Author's Notes: Ta da! I have finished another chapter, and much faster than I thought I would. Waterkunoichi promised me a cookie if I updated quickly, so with any luck, the cookie is mine. I would like to send a huge 'thank you' to Newt-ish who stumbled upon this story and reviewed every single chapter! Thank you so much! I got 10 reviews for the last chapter which is a new record for me, so hugs to all of you who are reading this and reviewing. And to those who are just reading, I hope you like it! Let me know what you think. The serum is snaking it's way into our favorite ninja village, will anyone escape? And are Ino and Shino going to make it back alive? Things aren't looking good on either count...
Disclaimer: Blast! I still haven't received the copywrite to Naruto! I ordered it off ebay, but it appears I may have been tricked.
Breaking Point
"If I had to I would put myself right beside you, so let me ask, would you like that? Something's getting in the way, something's just about to break. I will try to find my place…" – 'Diary of Jane' by Breaking Benjamin
Of all the living quarters in the Hyuuga family compound, Hyuuga Neji's was the most austere. To describe the decorating scheme as one of simplicity was a vast understatement. No color graced the room except for the pale blue shade that some previous occupant had applied long before Neji had even been born. Furniture was minimal: a lone futon on the floor, a seldom used desk in the corner. The only striking feature about the space was its meticulous cleanliness.
Neji couldn't stand dirt.
Naturally, no one knew of this idiosyncrasy. Though there was a good chance that most of his friends would let him off the hook with only minimal teasing, Neji had long ago labeled his personality quirk as a potential weakness and, having so decided, guarded the information rather zealously.
Tenten and Lee were the only two ever allowed into this inner sanctuary, and each had a slight inkling about the nature of Neji's hygiene. Both had been amused by the sterile condition of their teammate's room, discussing their find in hushed tones on the way back from the forbidding compound. However, neither had ever broached the subject with the boy genius, content with keeping the amusing information to themselves.
Their discretion was one of the reasons Neji tolerated them so well.
At the moment, the boy lay flat on his back, all-seeing eyes studying nothing more than the ceiling above him. Neji had been trained from an early age to sleep in such a manner, his dominant right hand tucked securely under his side. Such a position, Hyuuga tradition dictated, allowed a sleeping warrior to protect his stronger, attacking hand even if ambushed while asleep. Neji had hated complying with the idea when younger, irritated by the sheer discomfort of the position. Lately though, he'd become much more accepting of the advice, having experienced its usefulness in the field more than once.
At times it irked him that his elders really did know better.
This did not, however, mean that he thought they were right about everything. Hardly. Even the very thought of that possibility made him smirk.
It was early, but already the sound of morning activity was drifting through the immense house. The Hyuuga compound never slept, at all moments there were those coming and going. Guards, spies, cooks, children, within the walled structure one could find every age and ability. Each and every inhabitant possessing the pearly, unfathomable stare for which the clan was renowned.
The swift steps of one of his many cousins echoed down the passageway as the shinobi returned from a late-night mission. The man was probably one of the many Neji had assigned to double the gate watch around Konoha. Keeping true to his promise to Shikamaru, Neji had spent the previous day in planning, working with Tsunade and others to shore up the village against attack, regardless of whether it came from outside forces or their own people.
Neji had followed Shikamaru's suggestions closely, adding minor adjustments of his own: storm walls had been built, extra weapons acquired, and all had been put under tight guard. The Hyuuga was confident that Konoha could withstand the best Kumogakure could muster. He had, after all, done exactly as he had vowed.
Konoha was ready.
It remained to be seen if Shikamaru would follow through with his own promise.
Black eyebrows drew together in a frown as Neji allowed the thought of Tenten and her current mission to creep across his mind. Following his rather less than satisfactory conversation with Shikamaru the previous morning he had swung by Tenten's apartment. Shikamaru's reassurance that Tenten would be more than capable of handling the mission was merely a restatement of what Neji already knew. It was not Tenten's abilities he was concerned about.
It was the abilities of her opponents.
She'd answered the door on the second knock, half a dozen kunai balanced haphazardly on her free palm. "Neji." She'd greeted him with a smile. "I'm just getting ready to go." This was as close as Tenten would ever get to telling him she was busy. "What's up?"
"These Kumogakure nin," he'd pushed past her into the apartment, noting her backpack on the couch, the large scroll resting on the floor. "You shouldn't underestimate them."
"I know." He hadn't needed to turn to know she was securing kunai in various hidden pockets on her clothing. On missions Tenten was nothing short of a walking arsenal. "Shikamaru came by earlier and briefed me. I know what I'll be facing."
"I trust Nara's judgment." He had agreed, taking in the red coverlet she'd placed on her guest chair. Was it new? He hadn't remembered it from previous visits. "He's trustworthy."
"Yeah." Tenten had stepped into his line of sight. She'd tied on her forehead protector, he had noticed, it was scuffed, a small dent adorning the corner. The dent was his doing, he'd remembered, the result of an ill-placed blow during a spar two years ago. "Is there something the matter Neji? You're acting a bit strange."
"There's nothing." But there was. It was nothing he'd ever be able to say however. Most of what stood between him and the girl, indeed the core of their relationship, was that which they never acknowledged verbally. This suited Neji just fine, except for those moments when there was clearly something which needed to be said. It was during these times that he was the most unsure of himself. Never feeling more off-balance than when he was forced to rely such a tricky, unstable means of communicating as speech.
This had been one of those moments.
"Keep your distance." He'd said finally. "Listen to what Nara says."
