of the situation. The story is that we're all guests for some sort of event, but no one is telling us anything about said event.

"Tada!" Ukyo chirped as she put the mirror in front of me.

Taking a brief glance I screamed. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU GUYS DO!? I-I look like a girl!"

"It looks cute Katsu-chan!" Kasumi chirped.

"No! Put it back the way before! NO!!!" I wailed.

"Hmm… Stupid b-girl, makes a decent girl." Shampoo pondered as she circled me.

"Sempai! I'll buy you lunch! Make them change it back!" I begged.

"I think I like you this way." She grinned evilly.

"You-you! Girls are evil!" I wailed and curled up in a corner sulking while they giggled in amusement.

"Where are you taking me?!" Akane's voice broke their giggle fest as another body fell from above and landed on the cushions.

"Just stay there!" the monkey man shouted down before the doors slammed shut.

In the next five minutes the group of girls had their little reunion and gave Akane a quick run down as they have done to me earlier… without the ten minutes of torture.

"Oh my god! They took Katsuya-kun too! Where is he? Is—?" she asked before Kasumi covered her mouth before my gender problem is released.

The group of girls giggled before pointing to my little dark corner. "Katsu-chan is over there."

In this lighting, I can't see what's on Akane's expression as she came closer… well… at least until she gave a scream. "AHHHHHHHH! KATSU GOT TURNED INTO A GIRL!!!! PERVERT!" she screamed before pulling out her mighty mallet and attacked me.

I quickly rolled out of the way before stumbling to get up and run. "Akane-san! Stop attacking me!"

"Akane, calm down!" Ukyo grabbed her and pulled her back. "Katsuya isn't… it was just a mistake."

Shampoo cracked up laughing. "Stupid b-girl is more girly then Akane! H-She was taken before Akane!"

I swear I saw a battle aura flare up around Akane. "DIE!!!" She screamed before charging at me again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't do anything!" I screamed trying to get her to calm down and not kill me.

It really must suck for her self-esteem. To have a guy get kidnapped before she did. It took about half and hour of non-stop chasing and running on my part before Akane finally calmed down enough to worry over Ranma and the others. From her story, they were in quite a battle with this prince dude named Touma... Touma… Touma… nope, not a freaking clue to why he sounds familiar.

"So… why is your hair done up like that and that make up on your face!" Akane said in awe. "You actually look like a girl like this!"

"Don't remind me!" I huffed in irritation as the other girls giggled.

"Ladies," we all looked up when the doors opened and a masked Mohawk man spoke. "In a moment, you will all be escorted to prepare for you debut to Prince Touma. Please take great consideration toward how you present yourself to the prince."

With that, he left and a group of muscular men appeared before escorting everyone to another room filled with dresses and whatnots. "… I am not wearing a dress." I said stubbornly with my arms crossed.

"Do you want to fight through all those guards?" Nabiki commented dryly as she lazily glanced through the large selection of clothing.

"I rather do that then embarrass myself in one of these things," I grumbled before realizing the danger of this situation. "And I'm a guy!" I hissed out, if they get me into a dress, I am completely screwed. From what I've seen so far, there isn't any cold water around.

"Come on Katsuya, I'll help you," Kasumi smiled warmly as she pulled me aside to pick something.

"Kasumi-san, I can't do this!" I hissed.

"Don't worry, just leave everything to me," she chirped reassuringly patting my hand before working her magic.


After hours of preparation, we were all escorted to the main hall, where a banquet was ready and the girls were mostly lounging about. Kasumi had chosen a modest dress that covered up everything, the only skin seen is my hands and face. If I do have the misfortune of changing back before Ranma and the others get here, the guards wouldn't notice. Meanwhile, Nabiki had made it her priority to exploit each and everyone of these men for their services. The other girls had opted to just sit and wait patiently for the event to start while drinking some fruity beverages.

I on the other hand went exploring. Something about this place is disturbingly familiar; I just can't put my finger on it to why it is so familiar. As I walked around I can't help but shudder in disgust at the amount of skin these girls are showing. Seriously, they get kidnapped and possibly forced into becoming some sex crazed maniac's harem or get sold off. Judging from what I see, this whole damn place is filled with males. They could easily just be toying with all of these idiots and just decide to rape and do whatever they wish with these girls!

Holy shit, I just had an Akane overload.

"Miss, you're not allowed out of this hall." One of the guards said with an arm out to block my path.

"I need to use the restroom," I lied. The two guards looked at each other reluctantly. "I've been here for hours; I need to use the restroom!"

"… Of course, this way," one of them said before leading me away. When we were far enough from that big hall, I quickly materialized my huge fan and smashed it over the guard's head.

