"Oi… Kit… I thought you said that Blondie wouldn't get hurt…" A somewhat indifferent voice said with slight concern in its female tone. A sheepish laugh could be heard as a much gentler voice chirped, "I only said he wouldn't get any severe injuries… You know how psychotic wolf demon twins are, right?" A slight pause, "Speaking of which…" "Kit… No… You can't possibly- Hey! Where you going with that?! Bad Kit! Put that down!"
--- Scene Change ---
"And finally… So troublesome…" A European hedgehog demon muttered as he read the memo at hand, "We've been getting complaints from someone by the name of 'Arashi'…" Sasuke arched an elegant eyebrow at this, "Complaints?" As if on cue, a silver-haired sea otter demon appeared besides the devil, his eye that wasn't covered by the eye-patch he wore became an upside-down "U" as he spoke through his lower face mask, "That's not what's so interesting 'bout it though… Apparently this Arashi person is a full-blooded, living person!"
"Kakashi… What a most unwelcomed surprise…" Sasuke grounded out venomously, "What brings you here this time, perverted otter?" Said otter merely waved off the young lord's hostility towards him as he stated, "Mah, mah… Sasuke-kun… Is that any way to treat someone who comes bearing news about your future wife's unfortunate accident?" This seemed to have earned Kakashi a solid grip around his throat as the devil growled out, "What… Happened…?" "It would seem…" The silver-haired demon choked out, "That the one of the twins had dragged him around at very high speeds, and let loose, causing him to be in my dear playful dolphin's care…"
This caused Sasuke's eyes to narrow as he released the perverted Kakashi's throat. "Shikimaru… Hold off on this matter until I settle this personal business about Naruto…" He then stalked off as Kakashi wheezed out, "I… Better tell Dol-chan we'll be having company then…" Shikimaru merely watched this incident with a glazed look in his eyes, sighing as he muttered, "Why did I even get up this morning?"
---Scene Change---
Blurry blue eyes opened once again as Naruto muttered, "Damn… Too many wake ups it seems like…" (Well Sor…ry…! (pouts)) He then seemed to notice the alert shifting (cough His only warning…) as a worried voice sounded. "Are you alright, Naruto-sama?" Naruto observed the figure before him closely. Warm brown eyes framed by brown hair that was pulled back in a ponytail? What's more… That scar on the bridge of his nose….
"Iruka-Sensei?!" His voice squeaked in utmost surprise. This caused the other to chuckle, which only made the blond have more questions run at high speeds through his head, and blur out of his mouth. "Whoa, whoa! One at a time, please!" Iruka pleaded softly. "Okay… What the hell are you doing here?!" Naruto blurted out finally, only to hear, guess who at the door? Sasuke Fucking Uchiha.
"He lives here with the pervert Kakashi, what else?" "Wait, what pervert?! Iruka-sensei! Who's this Kakashi person!" Naruto felt the confusion mount higher upon him as his eyes swayed between the man he's come to respect, and the (well,) bastard. Iruka felt sorry for the blond infront of him. (Who wouldn't?) As for Sasuke… Well, Let's just say he could have more compassion for his wife-er-man-slave…. Spouse? (Let's stick with spouse. It sounds nicer…. And less degrading….)
"WHERE IS HE?! WHERE IS MY PRECIOUS SON?!" A voice boomed as a much nervous one called, "Arashi, sweetie…. Please settle down…" "HOW THE HELL CAN I SETTLE WHEN THOSE CREEPS TOOK MY BABY?!" Naruto's eyes lightened up as he called out, "Mother!!" This caused a male that could almost pass as an older Naruto to storm in, Kyuubi behind him. "Oh, Naru-darling…" Arashi said as tears came to his eyes and he hug attacked Naruto.
"… Arashi's Naruto's mother?" Kakashi asked from behind Kyuubi, "That's a surprise…. But it would explain the mail…."
Okay, I know you guys are most likely mad at me… Don't. Keep in mind this was originally a one shot, alright? So I struggle a lot on it… Not only that, but my life has taken a wrong turn and I'm currently a wreck… So I'll try to update as much as I can, but with this story, I can't promise much….