"I'll take out that serum or die trying." She'd replied and the strange pressing sensation in his chest had grown more irritable. "I know I'm Konoha's only chance Neji, and I won't let you down."
It was everything he expected of her and not at all what he had wanted to hear. He would never ask her to be anything less than what she was. Tenten was one of the most capable kunoichi he knew, taught well by Gai and shaped through years of combat at Neji's side.
In the end, they were ninja first, boy and girl second, there was no one in all of Leaf country who understood that better than Hyuuga Neji. So he had nodded approvingly, distantly enjoying the smile that filled her face. He had watched her run towards the village gates, and had turned his back, already thinking of the tasks lying ahead of him.
For the rest of the day she had been nothing more than a nagging memory in the back of his mind. No more troublesome than the thought of what he would eat for dinner. It was only as day turned to night and he found himself ahead of schedule, his objectives being accomplished with more speed than he'd anticipated, that Neji allowed himself to consider why he was so bothered by her current mission.
Any psychologist, he was sure, would link his paranoia to the death of his father at the hands of shinobi from the same village. Neji's history would naturally lead to worry expressed over those close to him. There was a high possibility that he would experience similar feelings if Lee or Gai had been in Tenten's place. Unresolved feelings towards Kumogakure were perfectly understandable.
Surely, that was all it was. A manifestation of post-traumatic stress linked to what he had experienced as a child. It would seem entirely reasonable to anyone who reviewed his case. Justifiable, logical, and to be expected.
So why did it infuriate him so much that he hadn't been included on Shikamaru's team?
Registering faint footfalls sounding from the turn of the hallway, Neji made a mental note to talk to Tenten about this when she returned. It was intensely irritating to be so distracted by her absence at a time like this. They'd have to think of a way around it, perhaps he could train her more thoroughly in obscure combat techniques? Then, at least, she would be more ready for missions such as this. Whoever was in the hallway was running now, harsh breathing creating a symphony above the rapid staccato beat of footsteps.
They stopped outside of his door.
Neji activated his byakugan instantly, rolling to his feet and shifting into a fighting stance in one fluid movement. His posture straightened a tad, fingers uncurling just slightly as he recognized the face of a young Hyuuga boy on the other side of the wall. Still on guard, Neji stepped forward as the youth flung open the door to his room.
"Atsushi, what…"
"Neji san! The court yard! They need you! Hinata sama said…" The boy broke off, gasped for breath. "…said to hurry…"
Hinata wouldn't summon him without a very good reason, not on a day like today. Byakugan on full force, Neji sped past the boy, pausing only to grab his forehead protector off the floor by his pillow. "Wake the compound." He called back to Atsushi, "Everyone to arms."
The distance between his bedroom and the courtyard was not great, Neji arrived in the training quad in a matter of moments. Three sides were bordered by walls, a number with doorways leading to inner corridors. The fourth side opened up to the outer enclosing wall, a formal greeting area for those just-arrived in the compound. Several yards from the ornamental landscaping lay the main entrance, the large doors currently ajar.
Skidding to a halt, it took Neji several seconds to assess the frenzied activity taking place. To his left was a small group of weeping women whom he recognized as Hanabi's entourage. Several showed signs of injuries, blood flowing freely from superficial wounds. Neji checked behind him, the family medics had not yet arrived, but a growing crowd was assembling. "Jounins step forward!" He ordered, motioning for them to fan out around him.
In front of him several fights were taking place, most between minor members of Hanabi's following and those guards who had, apparently, been the first responders. Those attackers from Hanabi's court were slowly being overwhelmed, most of them possessing basic abilities not strong enough to challenge the more experienced Hyuuga they faced. But why had they attacked in the first place? A quick check of the opponents confirmed his suspicions.
The hormone serum had reached Konoha.
Somewhere, somehow, Tenten and Shikamaru had failed.
Refocusing, Neji studied the crucial encounter taking place roughly seven meters in front of him. "Has anyone sent for Hiashi?" He asked.
"Already done."
"Good." Lips set in a tight line, Neji moved forward cautiously. It would be in the best interests of the main house for the Hyuuga leader to arrive quickly. What was unfolding here at the compound gates had the makings of a major tragedy if Neji wasn't able to stop it.
Covered with dust and sweat, Hyuuga Hinata and her sister Hanabi faced each other. Chakra enhanced blows flew back and forth, momentarily blown aside as Hanabi launched into the powerful rotation of the kaiten. The younger girl's lips were drawn back into a maniacal grin, her teeth flashing white against a face that was red with rage.
"Die!" She screamed, "Just die already!" Her forehead protector, awarded to her upon advancement to the genin level was askew, slipping on her long black hair. "Hakke Kusho!"
Had the girl really learned that technique already? Cursing himself for not interceding immediately, Neji threw himself forward, pushing the tiring Hinata to the ground. Using his forward momentum to add force to his spin, he called forth chakra. "Hakkesho Dai Kaiten!"
The resulting blue chakra wave enveloped both him and Hinata, who, hearing his announcement of the technique, had crouched close to his feet. Between rotations, Neji caught glimpses of Hanabi being blown back by the force of his counterattack, her planned blow falling uselessly against his shield. Increasing the power of his defense, he forced her back several more steps, gaining them ground.
Stopping the kaiten, he reached down, helping Hinata to her feet. "Everyone stay back!" He shouted. "I want infected individuals subdued and immobilized! Use any force necessary!"
"Th…they'd just returned from the spring." Hinata told him. Her cheek was already swelling into a nasty bruise. "I met Hanabi at the gate to help carry the water to sto…storage."