"Now, let's see which way to go…" I said before dematerializing the fan. No need to keep it around and waste energy. I was about to run when I tripped from stepping on my dress, the heels didn't help my sense of balance either. I ended up falling flat on my face. "Ow!" I whimpered as I held my face in pain. "Stupid dress! Stupid shoes" I cursed before taking off the pesky shoes and tied up the bottom of my dress to my knees.

Not really sure where I'm going, but I'm hoping to get out and find Ranma and the other for help. Though… the choice to run around without knowing where I was going isn't all that wise either. The second I turned around the corner I crashed into someone. This time I barely caught myself before I fell again. It's just not my luck today, is it?

"Why is this girl out here?" I glanced up and spotted a girly young man with a long teal bandanna wrapped around his head and the rest dangling at his side. Yes, I called him girly while I'm stuck in a girly dress myself, got a problem with that?

"My prince! This girl must've wandered off from the others," Mr. Monkey said before turning to me. "Get back to the others!"

I took a step back when he tried to grab me. "Like hell I'm going back. You guys must be nuts thinking I'm going along with this!" I materialized my fans in preparation when the Mr. Monkey took up a fighting stance to take me down.

"You must not have gotten the warning when we took you in have you?" the girly young man named Touma said calmly.

"What warning?" I glared.

He lifted the gourd on his side casually. "Either you peacefully listen to us or we'll turn you into a man."

"Don't make me laugh," I snapped back.

"This is permanent," he said seriously. "Even if you can fight, you can't dodge the strike of water that easily. So why don't you be a good little girl and listen to your superiors?"

"You're not my superior! You little ass wipe!" I threw two wind sickles at them before turning my heel to run the other way. While I'm pissed off and want to kick their ass, I have no clue what their fighting style is and since they've managed to kidnap me and so many others, they're not simple either. ARGH! I'm so fucking pissed off!

"You're not getting away that easily!" Mr. Monkey shouted a short distance behind me.

Oh come on! Can't I get a break for once in this miserable world?! I hissed in frustration as I turned another corner, but only to face Mr. Dogman. I quickly dropped onto my bottom and slide between his legs before getting up and running again.

"Shiyu! Where are you!?" I cried out in a desperate plead for my silent guardian to help me.

"Mirage Illusion!" I heard someone shout before I felt something hit me in the back.

I stumbled forwards as something enveloped me into something. I wasn't really sure what, but the next second I found myself running through the halls again, but this time no one was following me.

"Huh?" I stopped running and looked around. "Where did they?"

"Hey idiot!" Shiyu called out.

I quickly turned around and spotted her not too far from me. "Shiyu!" I shouted in delight as I ran up to her.

"Don't get close to me you filth." She hissed.

"What?" I stopped in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Even after all I've taught you, you've learned nothing! Stupid just like your fathers!" she snapped.

"What the heck is wrong with you? So what if both my biological parents are two weird males?! What does that have to do with me?!" I snapped back, why the hell is she picking on me? "Look, we can talk about this later; I need to get out to get Ranma and the others to help Kasumi and the others."

"He already saved them and left."

"What?! When did he do that?!" I can't believe this!

"You're not worth saving. I've already told Riolu to destroy the mirror. You won't be able to go home, ever."

"What!?" The hell?! This can't be happening. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself.

"Calming yourself won't work; you're just like your father. A berserker, a delinquent!"

"Okay, that's it! You're fucking going down!" I snapped before pulling out my fans and charging at her. However, I felt myself slow down immensely as if I was stuck in mud. I couldn't move and inch despite of all my efforts. "Get over here so I can kick your ass!" I snarled.

"Idiot," she said before pulling out a scythe. "You're not even worth living!" I couldn't move. Her scythe came closer and closer until—

"IDIOT! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Shiyu's voice made my eyes snap open.

Surrounding me was a black goop of some sort; I felt my vision shifting in between her and the image of her coming at me with her scythe. It was then I realized I was stuck in an illusion and this goop surrounding me is the cause of it. Punching it and struggling was no use, the goop wouldn't let up. Shiyu had tried to reach in and pull me out, but her hands can't break through the goop either. Damn it! How the hell do I get out!?

I paused for a moment, thinking back to Mr. Monkey. I vaguely recall it was his voice that shouted out something earlier. Mr. Monkey, illusions… holy shit, I'm in the second movie. Then this thing I'm stuck in was the same thing Ryouga was supposed to be in later… how did he get out? Oh right, the lion's roar blast… But how the hell am I supposed to do that!?

"Wake up you idiot! This is no time to be sleeping!" she snapped. What can I do? "Don't tell me you're giving up! I didn't waste all my effort just to have you die here!"

Give up? I snarled, "Like hell I'm giving up!"

I materialized my fans and tried cutting through the goop with my wind sickles, but the goop only stretched and adjusted to my attacks. Each failed attempt only served to piss me off even further until I forced a large amount of chi behind my next batch of wind sickles. This time, the goop was straining to contain my attack. I added much vigor to sending more of the wind sickles until it finally broke through and sliced into the walls. The remaining goop dissipated before I collapsed to the ground in a tired heap.

