disclaimer: only thing that is mine is the plot. thre rest is jk rowlings.

A/N: hey guys. how is everyone? STORY TIME!

In the door way stood George. He looked to Fred who was sitting up to Hermione who was laying on her back looking up at Fred.

"Oh my God! What the hell are you doing?!" He whispered harshly. "Mum is on her way upstairs to get everyone up for breakfast and you two are laying in bed half naked. Hermione Granger, get your butt outta bed and hightail it to Ginny's room."

Hermione jumped out of bed and was almost out of the room before she turned around and ran back to Fred. She kissed him firmly on the lip, turned and ran past George.

"Well, well, well, looks like Freddie is the first one to bed the Hogwarts Prude." George said in a singsong voice.

Fred stood up and he was pist.

… … …

"Goodness Hermione, you look tired." Ginny said when Hermione speed into her room.

"I am. It was amazing Gin." Hermione said happily. She opened her trunk and grabbed her clothes and shampoo. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Alright I'll see you at breakfast." Ginny replied.

… … …

Hermione opened the bathroom door and quickly stepped in. she shut the door behind her and put he stuff on the counter. Just when she was about to step into the shower, the bathroom door opened again. Hermione had no time to put anything on, so she grabbed the nearest towel.

Fred looked up as he shut the door. "H-Hermione? I am so sorry!" he opened the door and left quickly.

Hermione wrapped the towel around her body, and opened the door. "Fred? Come here please."

Fred came back to the bathroom door and looked at Hermione, his face was still red. "Y-yes, Hermione?"

"Don't be embarrassed, after all, this isn't anything different than what you saw last night." Hermione said with a smile. Fred opened his mouth to speak, but she shut the door in his face giggling.

Hermione took a quick shower. After she was out she dried herself off and pulled on some shorts and a wife beater shirt. Hermione considered leaving her bushy mane down, but she opted to pull it up into a high ponytail. She went downstairs to find most of the order sitting around the table.

"Whats going on?" Hermione said, her voice strained.

"Order assignments for the Weasley's." A new member, codenamed Tailwind, said in a rough voice.

"Oh." Hermione said. She stood beside Ginny at the table.

The order member that had spoken harshly to Hermione was sitting at the head of the table with four envelopes. He looked at each envelope before handing them out. He grunted when Mrs. Weasley took hers. Fred and George took theirs and retreated to the far corner of the room. Mr. Weasley took his with a sad smile and looked away from the rest of his family.

"No sharing any information about you missions." Barked Tailwind when he saw the twins conversing in low voices. "You will all need to follow the directions carefully, do only as it says." With that Tailwind was out the door.

Fred and George sighed. George would be staying close to home, but Fred didn't know where he was going.

"Well, mum, looks like I'll be staying for dinner." George said, trying to sooth his mother's nerves.

"I have to pack." Fred provided in a whisper. He left the room without another word.

Hermione and Ginny exchanged nervous glances. Hermione didn't want Fred to leave because of the night that they had shared together, she was afraid that if he left he would forget about her. Ginny didn't want Fred to leave because she had heard about other Order members leaving and never coming back.

… … …

Fred looked at the piece of paper he was given.

Fred Weasley

5 p.m.

Wrongway Ave. London.

Fresh shower and clean shaven.

Dress like a muggle. You will be watching over three muggle children.

He crumpled up the paper his mission was written on. He was scared about what he was going to have to do because the letter was to vague. Fred flung himself at his bed and stared at the ceiling.

… … …

Hermione gave Fred enough time to pack before going upstairs. She gently knocked on the door. Fred didn't answer. Hermione took a deep breath before opening the door.

Fred looked up when the door opened. Hermione stood in the doorway playing with the hem of her shirt. He motioned for her to come in. She smiled slightly and came into the room, shutting the door behind her. Hermione crossed the room quickly and sat on the bed next to Fred.

"You look worried, love." Fred said, pulling her so she would lay next to him.

"I don't want you to forget about me, Fred." Hermione said as she snuggled into bed.

Fred looked down at her. Taking her chin in his hand he turned her head so she was looking at him. He dropped his head so their foreheads were resting on each others. "I could never forget you, Hermione." He kissed her.

Hermione rolled her body so she could lean into the kiss. She ran her hands up and down Fred's chest. Fred wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her in closer. Fred broke the kiss and began to kiss her neck. Hermione moaned and pushed herself, if possible, closer to Fred.

… … …

Fred stood at the open door looking back at his family. They were all standing around the kitchen table watching him leave.

"Well, goodbye family." Fred said somberly.

"Never goodbye, Fred. It's always see you later. Goodbye is to final." Hermione said.

Fred grinned. "Well, see you later, then." Fred closed the door and walked out of the garden.

… … …

Two months after Fred had left Hermione woke up terribly sick. She rushed into the bathroom and threw up everything that she had eaten the previous night. Ginny came into the bathroom and held Hermione's hair for her.

"This is the third time this week Hermione." Ginny said as Hermione washed her mouth out.

" I know Ginny, I'm stressed out. I've missed my period two months in a row." Hermione said after she spit out the water in her mouth.

"Monie, do you think that you might be pregnant?" Ginny said in a small voice.

"NO…no…no. M-me and Fred were careful." Hermione said, thinking back to that night.

Their bodies pressed together in the heat of the moment. Fred was kissing her neck, and she was moaning. No potion or spell was used to prevent pregnancy.

Hermione gasped. "Ginny, we need to go to the store."

"Alright Hermione, do you want breakfast?" Ginny said.

"No time, pull on some jeans and lets go." Hermione said as she hurried out of the bathroom.

Hermione threw open Ginny's door and began to look for some clothes in her trunk. When she found a pair of old jeans she pulled them on and began to dig for some muggle money.

Ginny walked calmly from the bathroom to her room and found a pair of pants to wear. She pulled them on and watch Hermione look franticly through her trunk.

Hermione let out a scream of triumph when she found her money. She grabbed Ginny's hand and ran down the stairs.

please review and let me know if theres anything that you want to see happen in the next chapter. And let me know what you liked and didnt like.