Broken Shards of a Devil

Disclaimer- I DO NOT OWN NARUTO!

As we headed into the park we saw an information stand with maps.

Ahh Maps.

My eternal worst enemy.

It's not my fault I sucked at reading them.

"Sigh" Even so...

Kiki picked up the map that would lead us to the Tenshi Waterfall when I eagerly snatched it away from her.

Itachi, Shun and Kiki all looked at me, waiting for me to give it back as we walked away from the stand.

"Since you guys so rudely insisted on insulting my sense of direction yesterday, I have taken it upon myself to lead us to the waterfall. All. By. Myself." I said proudly, smirking

As I said this Kiki and Shun's eyes instantly widened.

"Hinata, tell me your kidding" said Kiki

"I don't want to die!" Shun yelled, clutching Kiki's arm.

Itachi just looked on with an eyebrow raised.

Kiki and Shun knew when I made up my mind to do something, I did it.

That is the exact reason why they were so scared.

"How dare you guys insult me! I will get us all to the park better and faster than either of you could!" I said as I stomped off

They sighed and gave up, resigning themselves to their ultimate fate.

(One hour later.)

"We saw that same flower patch three times already" said Itachi

"Shut up!! We are almost there, I can feel it!!" I yelled

"I was just making an observation" said Itachi nonchalantly

I inwardly growled and resisted the urge to smack him upside the head with my USELESS map.

Half an hour after that.

Ok I couldn't deny it anymore.

"Um hehe.. I uh think we are sort of lost..." I said meekly

They all stared at me.

"We know" they said in unison.

I would usually retaliate to that but I had to admit, I was totally defeated.

"It's the stupid maps fault, not mine!!" I screamed

Then I did something genius even for my standards. Out of frustration I flung the map into the air.


That was of course the very second that a gust of wind chose to pick up, carefully blowing the map into the middle of the swampy pond 20 feet away from us.

My life was so awesome.

Kiki and Shun looked at me with murderous intent.

"How the HELL are we going to find our way back now!?" Shun screamed

Kiki could have used that map to get us there but of course that was now not an option.

"I'm so sorry!" I said remorsefully.

I really was.

Damn I was such a failure.

I had gotten us lost, and in addition we had no idea how to get to the waterfall or even get back from where we started.

"What are we going to do now?" I said sadly.

"Split up" said Itachi

Kiki and Shun seemed to like this idea a lot.

Big surprise.

"Ok so we will split up into groups of two and call each other's cell phones when we find something out, got it?" said Kiki commandingly.

Instantly, without even asking for mine and Itachi's consent Kiki and Shun linked arms and practically skipped off in the opposite direction.

So this was my punishment huh?

The heavens truly hated me.

I slowly turned around to look at Itachi only to find him smirking.

"Dumbass" he whispered to me

I was about to open my mouth to answer his snide comment when he turned around and started moving in the opposite direction where Kiki and Shun went.

I shrugged my shoulders and followed him, deeper into the woods.

(25 minutes later)

"I'm tired" I whined

"I don't care"

"Well you should"

"Why is that? You are the idiot that got us lost in the first place, if it wasn't for your stupidity we would have been there by now. You are a waste of time" Said Itachi


Maybe an icy glare would have been better than that…

I looked down shamefully at my feet and kept walking on the dirt path.

I couldn't really argue with him, I was useless.

He turned around and looked at me almost curiously.

"You aren't going to say anything?" he replied almost sounding astonished.

"No" I said simply. He was right so what was the point.

"Maybe father really was right…" I thought in my head.

I kept looking down, my thoughts drifting to my past. This is exactly the reason why I didn't hear Itachi when he said

"There's a bee on your head"

"What's on my head?" I asked, still dazed

"A bee"


Now let me explain something to you. I hated bees. HATED. They always freaked me out buzzing around ready to sting anyone in their way. I woke up a little baby at the beach once when one came near me. Yes, the screaming was that loud.

I instantly started running around frantically trying to get it away from me.

"It's gone" said Itachi casually

I guess he was used to my outbursts by now, or simply didn't care.

I was in the middle of processing what he said while I was still running around in circles when conveniently I saw a big juicy rock in my way.

No, I was not fast enough to escape it, if that's what you were wondering.