"Seems like you improved," Shiyu commented.

"Shut… (Huff) up," I breathed heavily on the ground.

"You're lucky they decided to just leave you here and deal with you later or I wouldn't be able to do anything for you."

"Where are the others?" I asked tiredly.

"Still in that big hall, apparently, they've started some event there."

"I'm wiped…" I lay there tiredly.

"At least hide in a room to rest idiot, there's one up ahead that you can use. I suggest you change out of those clothes and change back to your male form while you're at it."

"How do you suppose I do that? I don't know where my clothes are." I grunted as I sat up.

"Don't take me as a dimwitted fool as you and your fathers are," she said before tossing me my clothes and a bottle of cold water.

"Uh… can you help me up? I don't have any energy left after that last attack," I laughed sheepishly.

"Idiot," she muttered before kneeling down and helping me haul my ass off the ground before limping to the closest empty room where I can change and rest without being interrupted. "You should rest for now, I'll check on the others for you."

"Shiyu, you're the best," I murmured tiredly before falling asleep, comfortably changed back to my normal clothes and into my male form.


"Katsuya-kun! Katsuya-kun!" I winced as a hand roughly shook me awake.


Groggily I opened my eyes and squinted to see who woke me. "Saotome-san? Hinokou?" I asked tiredly.

"Where are the others?" Ryouga's voice came next.

"They're in… a hall down ugh…" I placed a hand on my head. It was throbbing painfully.

"Where are they Katsuya-kun!?" Soun shook me roughly.

"S-stop!" I tried to stop him from shaking me.

"Tendo-san!" Ryouga dragged the man aside before coming back to me. "Where are they Katsuya?"

"They're held in a big hall, I'm not too sure where."

"What happened to you?" he asked me.

"Was attacked… illusions…" I couldn't make myself comprehensible.

"Come on Katsuya, let's get you out of here," Ryouga said before I found myself hauled onto his back and they left the room.

The next ten minutes was complete chaos. From running into a room full of guards to being chased by said guards to the main hall where the girls were competing it was hectic and unpredictable to counter. Ranma was amongst the competitors doing her best, while Akane had snuck up to t he balcony to smack the prince. It didn't take long for the prince to fall in love with her and swept her away to another part of this weird place.

Moments later the rest of the girls were taken by the men to become their wives. Among them were Kasumi and the others. I really wanted to help, but fighting that illusion… I'm completely tired out. "Ryouga…"

"What is it Katsuya?" he asked when they were deciding what to do.

"Just leave me here, you guys will be able to work better without having to take care of me, I'll be fine."


"Did you not hear what he said!? They're going to be their wives! What the fuck do you think they'll do to them!?" I snapped.

"I'll stay with nee-chan!" Hinokou added before they left without a second complaint.

"Hinokou… do you think you can heal chi exhaustion?" I asked weakly.

"Of course!" He chirped before raising his hands to me.

"Thanks," I murmured as I allowed him to use his healing abilities.

"Don't tell me you're planning to go fight again," Shiyu's voice interrupted as Hinokou continued.

"Not much else I can do otherwise… Besides, Kasumi is part of that group of girls being taken. I have to go help." I argued.

Shiyu sighed. "I'm surrounded by masochistic idiots."

Once recovered, I was still exhausted; however, at least I could still fight. Stretching my chi senses I felt for Kasumi's chi before chasing after it. It's on the same floor, that much I'm certain. However, when I reached there I found the man on the floor eating what seems to be a meal made by Kasumi.

"Oh! Katsu-chan! I'm glad you're okay! You went missing earlier and I got worried. Are you hungry?" she asked sweetly.

I gave a weak laugh. "Kasumi-san?'

"Oh, he's a soldier here; he said he likes my cooking very much." She quipped.

"I… see…" I really don't see.

"So would you like some food too?"

"I do!" Hinokou chirped up before taking a seat next to the soldier.

"I guess…" And so… rather then fighting tooth and nail like the others, I was enjoying dinner made by Kasumi with one of the soldiers in this place and Hinokou… Ironic isn't it?

Later, when the place shook, the soldier had dragged us out of the tree structure and watched as a geyser of water came from the top of the tree. Ranma and Akane came flying out of it as well. When everything settled, Touma had apologized for his misdoings and promised to better himself, yada, yada, yada. Apparently, Akane is very good at converting people to do stuff. Unfortunately, the island will be floating about for a week before it reaches Japan and my translations was left on that kidnap island. Fuck! Some vacation this turned out to be! I have to do it all over again when I get back home! Man, I really hate vacations here.


Cm Aeris: Finally done! Just in time for the holidays! No comments I have for this chapter, but happy holidays for whoever that celebrates turkey day!

Koganei: FRI!