"She attacked immediately?" They both lowered themselves into more secure stances as the younger girl began advancing again.
"No…no, it was Ryuutaro." Hinata had named a man several years Neji's senior, a respected, talented advisor of the inner court. "I had noticed that s…several of them looked…off, b...but he was the first."
"They're infected." Neji could sense Hiashi approaching at a run, but doubted the leader would make it to the courtyard before Hanabi's next attack. "Do we know how?"
"I asked the…those women." Hinata nodded to the group Neji had identified earlier. A medical shinobi was with them now, assisting the more hysterical individuals. "They weren't sure. Said it…it might have been the river…"
The river? The logical conclusion was that the serum had been dispensed into the water at some point further up the Akame's current. Hanabi, Ryuutaro and the others must have been unfortunate enough to drink there this morning while on their trip to gather water for the compound. Neji's gaze fell on the full buckets scattered haphazardly about the grounds. "Someone empty those buckets." He directed, "No one is to drink or touch the water. Understand?"
How had the serum gotten into the water? And how had Shikamaru and his team missed it? Nara was no fool, Neji well knew, so for the evidence of his failure to be so blatantly obvious was testament that something had gone horribly wrong with the scouting team. Their primary goal had been to eliminate the serum from play and it was apparent that this had not been accomplished…
What had happened between them and the Cloud nin?
With a hoarse yell Hanabi launched into her next offensive maneuver, a strange combination of hakke kusho and elementary taijutsu that Neji had never seen her use before. "Fall back." He ordered Hinata, having her at his side would only hamper his movements. His younger cousin gave him a look and he answered the question hidden there. "You did well, now fall back." She complied, and Neji squared off with Hanabi.
The youngest daughter of Hyuuga Hiashi was considered by many to be a great beauty. Hinata, with her softer features, more closely resembled their mother, but Hanabi had inherited the finely chiseled bone structure of their father. Paired with the same pale complexion and dark hair seen in most of the clan, the visual effect was striking. At the moment however, the refined Hanabi so many admired had disappeared completely. Instead there existed a feral, untamed kunoichi, brimming with killing intent and the ability to fulfill said intention.
Neji had watched Hanabi closely since her graduation from the academy, recognizing as many others did, her natural aptitude for the Hyuuga arts. The girl showed a good deal of potential, possessing a serious, methodical nature that served her well in the mastery of advanced techniques. In her current state however, all mental reservations had been banished by the overload of testosterone.
Screaming, arms jabbing in a blur of aggression, Hanabi sprang forward.
Neji swerved behind her before she had a chance to change direction.
Whatever he did to subdue the girl, he reminded himself, she must not be killed. Though there were many within the Hyuuga clan labeled as dispensable, Hyuuga Hanabi was not one of them. Neji did not doubt that he would be called on to kill before the day was over, but under no circumstances would he start with this child.
He couldn't, honor demanded it to be so.
He would have to close her tenketsu.
Hanabi was already correcting her mistake, sweeping backwards with a low blow aimed at his legs. He avoided it with minimal difficulty. Hanabi might be good, but she was still young. Against the prodigy of the Hyuuga clan she stood little chance.
Breathing in through his nose, Neji forced outside distractions from the battles around him to fade away, his attention centered on his opponent. The stance came quickly. He exhaled.
"Hakke Rokujuyon Sho."
His first six hits landed with devastating accuracy, Hanabi offered no resistance whatsoever. However, as he reset his stance for the combination of eight, she feinted to the right, dropping low, out of his reach. Scrabbling in the dirt, she put distance between them, stumbling back to her feet.
He was surprised she could still move.
To avoid him at all was a feat in and of itself. He had to assume she was working on gut-instinct, the hormones strengthening and reinforcing the reactions which she would have normally suppressed with mental computations. It was no matter, with her primary six tenketsu blocked, it was only a question of time before she succumbed to the rest of his attack. Neji repositioned yet again, noting the arrival of his uncle in the courtyard. It was time to finish this.
What Hanabi did next caught the entire compound off-guard.
Arms hanging limply at her sides, dark hair in tangles past her shoulders, an unearthly yell tore itself from her throat. Through the byakugan Neji watched as quickly, much too quickly, the girl drew on all the remaining chakra left available to her. Her front foot slid back, marking the beginnings of kaiten, but instead of revolving on the spot, she leaped.
Her twisting body tore through the air like a bullet, ablaze with chakra. Sharp spears of energy, closely resembling those emitted by Hinata's Hakke Hyaku Nijuhachi Sho, flew out into the courtyard, felling several on-lookers. Aesthetically, the attack resembled the Inuzuka clan's Gatsuga, but Neji recognized it for what it was.
Hanabi had inadvertently developed a new jutsu.
The repercussions were something to be considered later. Neji crouched, considering how to perforate his cousin's deadly new defense. Two guards, rushing to Hiashi's side, were crippled by the out-of-control chakra blades. Hiashi seemed as dumbfounded as Neji felt, for how exactly did one counter such a move without causing great bodily harm to the user? Neji had already ruled out his usual repertoire, deciding correctly that any of his usual tactics would bring about the death of the girl.
It was an attack to be reckoned with.
He scanned Hanabi's spinning form once again, searching for a weakness. To wait for her to run out of chakra was the obvious choice, but how many more would be injured by her chakra blades? Preliminary analysis showed seven brought down by Hanabi's attack alone. At this rate, half the courtyard would suffer some sort of casualty before her energy drained completely. His eyes lit upon the only possibility and Neji moved.
Later it would be said that, even with byakugan, those watching were unable to track his progress, so swiftly did he move.