"Wahh!!" I screamed as I tripped over said rock.

Instead of adding "insult to injury" this was more like adding "injury to insult"

I fell unceremoniously, with my hip smashing into the dirt ground.

Mmm. Lovely.

Itachi just stared at me.

What a lovely escort he was turning out to be.

I started to get up when instantly I fell back down.

"Ow" was all I managed to say

Itachi just sighed and bent down

"What hurts." he said

"My ankle" I said, my vision getting a little blurred from the tears that were threatening to come. It wasn't because of the pain, it really wasn't that bad.

He sighed again.

"Such a burden…" he said

"What's wrong?"Let me try getting up again!" I said frantically.

No. Please tell me that I wasn't going to be even more of a hindrance than before.

"Your ankle is twisted, you won't be able to walk for awhile" said Itachi, looking at me blankly.

Just wonderful.

"Leave me here and go find it yourself, I'll call someone for some help or something" I said, looking away.

"Shut up" was all he said as he kneeled down, his back facing towards me

"Get on" He said commandingly

"Say Wa?" I said stupidly

"Get on my back you idiot; don't make me say it again"

"You aren't going to leave me here?"


He was starting to sound irritated so I simply complied and did my best to slowly climb on his back with one good ankle.

After I was securely on his back he stood up to his full height.

Woah was he tall.

I could feel his muscular back through his jacket. He smelled so…manly. Was that even a scent? I inhaled his scent lightly, lingering in it. It was unique.

I felt weird with my legs around his waist and my arms linked around his neck, but there was nothing I could do or say.

I was too emotional.

I wasn't left behind this time.

He didn't shove me away or leave me with my hand reaching out like so many others had.

At that point my vision completely blurred and salty tears started to run down my cheeks steadily.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, stoically of course.

"N-no" I replied through tears.

"You're getting my neck wet" He said

"I knn-ow" was all I said

Without another word he kept walking through the woods.

He didn't question me and he actually wasn't mean to me.

I only cried for a few more minutes after that, many of my tears were ones of relief though.

Even if I was a failure, somebody didn't choose to leave me behind for something or someone else.

I was thankful.

(Two hours later)

I woke up.

Wait? I woke up?

Why was I moving exactly?

"I'm surprised you don't snore" said Itachi

I could almost feel the smirk on that one.

Then suddenly I remembered what had happened and why I was riding on this man's back.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked groggily

"Long enough for me to feel you drooling on me, which amounts to about two hours"

Aww I almost never drooled. I guess he was pretty comfortable.

I decided to ignore the drooling comment though because I was so surprised at the time

"Two hours?!" I said, astonished.

"Yea, we are almost there" he said as he started walking over a fairly small hill.

"How did you know how to get there so easily?" I said surprised.

"I have been here before for training" said Itachi


and before I could finish my sentence we got over the hill and I saw the most stunning sight of my life. The Tenshi waterfall.

I was speechless.

It was so beautiful.

It was darker than the rest of the park because it was secluded in many trees. It practically glowed. The diamond clear water danced down the waterfall into the water mass below it. It was so mesmerizing with the glittering rocks accenting the cool clear water.

"Beautiful" was all I managed to breathe out

"I know" was all Itachi said

He walked closer to the waters edge where he gently set me down on the ground.

I sat and watched it for about an hour.

It really was amazing. Its purity made you forget about everything else in the world and just be engrossed in the calm aura that surrounded it.

Itachi had been resting while I was admiring it but soon he got up and splashed his face with some of the heavenly water.

"You're tired?" I asked. He did carry me for two hours previously.

"I was carrying a hippo on my back for two full hours, of course I'm slightly fatigued" he said

"How dare you!" I said as I got up and sloppily hopped over to him on one foot.

He simply smirked.

"Who are you calling a hippo?!" I demanded

"No excuse me, I didn't mean hippo' he said

Had I won!?!

Of course not.

"I meant drooling hippo" he said

That was it.

"ASSHOLE!!" I screamed as I shoved him.

Too bad I forgot we were standing near the edge of the water.

I watched as Itachi fell back with only a slightly surprised look.


It looked like this water didn't start off shallow; it was deep from the start. That explained why he fell straight through it.

