Ash's got some girl trouble chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon, or nintendo

Anyways the ages: Ash-16 Misty-17 May-15 Dawn-14

and No Brock won't appear unless I change my mind

It was a nice peaceful morning as Ash Ketchum walked down the road towards calmful Pallet Town, he wasn't alone of course, he was accompanied by Dawn a blue haired Pokemon coordinator, and together they walked towards Ash's hometown

"I can't believe he's almost here!" May said happily

"I know May, I'm happy to see Ash again to" Misty said

"Well, I have something big planned for him today though" May said grinning

"Well how about we make breakfast while we wait" Misty said

"Yes, I can make Ash some breakfast!" May said happily

"Well, then I'll go out shopping" Misty said as she left

May went into the kitchen of the Ketchum household, and started to make breakfast

Ash, and Dawn continued towards their destination, while Ash told her about all of the sites, and about his pokemon at the lab

"and I've also got a Bayleef, and a Bulbasaur!" Ash said happily

"Wow, you've caught so many pokemon Ash!" Dawn said amazed

"Well, its just because I've been traveling for so long" Ash said

"Oh" Dawn muttered, as she stared at Ash, Dawn had feelings for Ash, but she didn't have enough courage to tell him, that she liked him

Man, I guess this is the last that I get to see Ash, because He'll leave for another journey soon enough

I wish I could just tell him that I him Dawn thought with a sad face, Ash noticed and spoke up

"Are you OK Dawn?" Ash said

"Oh, yes I'm fine, I'm just thinking"

"Thinking about what?"

"About how we are most likely going to split paths and most likely never see each other again" Dawn said sadly

"Oh, well you can travel with me if you want" Ash said trying to reassure her

"Really?" Dawn said

"If you want too"

"Well I guess I'll think about it"

They then reached the top of a hill, and looked down at the town below

"Thats Pallet Town" Ash said happily

They then started to walk down the hill, and entered the town, they made it to Ash's house, and knocked on the door.

May heard this, and bolted straight towards the door, and opened it to reveal Ash

"Ash!!!!!" May screamed loudly, as she then hugged him furiously, knocking him to the ground

"I missed you soooo Much!" May said happily

Dawn looked in amazement since Ash had just been pummeled by this one girl

"I.. can't...brea" Ash sputtered

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" May said as she got off of him

"Its ok" Ash said as he got up

May then hugged Ash again

"I've missed you Ash" May said happy

"and I've missed you too" Ash said

May then looked at him, and then at Dawn

"Um.. who are you?" May said

"Well I'm Dawn, Ash's latest companion" Dawn said

"Oh, well I'm May one of Ash's former companions" May said as her and Dawn shook hands

Ash's stomach started rumbling, and he sweatdropped

"I guess I'm hungry after that walk" Ash said laughing

"Well, I made you some breakfast because I knew you were coming" May said grinning

"Thats great" Ash replied happily

They then went inside ate breakfast, and started to talk

"So, what are you doing here May" Ash asked

"I'm here because I heard you were coming back, and I thought that we could spend the day together"

"Um.. well I guess that would be fine, if Dawn doesn't mind"

"Oh, no you can go and have fun" Dawn said

"Ok then lets go Ashy" May said happily

When Dawn heard this she started thinking

Woah, what did she just call Ash? He is gonna be my boyfriend, not hers! I think I better follow them so she doesn't do anything sneaky

Ash, and May left, with Dawn secretly following

They went to a park

"This is stop number one!" May said happily

Ash, and May got on the swings, played with their pokemon, and played around, while Dawn watched.

They then headed towards a movie theater

"This is number 2!" May said, as she got movie tickets

After they went into the building Dawn bought a ticket for the same movie, and followed after them

May, and Ash got seat on the 2nd row, while Dawn got a seat in the 4th row

About halfway through the movie, a scary part came, and May clutched onto Ash's shirt, and climbed into his lap

Dawn noticed this, and started to fume a bit

What is she doing?!!?!

May remained in that position, for the rest of the movie, before jumping off of Ash, and pulling him towards their final spot.

Dawn then followed after them yet again

May had dragged Ash to the beach, with its nice calm waves, and the beautiful sunset in the back, Ash sat down, and May sat next to him putting her head on his shoulder

"Well Ash, isn't it just beautiful?" May said calmly

"Yeah, it is" he replied

"I'm just wondering but"

"But what?"

"Is there a girl you really like?"

"Well yeah I really like, Misty, you, and Dawn"

"No, I mean a girl you like so much, that you would want to be her boyfriend"

"Oh, well no I haven't chosen the girl for that"

"Oh, well you think I could be that girl?" May said grinning

"Um.. well I don't know, I also like Dawn, and Misty though" Ash said pushing his index fingers together

"Oh, but I just want to let you know something Ash"

"What is it?"

"Its just that while we were traveling together, I started to get feelings for you, and I'm in love with you" May said as she kissed Ash on the cheek

Hearing this Ash jumped back startled, while Dawn looked a bit shocked

"You, me?" Ash said still amazed

"Yes, and ever since you left for Sinnoh, I've missed you every day"

"Oh" was all Ash said

"Well, I think we should head back to your house, to make Dawn not worry" May said

Dawn then rushed back to the house, and stayed there for 5 minutes before Ash walked in

"We're back Dawn!" Ash said

Dawn then walked up, to Ash and hugged him tight

"Glad your back" she said happily

"Well why are you hugging me?" Ash asked

"I had a nightmare, that you wouldn't come back, and see me, so I'm just so happy" Dawn said as tears started to form in her eyes

"There, there" Ash said calmly as he returned her hug

May noticed, and got a bit angry

What is Dawn doing with my Ashy!!!!!

Ash, and Dawn broke apart, and Ash headed upstairs to get ready for bed while Dawn, and May talked

"What was the hug for!?" May asked still angry

"Are you scared that there's some competition for winning Ash?" Dawn said

"Well, I knew this wasn't easy since Misty was here, but I guess I have my work cut out for me" May said

"You mean there's another girl after Ash's heart?" Dawn said

"Yep" May replied

May, and Dawn grabbed their sleeping bags and went upstairs, into Ash's room, and they both pulled Ash out of his, bed, and made the sleeping bags into blankets

"Why did you two pull me out of bed?" Ash said a bit angry

"We wanted you to be close to us tonight" Dawn said

"I guess, I'll sleep with you two tonight then" Ash said as he lied down

May, then got lose, andcuddled up to his left side, and Dawn cuddled with his right side, and they went to sleep

A few minutes later, Misty walked in, and fell asleep on the couch since she was tired from shopping all day

"I hope Ash likes the present I got him" she mumbled as she went to sleep

Please Read, and Review

Well How is it?

Who should get Ash's heart?

Reviewers you decide!