As it happened, Neji threw himself forward, parallel to the ground. Taking advantage of Hanabi's nearly non-existent periphery awareness, he slid beneath her until the cousins formed an almost perfect ninety degree angle with each other. Reaching up into the whirling maelstrom of chakra, he savagely gripped her ankles.
Byakugan had shown Neji that, as might be expected from a modified form of kaiten, Hanabi had failed to shield the soles of her feet.
Before the force of Hanabi's spin could throw him away, Neji sent two sharp streams of his own chakra into her circulatory system. Confident of success he released her and rolled out of the way. Even as he extracted himself, the whirlwind began to slow. A small flame of triumph sprang to life in his chest.
His plan was working.
The alien chakra he had forcefully inserted into her circulation began to break apart the attack. She rotated once, twice, lost consciousness, and began to fall. Hiashi was there immediately, catching his daughter before her head hit the ground. Neji stood back while the clan leader examined the girl, checking her vitals. Presently he nodded, looking up to meet Neji's gaze. "That was quick thinking."
"Not quick enough." The Hyuuga courtyard was in chaos. Guards had managed to subdue the other infected members, but not without losses. Neji counted a total of twelve injured, four dead. Among the deceased was Hyuuga Ryuutaro, the advisor who had been the first to attack, as well as young twin girls who had been assigned to the morning water crew.
Their parents had not yet been summoned to the scene.
"This should not have happened." Hiashi's hands shook with anger, even as he held the motionless body of his child. "Tsunade assured me, promised me that the Nara boy would eradicate the serum. And what has happened? Death! Death in the Hyuuga house!"
"The poison was in the river." Neji told him, neither agreeing with, nor opposing his view. "Morning is breaking and more people will go to gather water."
Hiashi nodded. "Hanabi and the other infected persons must be transferred to the hospital, speak to the doctor and arrange it. I shall go to Tsunade." Neji nodded and took the still-limp form of his cousin from the leader of the Main house. In moments Hiashi and his emergency squadron were gone.
"How many are infected?" Neji asked Hinata as she came to stand beside him.
The number was higher than he had expected, excluding the dead Ryuutaro, hadn't there only been five afflicted individuals? Hinata was biting her lip.
"Dr. Iwao and…and two of the injured women." Neji's head shot up. Just as Hinata had said, beyond her the clan doctor was struggling against three larger men, all hard pressed to restrain him. The women had apparently been taken elsewhere.
"They were not initially affected." Neji muttered, "Iwao had no chance to come into contact with the water."
Hinata was worriedly examining her sister. "Do…do you think that…" Her eyes fell on the spot where Neji's bare hands gripped the child's shoulders.
"It could be spread through skin contact?" His mouth a grim line Neji erected a thin wall of chakra between his skin and Hanabi's. "We have to consider it." If the serum was indeed spread in such a fashion were he and Hiashi, not to forget the multiple shinobi who had fought in this courtyard, affected?
Neji wondered if he had been taken out of the fight before it had even begun.
"Take no chances." He said finally, "Gloves and masks, I want everyone who has had contact with the infected nin to proceed to the hospital immediately. Tsunade needs to examine us." Hinata gulped, but nodded. She was at risk as well, as were the majority of the most capable shinobi the Hyuuga clan had to offer.
So far, Neji was not feeling any ill-affects which led him to believe that skin to skin contact could not be the answer, the serum worked faster than that. They could take no chances however, he needed Tsunade to confirm his suspicions. Something had befallen Dr. Iwao and the women, the answer needed to be found.
Every second that passed was wasted until Neji could be sure he had not become a threat himself. Checking to make sure his orders were being carried out, he gathered his burden closer and ran for the surrounding wall. Jumping up, over, and towards the hospital, he ran, the cheerful rising sun an ironic choice for a harbinger of doom.
Around him, Konoha woke to face the new day.
Shikamaru was breathing hard, each inhale searing his lungs as the distant ground passed below his feet in a blur. The forest around him had started to look familiar several miles back. They were getting close. Not close enough though, he had known as sunrise crested the horizon that he had left the campsite too late.
The serum would reach Konoha before he did.
His only hope at this point was that either Tenten or Temari, both of whom had departed before him, had somehow managed to reach the village in time. Tenten was fast and a good distance runner to boot, well-trained by Gai in taijutsu, there was a chance she'd arrive before major disaster struck.
Temari was a sprinter, fast over a short distance but less dependable on a long haul such as this. She had her fan though, and the speed of the wind, with any luck, would assist her. If she could alert Gaara to the unfolding catastrophe then maybe, just maybe, the power of the kazekage would be enough to hold back the hormone addled population until Shikamaru got there.
The fact that this was his best plan revealed how horribly out of control things had gotten.
Feeling sweat trickle down the back of his neck, Shikamaru pushed himself to run faster. Why, he wondered, did he let down those closest to him when it mattered most? Memories of his first mission in command were streaming out from the place he'd suppressed them. The injured faces of his friends, at the time so young and confident they were invincible, appeared in his mind's eye. He shoved them aside, forced them from his musings, and they vanished, only to be replaced with an older, more wizened countenance.
Akuma sensei, cigarette firmly clamped between his spectral lips, hovered before Shikamaru, even as the boy tore through the trees, feet leaving behind destroyed bark and broken branches. "I avenged you." Shikamaru murmured, feeling an odd sort of anger rise deep inside him. "They're dead, I saw to it!"
