Last chappy and it's not that good. This is where I need help. What is the zords name when the Megazord and White Tigerzord connect? I've been looking but cannot seem to find it so I was hoping someone would tell where I can find some more information on their zords so I don't run into this problem again. So in this chappy, I'm just calling it the zord until I figure this all out. Thanks for reading too.

"Tommy, I think this is a good time to call our zords now," Kim suggested, rolling to her left to avoid getting grabbed by Jonathon's hand.

"You're right. "We need Thunderzord Power Now!"

"Mastodon Lion Thunderzord Power!"

"Pterodactyl Fire Bird Thunderzord Power!"

"Triceratops Unicorn Thunderzord Power!"

"Saber-Tooth-Tiger Griffin Thunderzord Power!"

"Tyrannosaurus Red Dragon Thunderzord Power!"

"White Tiger Thunderzord Power!"

"Mega Thunderzord Power up!" they yelled as their zord now stood on it's feet with White Tiger next to them.

"Okay guys. Lets bring them together. Mega Tigerzord Transformation."

"What's this?" Jonathon asked, watching as two zords connected to become one. "Now that's cool but you just made one mistake."

"And that is?" Aisha asked from her seat, handling her controls.

"It makes it easier for me to do this!" Jonathon flung his hands out and string flew from his fingertips and wrapped themselves around both wrist and both ankles of the zord that stood before him. He jumped up and floated in air by himself until he was a little well over the zord and started his fun.

"What's going on?" Rocky asked, watching as the zords arms started to move on their own. He was almost jolted out of his seat when the zords fist punched the chest over and over, sending sparks everywhere inside the cockpit and outside the zord.

"Quite hitting yourself, quit hitting yourself," laughed Jonathon as he made the zord hit itself over and over. He stopped and brought the zords feet up until they were almost doing the splits in thin air and flung the zord into a nearby cliff. "Oh boy I haven't had this much fun in years."

"To bad it's going to end here," Tommy said, taking over. He grabbed the strings that held them captive and brought them down towards the ground, bring Jonathon with them. He laughed when Jonathon hit the ground hard and he was able to get the strings lose. "Okay guys. We're free. Time to finish this."

"Right. We need Power Sword!"

Jonathon stood up and saw a sword fly threw the air and land in the zords hand and knew he was in trouble. Before he could let his strings fly once more, the zord brought it's sword down, cutting him into two and then he knew no more.


"Not again!" Rita said, looking through her telescope.

"One day Rangers," Lord Zedd threatened. "One day we will defeat you."

The Juice Bar was packed with kids and adults that came for the talent show for runaway kids and a large group of kids were gathered around Adam and his friends. Adam sat on a stool with Aisha and Rocky at his side. Adam was able to ask his cousin if Aisha and Rocky could borrow two of his and much to his friends surprise, his cousin told them they could keep them.

"Can you believe those three?" Tommy's dad asked, laughing as Rocky's puppet said he was hungry but Aisha's puppet had to remind him he had a hollow stomach and couldn't eat.

"Yeah. It's really neat," Kim said. She walked up behind her friends and took Aisha's puppet as Adam explained the story behind the puppets. She just sat down when one kid raised his hand.

"Is the story true? Is the magician inside that puppet?"

Adam looked at his friends and all of them just laughed. He looked back at the boy and nodded. "Yes I do." Just as he was going to pick on another kid, Bulk and Skull came in and walked up to them, grabbing Jonathon from Adam and grabbing Rocky's puppet.

"Okay, listen up. This whole thing is fake and we're going to prove it," Bulk said. He sat down and put Jonathon on his lap as Skull followed.

"Look. I'm talking to a dummy, and he's not talking back," Bulk said. Moving the puppets arms and head.

"But Bulk, you never gave me a chance," a voice said.

All the kids laughed as Bulk looked down and saw the puppet's head move up to look at him. He turned around to yell at Adam but Adam was not behind him like he thought. Instead, Adam and Rocky were up at the bar, away from them with their backs turned.

"And Skull, how come you don't believe in me?"

That's all it took for Skull. He pushed the puppet into Aisha's waiting hands and took off, leaving Bulk alone.

"Hey kids. You believe in me, don't you?" Jonathon asked, looking at the kids.

"Yes!" they all yelled with laughter and smiles.

"See Bulk. They believe so why don't you? I just want to be your friend."

Bulk decided to pull a Skull and pushed Jonathon into Kim's arms and ran after his friend, saying something about possessed objects. As he left, Adam and Rocky came back and stood behind Aisha and Kim.

"Well, I think that went off very well," the puppet in Aisha's lap said to Jonathon.

"I think so. Thank you guys for coming to support a good cause. Oh, and Ernie wanted me to remind you all to get some smoothies from up at the bar," Jonathon said, waving at the kids.

Officer Oliver clapped as Adam, Aisha, Kim, and Rocky all took a bow and the kids stood up to race to bar for those smoothies Jonathon mentioned. He walked over to them as they passed around the puppets.

"That was very good you guys. One of my buddies told me that we just raised enough money and now we can build a shelter for runaway kids to go."

"That's great!" Kim said. "Now, what do you say about those drinks." She put Jonathon in his chest and as she stood up, she missed the puppet move his eyes and smile before Adam closed the top shut and locked.