Chapter 6

[Smallville—Kent Farm

Even as Dave took his friend for coffee, Lana assisted Martha with baking some cookies in the kitchen. While it was Martha who did most of the work (at least at that point), the younger woman picked up lots of tips.

"I appreciate the assist," Martha expressed warmly.

"Wish I could do more besides lift, clean and bake," Lana lamented.

"You're doing fine. I can't wait to try these when they come out of the oven." Martha eyed her daughter-in-law carefully. "How's Miranda's friend doing?"

"Yori? She's adjusting to American society. I think it's great that she's here and everything. There's something about her though…." Lana postulated, scratching her chin. "Jasmine thinks she's been trained as a fighter. Something about her grip, posture, etc. I can't see it. Yori's too quiet and shy."

"I'm sure she's a very nice girl. Still, Lana, you shouldn't be judging books by their covers. When Miranda brings her to Smallville, we'll have to have her here for dinner," Martha invited.

"Sure thing, Mom," she agreed as they went back to their preparations.

[Miranda/Jasmine's Apartment

Miranda and Yori sat on the carpeted floor of the former's apartment in the lotus-style; their minds deep in a trance. As Jasmine had gone out with Rasniya for the day, they had privacy for themselves.

As they did so, they heard Sensei's voice. ["Is all well there?"

["Perfectly, Master Sensei," Miri reported. ["There is no sign of Yodoshi or his allies. We remain watchful."

["Remain vigilant. I do not have to remind either of you how quickly the demon can move especially with his allies," he urged.

"It will be our honor to do so," Yori assured him.

His spirit form appeared in front of them. "I have contacted Stoppable-San. While he does not know you are there, Yori, he will be watchful as well."

Yori felt her heart skip a beat before calming herself. "The more eyes, the better, Master Sensei."

As with her uncle, Miri wondered at her friend's emotions but said nothing. "My uncle's allies watch as well."

"I know. You both honor me with your devotion to this task. Stay on course," he concluded before disappearing.

Yori stood up and stretched. "My mind is so much clearer now."

"Is it? Maybe guy trouble perhaps?" Miranda teased.

"Sometimes, Miri, one cannot have what one wants." The visitor sighed. "I have my duty." If you will please excuse me?" With that, she went into the bathroom to wash up.

What was that all about? For someone she supposedly can't have, Yori certainly gets worked up over that Stoppable guy! Miranda shook her head recalling how she had felt about Lana especially after the latter started dating Clark. I hope she doesn't have to go through the same deal. What a waste!

Conclusion [Next Day

[Tucson—New Talon

Yori sat in the café, considering everything around her. As per Sensei's instructions, she watched everything despite trying to seem relaxed. Where are Yodoshi and Monkey Fist?

"Hey, chill. Okay?" Miranda advised while setting their cups down in front of her. "Take a break."

"Miri, you know what Sensei said."

Miranda nodded. "Hai. He also told you to have some fun. Trust me; we'll be okay for a little while."

"But your uncle and the others aren't here!" Yori argued.

Miranda glanced around. "Believe me, Yori. I'm watching too." She leaned closer. "You might say that the walls have eyes around here. Besides, if they're dumb enough to hit us here, we the students will give them a headache they'll never forget. And that's before Uncle Dave turns nasty. Pity them then."

"Then you aren't scared of him?"

"Of who? The Child?" Miranda sighed. "Yes and no. What he is terrifies me. Does he do the same. No. He'd never hurt me, you or any of us. Just don't betray him."

"Sensei tells of his dark transformations. You've seen, haven't you?" the guest inquired.

"And I've seen the cause too. Yori, he's had a hard life." Miranda pointed to the plaque in the corner. "That's a duplicate as is this place. The original's back in Smallville. I'm sure you feel the vibes coming off of it?"

"That is why this place is so cold. He did something there," Yori presumed.

"More likely, my grandfather pulled one of his stunts there, you mean. My father told me before he died about what Grandpa Dubois used to do." Miranda wiped a tear away from her eye. "Uncle Dave was a victim who took control of his situation. He lives with the Child and Destroyer. Auntie had to learn to deal with all three. They have their moments but so do the rest of us."

"I see." Yori offered her friend a warm smile. "You do honor to Sensei's teachings, Miri. As he would say, a river may come from pure or impure sources but it determines its own quality and size by the course it takes."

Miri nodded. "That sounds like him all right. I'm glad he let you visit, Yori. Don't worry; we'll deal with Yodoshi and the others."

Yori nodded while glancing around. While she knew her sister ninja remained vigilant, so did she. Still she worried about her situation as well as those of her friends.

[Amherst, MA—Center Cemetery

The sun shone brightly over the cemetery on that day, allowing the remembrance ceremony to take place in the best of conditions. A small crowd of friends had gathered to recall their town's former superintendent and war hero, Ricardo Alvarez. With a few words and a twenty-one gun salute, the purpose had been served.

As the group left, Dave glanced around at the area. Granted, his poem had stirred everyone up in a good way but this was different. His eyes narrowed, recognizing the signs of a ghostly intruder. Arighatto, here?

"Dave?" Angie wondered. "What is it?"

He debated for a second whether to mention what he felt. Then he decided against it. "Nothing, Princess. Let's go."

She looked pointedly at him. "You sure?"

"Positive. I'll tell you later," he noted.

"Fine," she relented. Something's got him stirred up. I wish I knew what it was.

After their departure, Arighatto stepped into view with an amused smirk. "He plays at honor, does he? Foolish musings at best for a gaijin!" Grinning with anticipation, he savored the brewing plan that he had begun laying out with his new allies. "Then we shall see how honorable you truly are, Dubois. You and your foolish lot!"

With that, he vanished again, returning to his dark brethren and their plans of conquest.

And on a day soon after, those plans would blossom with a dark fruit bitter to the taste.

A bitter fruit indeed.

THE END (for now)