The ghost of his teacher said nothing however, preferring to hover ominously just outside of his former student's direct sight-line. Shikamaru's breath hitched, caught in his throat before he forced it out with a strangled shout. "I know I'm the knight, Asuma!" Below him, the first bend of the blasted river passed. There would be two more before he reached the gates. "I'm trying." He panted, wondering just how crazy he had to be to talk aloud in this manner. "I'm trying!"
His foot slipped and he plunged downward, saved only by a lucky grab with his flailing left hand. Groaning, Shikamaru hoisted his body up on top of the branch that he'd latched onto. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he would only cramp up if he continued on instantly, he rested his head on the rough bark. Gaara was not the only option, he thought hazily, they could evacuate non-essential citizens, leaving behind the higher ranked shinobi and kunoichi. As long as these nin avoided the hormones, they would be more than enough to defeat the approaching Cloud forces.
What to do about Naruto?
Shikamaru's initial instinct had been to send the boy far away, preferably in the company of Jiraiya or Kakashi. Neither of those men could be spared at this avenue however, and to send Naruto away made him more vulnerable to the motives of Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Hoshigaki. Shikamaru had long before determined the identity of the anonymous individual in Shino's report. Akatsuki were organized in pairs and it was common knowledge that Itachi and Kisame operated together.
Konoha could not allow Naruto to fall into their hands.
They had to keep Naruto in the village, but could Shikamaru manage to keep everyone alive?
He had to.
As he hauled himself back to his feet the one person he'd been avoiding thinking about most strenuously was suddenly, overwhelmingly, the only one that filled his mind. Shikamaru felt the headache coming on, a heightening pressure behind his eyes which threatened to send him back to his knees.
Don't be dead, he begged silently, injured, missing, anything but dead. Sakura's outburst had expressed all which he couldn't bring himself to hope. Was there a chance Ino was still okay? It didn't seem possible. The odds were stacked too greatly against her. As resilient as she was, Shikamaru was well aware that his childhood friend could also break. It didn't happen often, but when it did, Ino was unable to hide it. Ino never tried to hide her emotions. She was a horrible actress in Shikamaru's opinion, much more effective at communication of the direct sort. It was both her strength and her weakness.
Shikamaru knew that with Tsukuyomi Uchiha Itachi could shatter her.
How would he explain this to Chouji? Once again Shikamaru began to run. Days of their early training flashed before his eyes, Asuma lecturing, Ino teasing, Chouji commiserating. Together they'd learned the ropes of shinobi life, together they had completed countless missions, saving each other more times than he could recall, together they'd gained revenge for the greatest wrong done to any of them.
Team Ten.
Now the team was broken. Asuma dead, Chouji alone in Konoha, Ino's fate hanging in the balance. And here he was, running between them, caught like a fly in a web. Suspended an equal distance from every person that meant anything to him.
And some cruel trick of fate dictated that he had to choose who to save.
If all three of them survived this, Shikamaru swore to whatever entity listened to shinobi, he would never allow Team Ten to become so divided again.
He passed the third bend in the river.
The gates would be less than a mile ahead. Pouring on the speed, Shikamaru allowed himself a moment of optimism. So far there was no sign of siege, no bodies lying on the ground. Perhaps Tenten had succeeded? If that was the case though, wouldn't there be an increased guard? The top of the walls came into view and Shikamaru jumped, flying towards the enclosed village that had misplaced so much trust in his debacle of a scouting mission.
The blow from above slammed him into the ground so hard Shikamaru momentarily lost consciousness.
When he came to, she was standing over him with the sneer he had once remarked was an odd cross between pity and disdain. A kunai raised above her head trembled in her grasp, ready to begin the downward plunge to his chest. As he struggled into a sitting position she took a step back, her breathing becoming harsh and disjointed.
The fact that they were friends made this whole situation all the more ludicrous.
"Te..Temari." He groaned. "What the hell?" Something wet trickled down his forehead. Blood. "The village." He managed, gingerly fingering the gash at his hairline. "Did you warn them? Where's Tenten?"
"I. Don't. Know." The sound of her voice, the grating fragments such a contrast to her usual measure tone, alerted him. Eyeing her warily, he swayed to his feet, one hand grabbed the two shuriken he kept in his back pocket.
"Temari?" Her eyes were dilated, he noted, and slowly he began to understand what had happened. "You were poisoned at the camp site." He said. "The wound on your arm, Sakura spotted it. It wasn't a pulled muscle was it?"
"Poisoned. Senbon." She forced out, and his eyes were drawn to the dried blood stain on her sleeve. "Resisted. Tried."
"Where is Tenten?" He asked again. "Konoha, have you warned Tsunade? Gaara?" Blood stained his vision, but he dared not wipe it away. Temari was teetering on the edge of control, it was a miracle she'd managed to keep the serum in check this long.
Shikamaru took stock. Temari was past the point where the estrogen injections he carried would do any good. It was essential he disarm her and get them both to Tsunade, but he was hardly in any shape to fight her at full power. She'd stunned him badly with the surprise attack, even now it was hard for him to consolidate his thoughts. He probably had a concussion. Somehow, even this long after being infected, she was holding herself back. She didn't want to hurt him, and for that he was grateful. He noted how her hand shook, it wouldn't be long now and she'd have no reserves left to fight the hormones.
Shikamaru urged his shadow forward.
"Sorry." She managed and he met her gaze. "Didn't. Think." Forcing his shadow to join with the surrounding pockets of shade, Shikamaru struggled to make sense of what she'd said. Was Temari sorry she'd been foolish enough to try to resist the serum? The girl was proud to the point of fool hardiness, it was true, but up until this point she'd never let her decisions harm those around her. Shikamaru admired her immensely for that.
