Author's note: To start, I would like to apologize for two things. One—the sheer fact that I'm using a chapter for an author's note, which always bothers me. In this case, though, it can't be avoided.

The second thing is that I haven't posted. This is why I'm adding this author's note, to inform anyone still interested in this story about what I have planned for Coming Home.

This was my very first fan fiction story. As such, I'm rather fond of it, so I'm not deleting it. Still, I started this almost a year ago. My whole style of writing has changed a lot in that time, and I'm really not that pleased with this story.

While the plot is still workable, I feel like I've rushed into it and not bothered to go into depth. Also, much of it is cliché, and I feel that this story is no longer worth continuing as it is.

There is, however, a chance that I'll go back and rewrite this. If so, it will be up eventually, and under the same name (I think). However, it will be in my current style (which I'm much more fond of, honestly).

So thanks a million to anyone who reviewed, and I hope that you'll keep an eye out for the rewritten version of this. :)
