A/N: Ok, I wanted to submit this earlier, but I had to move, so things got a little messed around; sorry. BAD is actually the first ending I wrote, but I didn't like it, so I scrapped it for the other ending. What? I like Dib, and wanted him to come out on top. The BAD+ Ending I wrote just now, and totally got lazy and produced a crappy cop-out. Sorry, but I got a lot of univ stuff to deal with, and no time.
I didn't edit this, so yes, there are mistakes. Can't bring myself to care, too sleepy. Sorry.
These take place after Rius and Ana's scene. That doesn't change.
PS! Don't watch the Silent Hill movie! It sucks. I forgot to say that earlier, sorry. Play SH2 instead. Or play The Suffering Prison is Hell, that's an awesome game too.
Alternate Universe: BAD end, Men in White
The white receded; and the world came back into focus. Dib opened his eyes. He was lying on a small beach, the sand cold and coarse against his skin. Groaning, he shook the last of the fog from his brain and stumbled forwards. It was coming back to him; the monsters, the fights, Zim, everything.
He did a self-check. He was wearing his combat clothes, but they seemed much lighter than they had been. He had his knife, and his old gun, but the twisted pistol he used to kill Zim wasn't there. And, much to Dib's despair, so was his helmet with all the video in it. Dib searched the beach franticly, but found no clue to the mystery of his lost equipment. He heard something, something familiar. Dib, barely thinking rationally now, walked in the sound's direction.
Bright light, and loud noise. Dib looked, there was a pair of intense lights flying towards him; his hands flew to his face, knowing full well that he couldn't dodge in time.
The car's bumper stopped millimetres from Dib's body, the vehicle jerking back from its sudden stop. Its door flew open, and a very irate man stepped into the cool night.
"What the hell, kid? Dammit! Who the hell walks into the street in the middle of the freakin' night? I mean, are you stu-" The man stopped mid-sentence, shock replacing anger as he looked at the boy before him. The boy looked half-dead, hair a mess, clothes ripped up, and a crazed look in his eyes.
Dib blinked, adjusting to the sudden light. Still blinking furiously, he made out the figure on the man in from of him. Dib's expression changed from confusion to overbearing joy.
"You- You're HUMAN!" He shouted, face beaming.
"Uhhh, yeah. Hey, you alright? You look like shi-"
Dib wasn't paying attention to him, he was far too excited. "Another person! YES!" Dib paused, fear crossing his features once more, "Listen, we gotta get out of here, man. There are Things out there, monsters! They- They'll tear you up without a thought! We gotta get out, man! We gotta get out!"
Dib was clinging to the man's shirt, shaking it furiously to emphasise his point. His left eye twitched.
The man was getting weird vibes from this kid. Freaky vibes. Something was wrong with him, but the man couldn't put his finger on exactly what. "Listen kid, how 'bout we take you down to the police station and get yo-"
Dib jumped back, eyes widening. "The police station? NO! The things are there! The mouths... GOD THE MOUTHS! They'll eat us all! No, we gotta get out!"
Dib was shaking, things weren't going well. The man was stupid... or maybe... Maybe he's not human... Maybehe's one of THEM. Dib's eyes locked with the man's. Yeah, that was it. He was one of them. Dib smiled. Can't trick me, no no.
Fast as lightning, Dib pulled his knife and plunged it into the man's chest. The man gave a confused expression as he looked at his wound, and fell backwards. There was a scream from the car. Dib spun, and saw a woman sitting in the front seat desperately poking at a phone. If he was one, then SHE was one too. They're trying to kill you! Trying to stop you from telling the world about this place, stop her before she stops you.
Dib stalked forwards, clutching the knife so hard is knuckles went white. The woman slammed the driver-side door shut and locked the doors. Dib tilted his head, weren't they supposed to be trying to attack him? No matter. He brought the hilt of his weapon down onto the windshield, sending tiny cracks spider-webbing out. The woman screamed again.
It took the police three minutes to get from their station to the place where they received the phone call. They were two minutes to late to save the woman, but the perpetrator was still at the scene. It took three officers to restrain the crazed boy, and two other officers were sent to the hospital for non life-threatening stab wounds.
"What's the patient's name?"
"Dib Membrane. Age –" The nurse was drown out by a passing truck, "Institutionalized for... shit, that's horrible!" The head doctor at the Silent Hill Mental Institution raised an eyebrow, putting out his had so the nurse would hand him the file.
Charges: Three counts of first degree murder, one count of animal cruelty, one count of arson, two counts of second degree murder.
Police notes: Mr. Membrane, apprehended in Silent Hill (at King Street) after killing John Aldis and his girlfriend Ashley Cooper. At arrest, he was screaming that we were all monsters, and that we 'couldn't trick him'He is obviously highly delusional. Possibly schizophrenic.
Originally wanted for the triple-homicide in his home town; he killed a classmate, his dog, and his parents. The family, the Irkens (hailing from Norway), were shot, apparently by an antique 'Stinger' pistol. The reason for this seems to be that Membrane thought they were aliens. This may be due to Zim's skin condition that rendered him green. Dib proceeded to blow the house up using an unknown device. Probably a home-made bomb.
The doctor put the notes down, sighing. This was the third criminally insane patient he'd gotten that month. The doctor rubbed his temples; why do all the crazies come to Silent Hill?
"Well, better go up and see him. Later Stephanie."
He waved goodbye to the nurse and proceeded to the fourth floor, the 'secure' floor. It took him a minute to get to Dib's cell.
The doctor peered through the tiny slit in the heavy door; Dib was sitting in the middle of the padded room rocking back and forth.
"Hello Dib how are you today?"
The boy in the straitjacket turned his head slowly to the doctor.
"They can't beat each other, you know."
"They're just gonna keep fighting forever. Don't know why. Don't know why they're fighting, but they are. Forever. They... PULL! Always pulling! Trying to get an upper hand, but they CAN'T. Don't you see?"
The doctor sighed again. It was going to one of those days. He turned away, starting to walk towards his office so he could get some other poor bastard to take care of the kid. Before he could get more that two steps, Dib slammed himself against the door. The doctor jumped away in surprise.
Alternate Universe: BAD+, In Water
The flash of white left as quickly as it came, and the world came back into focus. Dib was still in the heart room, fully geared and ready. Something growled.
Dib's mind returned to the present, and he saw what creature that the claw was attached to. It was a huge hellhound, wreathed in smoke and flame. It growled, tearing the gun from Dib's hands. Dib fell back, the beast rearing above him.
Self-preservation overcoming his need to retrieve his weapon, Dib scrambled up and ran from the room; slamming the door behind him, leaning against it in an effort to hold the creature back. There was no response from the monster; it seemed content to stay in the room.
Dib was just starting to settle down and think of a plan when he heard a noise. A rushing sound, like water going down a large cliff...
Dib's eyes went wide. He bolted from the sunken ship, coming out into the lake as it started to re-fill itself. A torrent of water crashed down on Dib, knocking him around like a rag doll. He desperately held his breath, pumping his arms and legs desperately as he tried to swim to the surface.
Something caught his leg. He looked down, the water blurring his vision. He could make out an arm, skeletal. A skull emerged from the muck and looked up at him. More arms burst from the mud, grabbing and pulling Dib down.
He tired to scream, but the water silenced him.
He tried to struggle, but the hands pulled him down.
He tired to breathe, but the lake filling his lungs.
Down, deeper into the bottom of the lake. His body submerged in the soft clay, he reached out with his arms, desperately trying to grasp the fading light above him. His eyes closed as he was pulled under, never waking from the nightmare.