A/N: This is an AU fic…I know it's vastly different from my other one, but I like to shake things up a bit. And I want to give a lot of credit to BURT'SFROG who's fic about Jack and Liz drinking from the fountain of youth gave me the idea for this….but I promise there will be NO resemblance to her story AT ALL….besides the fact of everlasting life……

Everything's Bigger In Texas

Chapter One: Jack the Horse

It was 7:00 am on a lovely Saturday morning when Elizabeth woke up to her alarm clock. She groaned and got out of bed intending to take a shower and hoped the new horse wouldn't be so difficult today. It had been two weeks since Elizabeth had bought him and he was the moodiest horse Elizabeth had ever cared for. The clock turned to 7:15 whilst Elizabeth was washing her hair and right on the dot Jack began whinnying out in the barn. Elizabeth sighed, accepting defeat and quickly finished in the bathroom.

She put on a plain white t-shirt, comfy jeans, and tied a black bandana around her hair. In the kitchen she made herself some coffee and walked out to the barn. Jack was jumping around in the field eating grass, but when he saw Elizabeth he ran towards her and nudged her hand for an apple. Elizabeth smiled at his antics, he reminded her of Jack Sparrow, which was why she had named him Jack. His dark brown eyes were staring into hers, begging for good food, so Elizabeth walked back to the barn, Jack right on her heels. She picked an apple out of the basket and held it above Jack's head.

"Now, be a good boy and you can have the apple."

Jack pranced around the barn, showing Elizabeth that he was indeed a good boy. Elizabeth smiled and let him have a bite, but pulled it back after two bites of it.

"If you let me ride you today, you can have the rest."

Jack tossed his head around, annoyed. He hadn't yet let anyone ride him, not even the rodeo riders could tame him and that was why they had taken him to Elizabeth, she could tame any horse in Texas. She was just putting the saddle on him, when the sound of a truck pulling into her drive reached her ears. Jack's ears went down to his head and he looked as though he was going to start galloping away. Elizabeth placed her hands on the side of his head and pet him. She took the saddle off of him and put him back out in the field where he continued eating grass.

Elizabeth walked around to the front of the house where her best friend's red truck was sitting. Caroline came over to Elizabeth and gave her a big hug.

"Hey! Haven't seen you since last night….how's Jack?" She smiled brightly at Elizabeth, perky as ever.

"Stubborn like always. Actually, just before you pulled up I was about to take him out to see if he would let me ride."

"Wow. He must like you. Even Sparrow couldn't ride him…"

The rest of her sentence faded as Elizabeth retreated to her thoughts. Sparrow? Could it be Jack? It had to be, there was no other Sparrow Elizabeth knew, but if it was Jack that meant he was here, in Texas at the rodeo.

"Caroline, what was this mans first name? What did he look like?"

"Why? Do you know him?"

"Just tell me."

"Ok, ok. His first name was Jack. He had long dark hair, a really old looking red bandana tied around his head, a few gold teeth, he talked with a bit of an English accent…"

Elizabeth didn't wait to hear the rest of the sentence. She ran to the garage and started up the truck, Caroline racing after her.

"Elizabeth where are you going?"

"Get in the truck, you need to give me directions to where you saw him."

"What's going on? Why do you need to meet him? Who is this guy??"

"I can't believe you forgot his name…"

"Huh? Who's name? Elizabeth what is happening?"

"The fiercest pirate to ever sail the seven seas and you don't remember him."

The music blaring from the radio was drowned out by a loud shriek that came from Caroline.

"Oh my god! JACK! How could I have not remembered him? I'm so stupid!"

"I have to agree with you there…"

It took them a little over a half and hour to get to the arena where Jack was going to perform. When they got there, Elizabeth was extremely nervous about seeing Jack again; it had been almost 200 years since she had last looked into his gorgeous kohl lined eyes. According to Caroline's description though, he hadn't changed much. Apparently he was still as rugged as ever, only now he trained and rode horses instead of plundering ships.

Caroline hopped out of the truck and was almost at the doors when she realized that Elizabeth wasn't with her. She went back to the truck and pulled Elizabeth out.

"Whats the matter with you? Do you not wanna see him now that we're here?"

"No, I'm just scared. What if he doesn't remember me? What if he does remember me but hates me? What if he.."

"Would you please shut up and walk," Caroline cut in, "You'll never know unless you talk to him."

Elizabeth didn't want to accept this answer, but knew Caroline was right, she was always right. So Elizabeth braced herself for what was to come and went inside looking for Jack.