Me: I got this idea when I was looking at a pic that has the three famous dragons inspired me for what would happen next after Dragon Riders.

Disclaimer: i do not own yugioh

In ages past, when the ancient world wasn't so ancient, the world was ruled by three serpent gods. The three serpents were for each part of the world, the sky, the land, and the sea. Each one is powerful and is worshipped by many as the gods of creation of the world.

Slifer, the god of the sky and heaven, Uria, the god of land and fire, Leviathan(1), the god of darkness and water. The three lived in harmony, until the race of man came along and started out as enemies of the dragons. For the dragons is under the same powers as the three serpent gods, and it caused hatred flow to the three serpent gods.

Soon the three serpent gods hated each other, and their anger grew as time passes. It was clear they wanted to fight in a battle to the death, but they had few dragons on their side to help them. So they each went to a priest that all three trusted.

The priest was surprised of their arrival at his home, but he heard of their anger towards each other so he discussed things quickly so that there won't be any fighting on his property. The four talked and soon the priest deciphered a prophecy:

Three Protector Gods shall arise

To protect, and fight they shall

To end a millennia of fighting

A dragon shall then rise

And announce the start

Of the battle of the three serpent gods

When the three serpent gods agreed with the prophecy, they left. The priest then went to the Pharaoh of Egypt, and he told him of the prophecy. The pharaoh was the only one who knew of the prophecy since then. He had himself get marked to have his bloodline decedents to have the same markings on their back and upper arms.

But then the marks were interfered with the marks of the three Egyptian gods, to mark those who shall control them. But the decedents thought of a better way, since the markings of the Egyptian gods got in the way, they moved the old markings of the prophecy to the chest.

It only worked for the first son of each generation. And with each generation, the family was murdered until only three were left. Only one can announce the start of the battle of the serpent gods, and only one can stop the fight before the world is destroyed, only one can restore balance and peace between sky, land, and sea.

Me: well there's the prologue.

1) just to clear things out, Dartz's dragon was named after the surpreme Leviathan of the sea, Dartz's dragon isn't the same as the serpent god, only the name so plz don't sue me.

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