He'd often wished he had the same talent.
"It's fine." He told her, the shadows were mere inches from her foot. "Tsunade can fix us both up and then we'll be ready to defend Konoha together, right?" The peal of bells from behind the gates made them both jump. At the sound of the archaic summoning system, Shikamaru almost smiled. Tenten had made it. Mind thus relieved, Shikamaru turned to his suffering friend with renewed urgency. "Hear that? Now we can…"
Temari plunged the kunai towards her own neck.
"No!" Shuriken flew from his fingers, one glancing off the blade, the other striking true, burying itself into the flesh between her pointer finger and thumb. Temari wavered but the kunai continued its inexorable arc.
"Let. Me." Her eyes were losing the last trace of sanity, desperation the last emotion. "Failed." A second kunai appeared, this one aimed for him.
Shikamaru punched her across the face.
Temari recoiled, a yell bubbling out as she lost command of her own body. Shikamaru winced as rough fingers grabbed his hair, a knee knocking the air out of him for the second time in ten minutes. Blood poured refreshed from his wound and then just as suddenly as it started…
All action ceased.
"Kagemane no Jutsu is a success." He uttered. Wearily he disentangled himself from Temari, staggering back, vaguely aware that her actions mirrored his own. He was shaken by the close call. The sight of the kunai plunging towards her neck replayed, what had she been thinking? She'd been trying to spare him her mistake, he knew, but in his mind it was poor justification. Hadn't he caused enough death already without Temari adding herself to his list? Shikamaru slumped over for a moment, getting his pain under control before standing back up to confront his captive.
"Why did you do that?" She was babbling wildly, the only action she could perform independently now. "You're a fool," He said, "for thinking I would let you kill yourself. And if that's what you thought I wanted you to do, you don't know…I'd never…it's the last thing I would ever want." She couldn't comprehend him anymore, not in her current state, but he had to say it. Somehow, by saying the words out loud it made them seem more genuine.
He'd never meant to ask anyone to die for him.
He wondered if Ino knew that.
"Come on." Forcing Temari forward with his shadows, Shikamaru dragged his broken body to Konoha's main gate.
Ino was jarred from a restless sleep by Shino, who held his hand over her mouth to muffle her initial surprise. With predetermined hand movements he told her that Itachi and Kisame were closing in on their location once again. How long had she been asleep? Ten minutes? Twenty? The speed with which their adversaries were following was astonishing considering Shino and Ino's multiple attempts to foil them. Signaling her acquiescence so he would remove his hand, Ino struggled to her feet, careful to keep quiet.
Fighting back the fatigue that seemed about to swallow her whole, she gave her chakra supply a quick scan. The short nap had helped, her energy levels were back to about half of their normal capacity. It wasn't great, but it would have to do. She doubted she'd get another chance to rest. So much for beauty sleep. After another nod to her comrade in arms, they separated, Ino to the left, Shino the right. Running to the overhang they'd scouted earlier, Ino began preparing for the next encounter, hoping this would be more effective than their last attempt.
They'd been engaged in a bizarre game of cat and mouse since shortly before dawn. Shino and Ino had taken to engaging the Akatsuki in short, intense ambushes in an attempt to slow down their progress and buy Konoha more time to prepare. After leaving Kumogakure Shino had all but ruled out direct confrontation, correctly determining that such a strategy was suicidal at best. They would serve Konoha best, he told Ino, by prolonging the Akatsuki's arrival as much as possible, which meant keeping themselves alive. The idea was to engage the enemy as often as was physically feasible.
Shino hadn't specified what he considered 'physical feasibility' but Ino had a sneaking suspicion his definition covered anything short of death.
And so they had been reduced to a sort of guerilla warfare, consisting of everything from well-timed weapons based ambushes to long-range attacks facilitated largely by Shino's kikai mushi. Some of the encounters were more successful than others, and very early on they'd realized that staying and fighting in a more traditional approach to battle was foolhardy. Even if they succeeded in avoiding Itachi's genjutsu, they had no good way to counter Kisame's devastating sword and water attacks.
It certainly didn't help that they had both been reduced to the limits of their endurance after nearly 24 hours of spying and evasion.
Now, the sun had risen just above the tree tops, morning had broken. Crouching low to the ground, Ino dug in the dirt, feeling her nails break and tear as she did so. Normally this would have been enough to send her into a fit for days, but at the moment the damage to her manicure barely even registered. She plunged three of her last kunai point-first into the shallow trench hoping desperately that this particular idea of hers would work. Eyeing the length of the shadows, she ceased digging and waited.
Presently, a small group of bugs flew to her, their presence giving her the green light to set her half of the attack into motion. Unfurling the ofuda she'd kept in her skirt pocket, Ino slapped one exploding tag on each kunai then sprang back, running towards more solid ground. Behind her they detonated, the shock wave throwing Ino forward onto her hands and knees. Ducking as dirt and stone showered her, she crawled forward, determined not to fall prey to her own trap.
The cliff which had so conveniently loomed over the main trail buckled under the force of the explosions. With a thunderous roar the land mass collapsed, a massive slide of dirt and trees obliterating the road below and, with any luck, taking their two opponents with it.
Ino held no illusions that it would kill them. At best this would bury them for awhile, giving Shino and Ino a chance to set up their next offensive.
Her strategy had consisted of Shino to use his bugs as a lure or prodding force in order to position Itachi and Kisame in the way of the landslide. Neither he nor Ino had been optimistic as to the gullibility of their opponents, but at this point they were running out of ideas and resources. Shino had estimated that they'd slowed the Akatsuki by an hour or so already, which was amazing if one considered how desperately out-matched their small spy team was.
