Summery: Sakura is a new kid going to a twisted new highschool. With a drunk princeable, a hyperactive boy that can make copies of himself, and many other freaks. How did Sakura get in? She may not know it, but she has something that will bring the school to their knees.

Parings: need to vote on it

Saki: Pst- I just escaped from the other story Hinata's Not So Great Past. Please don't tell Sakura I'm here!

Sakura: There you are Saki. Come on, time to bring you back to rehab.


Sakura: Too bad, you're coming with me. Deidara, do the disclaimer!

Deidara: Saki does not own Naruto in any way possible.

Saki: (shouts from a distance) LET ME GO YOU F(CENCERED) PIECE OF S(CENCORED)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deidara: Run while you still can people!

beep beep beep

beep beep beep

beep be-SMASH!

That was the sound of a very tempermental girl who loved sleep. "CAN'T THAT STUPID PIECE OF JUNK SHUT UP! JEEZ! IT'S ONLY 6:45!" screemed a pink-haired resident. We shall hear the rest of the response in 5...4...3...2...1 "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ONLY HAVE 15 MINUTES TO GET READY!!!!!!!" with that shouted, meet Sakura Haruno, new student at Konoha Leaf High. 'This school is rumered to only hold freaks' she thought to herself.

When she arrived at school, she was surprised at how many people there looked normal. 'Maybe they started letting normal people in' Sakura thought. She walked over to the people and introdused herself. "Hey there! My name's Sakura Haruno" she said. The three girls turned around to see who made that noise. When they saw her they smiled and introduced themselves. "Hey Sakura, I'm Tenten, and this is Hinata and Temari" Tenten explained while pointing to each of them. "You must be new here, right?" the girl named Temari asked. Sakura nodded in response. "Well in that case, you can hang with us" the other girl named Hinata said. Tenten and Temari just stared at her. "What?" she asked. "HINATA DIDN'T STUTTER! WAHOO!"

"Hey Sakura" Temari said. "hm" "Why are you here?" she asked. Sakura gave it a little thought, then, "I don't really know" was her reply. "Why do you ask?" Sakura asked. "Well, everyone here has to have at least one special ability. Like for instance, Tenten is called Weapon Mistriss 'cause she knows all about weapons. Then I have control over the wind, and Hinata can see inside a persons body." Temari explained. Sakura just at Hinata, and shivered. "So what do you do?" Tenten asked. "How many times do I have to you, I DON'T KN- EEP!" Sakura eeped. Someone has pinched her butt! She let it slide this time but next time, ooohhhhh he was gonna get "EEP!" ..."THAT'S IT!" Sakura turned around and punched him square in the face. The boy flew and kept on going, then after 5 minutes they heard a big 'SPLASH'. "Well, looks like you know why you're here now Sakura" Hinata said. "Oh that, I could my whole life" Sakura said. The three girls just looked at her then. "WHAT!!!!!!!!!??????????"

Proloage for new story Konoha High Demon. R&R PLEASE!!!!!!! I'LL GIVE A COOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also vote on a person that you want Sakura to be with.