This was most definitely not funny. I said to myself numerous times.

Too bad it didn't stop me from laughing like a hyena, banging my first on the floor furiously.

It only stopped being funny when I noticed he hadn't come up for 25 seconds.

"Oh my GOD!!! I drowned him!!" I screamed.

I knew this was my entire fault so I knew what I had to do.

I frantically dived into the water intent on saving him.

That would have just made my life a little too easy though wouldn't it have

The water was very deep.

Remember the part where I hurt my ankle?

Well generally people need to use their feet to swim. I know I did.

Now I was submerged under water drowning.

Great. I killed someone and now I was going to get myself killed too.

My hair quickly rid itself of the ribbon that had been holding it up in place. As I drifted deeper into the water.

As the lack of oxygen clouded my brain I slowly began to lose consciousness. It was quite peaceful though. I could feel myself gently floating towards the bottom with my hair spread out in the water. "How pretty" I thought as I looked up and saw the sun reflect on the waters surface. I slowly reached out my hand to try and touch the reflecting light.

So this was the end huh?

I was fading fast until suddenly I felt a strong hand surround my waist.

It was Itachi.

He was alive. I was so relieved even though I was now barely conscious.

I smiled at him.

That's when he kissed me

Under the water.

After that he proceeded to bring us both up to the surface where the surge of oxygen had me gasping for more.

I was looking at him still light headed with drooping eyes as he held me up in the water.

His grip was so tight.

"Why the hell did you do that you idiot?!" Itachi said almost yelling.

Itachi was almost yelling?

Was I hallucinating?

I thought he was mad at me for pushing him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you into the water" I said sadly

"Who cares about that?! Why did you go in there knowing your ankle was hurt! ARE YOU THAT DENSE?!" He fumed.

"I thought you were drowning! I was trying to save you! I didn't have time to think about the little things! I screamed, getting more frustrated.

"I wasn't drowning I just wanted to see the look on your face. I was going to come up in five seconds you complete idiot"


"So this is your entire fault" I said, exhausted

"No it isn't" he said much more calmly than before

"Why do you care if I almost drowned anyway? I said, tired and stressed by now.

All his words to me had indicated that I was the biggest nuisance on earth to him.

Cut me some slack I had almost drowned a minute ago.

"Because you're annoying" was all he said.

Then he crashed his lips on mine fervently.

My eyes widened but I was too tired to pretend I didn't like it. So I gave in and kissed back. His mouth was so warm despite the cold water we were in.

His gorgeous onyx hair was sticking to his face and his body felt so good pressed up against mine that I didn't ever want to let go. I felt droplets of water fall from my eyelashes, whether they were tears or water from the waterfall I didn't know.

After a few minutes we reluctantly stopped and he swam up to the waterfall, dragging me with him.

"What are you doing?" I said tiredly with freshly pink tinted cheeks.

"Just hold on to me and hold your breath" he said

I had no time to respond before he pulled me underwater and guided me under the waterfall till we came out on the other side.

There was a ladder attached to the rock wall that lead to a little secluded cave.

He climbed the ladder with a confused me on his back.

The cave was behind the waterfall where no eyes could reach.

"This is where I meditate, it has some supplies" he said casually.

"You meditate?" I asked

"Yes, I took martial arts and meditation was a major aspect of it"

I thought back to all the times he had side stepped my little tricks with agility and figured it made sense.

"Now take off your shirt"


"I said, take off your shirt"

Here we were, alone, in a secluded cave and he just saved my life.


How could I have been so naïve?!

I started to back away from him.

"No…I won't give it to you…"

"Give what to me idiot?"

"I'M NOT GIVING YOU SEX YOU PERVERTED SNAKE!!" I screamed as I backed away even faster with my hands covering my chest.

"Sex?" asked Itachi

"I said no!"

"You thought I wanted sex from you?"

"What the hell else does "take your shirt off" mean!!" I screamed, getting red in the face

He looked at me and blinked.

Then the impossible happened.

Itachi Uchiha laughed.


"HAHA you-u thought I wanted s-sex f-from you-u" he barely said between laughs

Ok. Now I was angry.


He sobered up enough to tell me.