Ino privately wondered why the Akatsuki bothered with them at all, it wouldn't be too difficult for them to evade Ino and Shino completely, would it? Shino and she were throwing a serious cog into the plans of these two criminals with their delaying tactics. Hadn't the men considered bypassing them in a show of strength and leave them to play catch-up all the way to Konoha?
It had occurred to Ino that perhaps Itachi felt he had some unfinished business with her.
This was a troubling thought, made more so because of the validity of the concept. Ino had faced off with the elder Uchiha and escaped relatively unscathed. She was also, perhaps, the only person in existence to experience Tsukuyomi without suffering any ill-effect. As such, she posed a threat to the power and reputation of Itachi's signature technique. For a kunoichi of her ranking to have uncovered a weakness in one of the most revered jutsu in existence was nothing short of astonishing. She now posed a significant hazard not only to Itachi's reputation but also to his dominance through fear.
Which was probably why he wanted to kill her.
Not stopping to check if the collapse of tons of dirt onto the roadside had had the desired effect, Ino sprinted away from her post, doing her best to leave a minimal trail. She was not overly concerned with her ability to conceal her passing. The Akatsuki could track them regardless of whether or not she left footprints. It was more a force of habit. Trembling with adrenaline, Ino arrived at the point where she and Shino had agreed to meet. Stopping in front of the young bamboo grove, she froze. Shino was not there.
In his place was a large puddle of blood.
Ino's mind blanked. "No." She backed up a few steps, horrified at her discovery. "Shino!?" A quick scan of her surroundings revealed no body. Instead, a small scarlet trail of blood drops trailed farther into the forest. He wasn't dead yet, Ino realized.
But if she didn't find him, he might be soon.
Steeling herself, she knelt, dipping one finger into the pool of crimson liquid. It was still warm, so he couldn't have gone far. Her medic training was kicking in, relaying statistics to her tired brain faster than she could sort through them. At this rate of blood loss, Shino had perhaps twenty minutes of life left. Not much, but enough. He had guarded her while she slept, carried her from Kumogakure in an effort that had undoubtedly saved her life.
It was time to return the favor.
Eyes trained on the gruesome trail Shino had left behind him, Ino sped through the bamboo forest. Shino and his opponent had left a wake of damage behind them, broken trees and scarred ground riddled the area. From the nature of the destruction that surrounded her, Ino was fairly certain it was Kisame who had ambushed her teammate. The damage patterns were consistent with the swing strokes of a large sword such as the one the blue-skinned man carried. The blade was serrated, similar to a shark's tooth and just as dangerous. Ino remembered the feel of it from her encounter through Miyuki and shuddered, her resolve strengthening. Kisame and his sword had taken one person from her already…
She'd be damned if she let him do it again.
A clearing was coming into view, the sight accompanied by the sounds of battle. Ino slowed her run, ducking behind a tree to get a sense of just what she was dealing with. Her breath caught in her throat, her senses narrowing into a tunnel-vision of sorts.
The Akatsuki had finally become tired of fighting through their diversions. It was apparent that they'd avoided the landslide entirely, instead detouring in favor of assailing the Aburame boy as he'd waited for her return. Uchiha Itachi was on the far side of the clearing using a monstrous black flame to keep Shino's insects at bay. Ino felt the heat on her face, its power evident even from this distance. Being even this close to the Uchiha made her stomach roll. Just remembering the horrors she'd observed in Tsukuyomi caused a cold sweat to break out on her forehead. Hoping that the bugs would keep the man occupied for just a while longer, Ino crept forward, trying to get closer to her partner.
Shino knelt in the grass, his right side a bloodied mess. He didn't seem able to move his arm or leg, his awkward sprawled position testament to the extent of his injuries. His trademark glasses lay broken on the ground, revealing his eyes, which Ino had never seen. They were a pale silver green color, and currently filled with hate as Shino stared defiantly at the tall man swaggering around him. The shark-man grinned down at the boy, pointy teeth gnashing against each other as his odd nasal voice filled the clearing.
"Guess it's the end for you. A nice fight you gave us with those bugs, but you could hardly have expected to defeat us. You're smarter than that, I imagine."
"Kill me, I don't care." Somehow, Shino managed a smirk. "Your plan is wrecked. We've robbed you of the advantage of surprise and now you're late. I wonder how well your lackeys will fair against Konoha without your backup."
"Think you're smart don't you?" Kisame sneered, beginning to swing his blade back and forth menacingly. "You will die and Konoha will still fall. You've utterly wasted your life by facing me here. After I'm done with you we'll find your annoying little friend and kill her too. Itachi's got special plans for that one thanks to the trick she pulled back in Kumogakure."
Oh, lovely. Ino was beyond thrilled she'd been singled out.
Shino didn't falter which was a considerable accomplishment since Ino was trembling at Kisame's words and she wasn't even facing him. "You won't catch her, she's long gone. Do you honestly think she'd stay around to help me?" Ino bristled at his words, did he expect her to abandon him to these killers? Who did he think she was? Shino was chakra sensitive so he had to know she was hidden out of sight, watching this take place. Was he ordering her to run?
The startling green eyes flickered from Kisame to her hiding spot and back.
"Enough talk." Kisame drawled. "You've caused enough trouble for me at this point and I'm sure that girl will be just as much of a pest, so I really must be going." He raised the sword, "I do hope you're not prone to blubbering and pathetic last words. I assure you I won't pass them along to anyone." Ino tensed, readying herself, she would only get one chance.
