Title: Stargazing
Author: Jessa the Fangirl (junkie the fangirl.)
Rating/Genre: G/Fluff
Word Count: 507
Summary: Charlie and Claire share a little moment on the beach.
Disclaimer: Charlie and Claire are borrowed from ABC's LOST because they're so damn irresistible.
Charlie and Claire were two among the survivors of a plane crash stranded on a desert island. The island, while it was a perilous place, had a few redeeming features. One of which was the clear sky, untainted by skyscrapers or pollution. It made the view breathtaking during the day and amazing at night, as it was now. Millions of miniscule stars sparkled in the distance, contrasting heavily against the infinite inky sky.
Claire laid on her back next to Charlie, pointing out constellations and showing off her vast knowledge of the zodiac. He wanted to listen attentively but her voice, soft and lilting, coupled with the serenity of the beach at night had him in a pleasantly contemplative state -- a state that revolved mostly around Claire. She probably knew he wasn't listening to her but seemed content to talk on, aware that he meant no offense by it.
"Do you ever think about getting rescued?"
This question, out of place among the subject of the stars, caught Charlie's wandering attention. He pondered it, formulating an honest answer.
"Sometimes," he replied. "But not so much on nights like these."
Claire made a little "hmmm" sound and then fell silent. He shifted over on his side, propping his head up on his hand so he could see her expression properly. She turned her face towards him, a small smile on her lips. Charlie reached up with his other hand and swept his knuckles across her jaw line.
"I think about it less and less… and that scares me," she said. Her gaze drifted from his face back to the night sky. Charlie could see hundreds of stars reflected in her eyes.
"Scares you?" he echoed.
"I'm losing hope," she clarified.
Charlie nodded, letting him know that she understood her dilemma. Regardless of what she thought, he knew Claire. She was a naturally upbeat person and to admit that this part of her was slowly fading had to be hard.
"If it was just me, I wouldn't worry so much but I don't want Aaron to have to grow up here," she continued, growing more upset. Charlie's hand found it's way into hers and she toyed with it absentmindedly.
"I know, Claire," he said softly. "I'm not gonna lie and say we'll surely be rescued but you should know I won't leave you. I'm going to be here for you and Aaron no matter what."
Claire chuckled lightly, earning a queer look from Charlie.
"What?" he asked.
Smiling fondly up at him, she pushed a stray strand of hair out of his eyes and replied, "You say that at least twice a day."
A blush crept into his cheeks. "I do, don't I? I guess that means I mean it then, yeah?"
"I suppose it does," she agreed. "Thank you."
It was Charlie's turn to laugh.
"What?" Claire demanded.
"You say that at least twice a day," Charlie answered with a cheeky grin. Claire swatted at his shoulder playfully.
"I guess that means I mean it then," she said.