Sakura stared at the computer screen. She tried to think of anything that would find what she was looking for.

It was 2:00 in the afternoon. Sakura had started working at the hospital from 9 in the morning to 8 at night; she went to midnight lately though. She trained from 6 in the morning to 8:30, giving her 30 minutes to get to the hospital. Everything had been going so well, but then she found adoption papers in her dad's office. She knew she was adopted, but she never knew who her birth parents were. But lately, she started wondering who her real mother was. During her free time at the hospital, she started looking at old birth files trying to find one with her name on it. But without her mother's name, she couldn't know who her mother was. She had looked at every file in the entire hospital (without Tsunade knowing, somehow), and she still couldn't find anything with her and her mother's name on it. Which brings us to why she was looking on the internet, trying to think of anything that might bring up her mother's name

She stared at the screen, then typed in pink hair, green eyes, large forehead, pale skin, Konaha: Village Hidden in the Leaves, disappeared 18 years ago. She took a deep breath and hit enter. A second later, the results came in. Sakura sighed. Whoever invented the internet was the smartest person alive. He should be awarded a medal for saving humanity she thought (even though we ALL know it's true). She looked at the screen.

Okay, she though, let's see the results. 27, 949, 346 resul….

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! "That's impossible. 27, 949, 346 RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!" Sakura muttered. She massaged her temples. Might as well start on it now.

Sorry about not updating. My Clique story, well, since the other book came out…..long story short, I don't know it I'm going to keep it. Anyways, yes I am going to finish this story! R and R please! BUT NOW FLAMES, I'M BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! smiles eerie sweet smile