Title: Our Relationship

Prompt: 24. Writer's Choice

Large glass of diet soda? Check.

Large bowl of popcorn? Check.

A giant bag of pixy sticks? Check.

The remote? Che--

"Thanks for keeping it warm for me, Newbie," Perry smirks, snatching the remote before gracefully vaulting over the couch.

"Hey! I was going to watch something!"

"Should've been quicker," Perry mutters, stretching out on the couch and punching in the channel numbers.

"You stole it right from-- You're going to watch the Olympic opening cermonies?"

"I always watch them."

"Oh." Well, there's an interesting piece of trivia he hadn't known… huh. "That's what I was going to watch."

"Good for you," Perry grumbles, dropping his head into J.D.'s lap.

"Hey! Watch Mr. Peep!"

"Oh please, I wasn't anywhere near that."

The ceremonies start and it's one of the best he's ever seen, the sheer number of people out on that field, the drums, the lights, the dancing…

"Hmph, nice subtle way to say 'if it weren't for us you'd still be in caves'…"

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't see it? The fireworks, the giant scroll, the dancing blocks? They're trying to remind everyone that they invented it first. As if we'll forget that they're a oppressive dictatorship."

"That's pretty cynical…"

"Don't be such an innocent. It worked for Hitler, Berlin Olympics, 1936."

"All of that is a part of their history…"

"So is communism, the opium trade and boiling caterpillars. Funny that those aren't mentioned. This is all a bullshit song and dance to try and reform their image to the rest of the world. Every opening ceremony is like that."

"That's so pessimistic, I don't know why you bother getting up in the morning if you think like that. The Olympics are all about peace and coming together--"

"No, the Olympics are all about competition, only instead of using weapons, we're using people to fight for us in a non-violent manner. It's all about national pride…"

"And you've ruined it for me…"

"Oh come on, they haven't even got to the parade of nations yet."

"Ruined," He emphasizes point by pinching Perry's side, causing him to flinch. "I'm never going to be able to watch the Olympics without thinking about it as a big grudge match."

"Well, they are…"

J.D. sighs, and wonders what weapon Sarah Brightman would chose in a no-holds-barred grudge match… Sword? No… Chandelier? No, where would she hang it… maybe if it were a miniature chandelier she could swing it over her head and throw it at people…

"It is nice, though, that everyone in the world can come together now, and live in the same general area for two weeks without killing each other over their country's disagreements."

"That hurt, didn't it?"

"Like you wouldn't believe…"

"I give you a five for the effort."

"Hmph… I should defect for that."

"Please, no one else would put up with your bullshit..."

A comfortable silence settles around them as they continue to watch the ceremonies… his fingers twine themselves in Perry's warm curls.

"I need to get a haircut…"

"You should grow it out."

"If it gets any longer I'm going to be giving that hook-handed security guard serious competition in afro growing."

"What would the training regime for that be? Endurance blow-drying? Power moussing?"

"You forgot speed-picking -- Whoof! What the hell are they wearing!? What were they thinking with those floral suits? Those Hungarians look like geriatric weightlifters in drag…"

"When did you get so gay?"

"Probably that night you got me drunk on Jager, brought me to your place and took advantage of my vulnerable state."

"Wha-- Hey now, I seem to recall some mutual advantage taking that night. I wasn't exactly sober either."

"You remember more than me, which means it was your idea."

Normally at this point he'd pout about Perry making it all his 'fault'; which Perry will take as a win. Maybe it's time he gave the gold-medal favorite some competition…

"So you're saying I ravished you?"

"What!? No--"

"You said I got you drunk, took you to my place and had my wicked way with you. That means I'm the ravisher and you're THE GIRL."

Perry sits up quickly, blushing and eyes sparkling with anger.

"I am NAWT the girl! Never have been--"

He interrupts Perry mid-rant with a kiss… Perry must not be too miffed since he joins in pretty quickly… their tongues wrestle for a moment before he slips his inside Perry's mouth and finds that spot, right behind Perry's front teeth on the roof of his mouth…

Perry's soft moan as he wraps his arms around J.D.'s neck tells him he's found the right spot… He pulls back slowly, unable to hide a smirk.

"Told you. Girl."

"Tease," Perry grumbles, dropping his head onto J.D.'s shoulder.

"After they light the torch we'll go back and have our own little ceremony in the bedroom…"

"That doesn't even work as an innuendo."

"Can't win them all."

"Me: 150,394,5901. You: 1."

"I think you've been rigging the scores, I'm pretty sure I've got more than one point."

"Why don't you just report me to the international sarcasm committee then?"

"Oh, I will, after I take you back and ravish you again."

"I let you have that one, only because it's the only way you'd ever score a point."

"Uh huh, you're still the girl."

"In your dreams…"

"Whatever makes you feel better."

"I didn't teach you sarcasm so you could use it for evil."

"You only think it's evil because I'm using it against you."

"I taught you too well…"

"Shhh, they're about to light the torch."

AN: This marks the end of 'I Discovered You'. Thanks to everyone who stuck it out a whole year plus since it began. Special thanks goes to nighthawk who read and critiqued many of these stories, and reassured my neuroses. Go check out her stuff, it's awesome! Thanks also goes to Elise Davidson, the creator of the 'My Discovery' table, without which this whole series (all 66 PAGES of it), would not have been possible.