Shino spat into the dirt and Kisame laughed.
Taking advantage of Kisame's moment of levity, Ino dove forward, her hands held firmly together in a seal.
"Shinranshin no Jutsu!"
"Troublesome brat!" Kisame shrieked. Ino didn't doubt that if he had been in full control of his body he wouldn't have hesitated to cleave her in two, but as it was the great sword swung up and over Shino's head, missing the intended target and continuing on towards none other than Uchiha Itachi.
Shinranshin was working.
Itachi, still concentrating on destroying the kikai mushi was forced to duck out of the way as his fellow Akatsuki began to attack him instead of the boy they had been about to kill. Kisame brushed against the fires of Amaterasu as Ino's jutsu forced his body onward after his partner in crime and he screamed. Past his cursing, he shouted a jutsu and gallons of water spewed from his mouth, having little or no effect on the black fire. Itachi countered another blow from the blade, sharingan fully activated.
Safe for the moment, Ino dropped to her knees next to Shino. "Shino!" She breathed, taking in the deep lacerations up and down his side. "Can you walk?"
"No." Shino winced, "My body is going numb. Ino, you have to leave me."
"I won't." She replied fiercely, "You're coming with me Shino, so just shut the hell up about staying behind. I won't let you!" To maintain the effect of shinranshin, she had to keep her hands in the seal position. Though the jutsu was working splendidly, Kisame, unable to resist it, was keeping Itachi occupied with his unwilling attacks, it left her at a disadvantage since it required full use of her hands. This made healing Shino a tad difficult. She was no Tsunade after all. "I have to heal you." Ino told him, "Can you use any of the bugs to hold them off for a second?"
"The kikai mushi are mostly dead." Shino mumbled, his words beginning to slur. "Ino, hold shinranshin and leave for Konoha. I'm ordering you." She ignored him, desperately searching for something, anything that could be used as a sling or sled. Was it possible to carry him without using her arms? Maybe if she buoyed him with chakra, but shinranshin was draining much of what she'd regained during her nap.
"Think!" She cried, "Damn it, think! There has to be something!" Her hands were trembling now and she had to focus to keep them from slipping out of the seal. "Can you climb on my back?"
Shino had slipped down onto the ground, his life ebbing away before her eyes. "Nara will be…mad…" He murmured. "Disobeying…orders…"
"Are you making a joke?!" She stared at him incredulously. "Shino, of all the times to gain a sense of humor, this is not an appropriate one!" His eyes were closing and she screamed. "Shino!"
"Ino, move!"
A blur of pink, red and black filled her vision. Struggling to keep the shinranshin seal activated, Ino gaped. "Sakura?!" Her friend had taken quick stock of the situation and now laid both hands directly over Shino's chest. A bright blue blast of chakra lit both their faces and Shino gasped, his body arching off the ground. Stabilizing him, the medic nin began weaving threads of healing chakra across his entire body. "Sakura…how?" Her voice was half croak, half sob.
"I followed the bugs." Sakura said tersely. "Ino, how much longer will that jutsu hold?" She turned slightly, scrutinizing Ino where she sat in the dirt, taking in the blood stains, the battered hands. "You're injured? How badly?"
"I took care of the worst of it." Ino leaned forward into a crouch. "I'm running out of chakra though, I can only maintain shinranshin another two minutes."
"Okay then." Sakura dropped her hands and hoisted Shino roughly over one shoulder. "He'll be okay for now. Come on, we've got to run!"
"Don't think this is the last time you see us girl!" Ino heard Kisame scream across the clearing. "When I reach Konoha I'll find you!"
She turned to deliver a parting retort but thought better of it. There was nothing to say at this point. Still trapped in the throes of her jutsu, Kisame advanced on his fellow Akatsuki. Itachi looked largely unscathed from what Ino could see without risking falling to his genjutsu. Somehow, even without looking, she knew that Itachi's gaze was locked on her.
Taking one step backwards, then another, she left the clearing where she and Shino had so narrowly escaped death. Kisame's angry screams followed her out, but she didn't pause. Shinranshin was failing, she could feel it, and when it did she wanted to be long gone. Sakura, carrying Shino was at her side then, detonating exploding notes as they went. She must have placed these on her way into the clearing, Ino thought dazedly. "Thank you." She managed past threatening tears, "Thank you, Sakura."
"It's no less than what you've done for me." Sakura replied, and suddenly it seemed they were twelve again. Lost and terrified in the forest of death as Ino sprang out and shielded her best friend with her body. Ino managed a shaky smile, "Shikamaru?" She asked, "The others?" She felt shinranshin fail and glanced behind them worriedly. "They'll be coming after us now."
"Shikamaru and the team have gone back to Konoha." Sakura told her, mirroring her glance back. "We couldn't stop the serum. I'll cover our retreat, just focus on running." Ino nodded.
"Do you think we'll make it back?" She asked. Only now that she was out of the line of fire beginning to doubt the outcome of this whole, crazy mission.
"We have to." Sakura told her. "I made a promise to Shikamaru to bring you back Ino, and I never break my promises."
"Good thing too, huh Forehead Girl?" Ino grinned, remembering a myriad of other promises that had passed between them over the years. "Or else you'd still be a crybaby with no spine."
"Oh shut up, Ino." Sakura said, but she smiled. "Now do you want to get back to Konoha or not?"
"Right." Hearing a cry of distant anger, they dropped their banter and sprinted.
Little did they know that eyes belonging to someone other than their pursuers watched their flight through the trees.