"Your shirt is wet, and I had a spare training kimono for you to wear"


Hyuuga Hinata strikes again! Once more I was completely humiliated.

"On the other hand, if sex is what you wanted…" Itachi whispered huskily as he drew closer to me with a smirk

If possible my face became even redder as I stammered

"No! Stay-y back!"

He laughed even harder.

"Teasing you isn't so bad I suppose" said Itachi flatly.

Suddenly I remembered those two kisses we shared earlier but chose to forget it. I'm sure it was just in the heat of the moment…


"Here" he said as he handed me a fresh plain white yukata.

"It might be a bit big, it's been here for a while but just change into it, I won't look" he said as he turned around.

For some odd reason I trusted him as I slid out of my outfit and tightly fastened the yukata around me.


"Not bad Hyuuga, Not bad at all"

"Now let me bandage up your ankle" he said commandingly.

"Alright" I said as I tentatively extended my foot into his lap so he could wrap it up.

"So…Now what do we do?

Suddenly we heard the loud voices of Kiki and Shun.

"I'm telling you she got herself and him killed!" yelled Shun over the sound of the waterfall.

"Just, SHUT UP!" said Kiki

Whoa, what went down with them? Since when did Kiki yell at Shun?

I would later find out that what transpired between them would be something big. Something that would only help the devil lure me to his side faster, as the strings between Kiki, Shun, and I started to break.

"We should let them know we're here" said Itachi

"Yea" was all I said, looking him in the eyes…such dark eyes…

"One of the ladders coming out of here can lead us to land without us getting wet" said Itachi.

With that I climbed on his back, trusting him to take me where I needed to go.


When we got on land He took me into his arms bridal style and walked up to Kiki and Shun. They were arguing until they noticed our presence.

What a strange site we did make.

A shirtless Itachi (his clothes had been wet) carrying an injured me.

"What happened?!" yelled Kiki as Itachi let me down so she could hug me

"It's such a long story" I tiredly said

"Can we talk about this tomorrow?" I asked Kiki

"Sure just be careful, I see your ankle is bandaged" she worriedly said as she swung one of my arms around her and with a concerned glance told me to let her support me.

Shun took the other arm and wrapped it around himself as I heard him whisper

"Did you put it in her?" To Itachi

"Shut up!" I said with my last remaining energy.

"Ok ok" he said as he sheepishly smiled and asked me more seriously "Hinata are you really ok?"

"I think so" I said, and gave him an affectionate smile.

It made me feel warm inside to see that they cared so much.

The sun was setting and suddenly a park car came up to us.

"We called them when we thought you were missing" said Kiki

"It's a good thing we did" said Shun

"Yea" was all I said as we began to slowly move to the car, waiting to take us back to the park entrance.

"Oh wait!" I said "We need a picture of all of us near the waterfall for the project!"

Ahh. The Project.

"Ok ok let's hurry" Kiki said as we all minus Itachi smiled for the camera,.

Explaining why he was shirtless was not going to be a trip to the zoo.

"Sigh" I knew Kiki and Shun had both given me bunny ears in the picture but I would yell at them for that tomorrow.

As we started moving again I noticed Itachi wasn't with us

"Hurry up!" I called back, smiling back at him.

I brushed off the look I saw on his face when I turned around.

I really shouldn't have.

That was the first time I saw the devil come out. His stare was cold, dark, and jealous.

Was it because my friends were helping me?

I'll never really know. My only theory about it now would be he hated me not leaning on him, needing him, crying out to him. Not asking him for comfort.

I only caught a swift glance of this dark stare as he easily wiped it off his face and put on his normal, passive face.

"I'm coming" he said as he began walking up to us

I smiled and deemed it as me seeing things. I was tired. I was really tired actually.

I would continue making excuses like these for a very long time. Trying to fight off what my instincts were screaming at me.

I was starting to fall for the devil, and my mind was losing reason fast. Not that it had that much to begin with.

Now that I had come face to face with the devil he was ready to ensnare me into his dance of fire, holding onto me tight, letting his dark claws dig into me, and leaving me deaf to the screams of anyone trying to save me.

This, I believe was by far my most intense and thought out chapter. I really hope people enjoyed it. Please read and review if you liked it or have any constuctive critisism for me. Have a great day!