No, I haven't died, at least not yet anyway.

This update is way over due, and it suddenly dawned on me today that people actually ready this lol so I slaved away for the entirety of two hours to bring you this. While I was reading back on the last two chapters, I coudn't help but cringe, there were way to many mistakes for my liking and it just plain sucked in my opinion so maybe I'll go back and rewrite them when I get the chance but for now at least heres chapter 3 enjoy :3

Disclaimer: Nope, I haven't acquired the rights to KH yet, its on my to do list.

Roxas sighed as he took in the absurdity of the situation. How was he supposed to know the door would be locked? It wasn't like he kept tabs on who went in or out of Sora's house or anything. No, he never spent any of his more boring afternoons trying to spy on Sora with a pair of binoculars, that would just be weird and stalkerish, and if there was anything Roxas wasn't, it was weird and stalkerish. That's what he told himself anyway.

With one last helpless glare aimed at the offending hunk of wood, he headed off towards the backyard in hopes of finding another entrance. Sora stirred in his arms slightly causing the blonde to falter in his steps, he glanced down noting how serene his best friend looked. One word came to mind.


He pushed open the gate that led to Sora's back yard, grimacing to himself at how wrong that sounded, and proceeded to climb up the stairs of the patio. He grunted from the effort, while Sora may not have been heavy, he certainly wasn't light either.

"Would it kill you to lay off the sea salt ice cream once in a while?" he muttered, as he struggled to keep a hold of his best friend. As soon as he reached the top of the stairs he dashed, or tried to anyway, towards the screen door fearing he would drop Sora at any second. Luckily for him Sora's back door was always open…

No! bad thoughts Roxas, think of bunnies, rainbows, clouds, damn it!

Once inside Roxas headed towards Sora's room, having spent so much time over, he more or less memorized the entire layout of the house. He dumped Sora rather unceremoniously onto his bed, trying to catch his breath.

I really need to work out more, He thought bitterly glancing around.

Sora's room really hadn't changed much since the last time he was over. A huge blue bean bag still sat in the corner of the room, looking dejected, the many years of abuse clearly evident from the Styrofoam pellets that were beginning to leak out. The CD rack still overflowing from all crappy pop his friend seemed to gravitate towards, his drawer was littered with wristbands and popsicle sticks. His walls were still covered in posters of Jesse McCartney, Roxas' eye visibly twitched in annoyance.

"What does he have, that I don't?" he grumbled. He would have torn them all down, but the last time he had tried to Sora threatened to castrate him, and that was not something Roxas was willing to risk. If he and Sora ever did get together he would need all his parts to be in working condition, thank you very much.

He removed the other boy's book bag from his neck and placed it on the floor next to the bed, and casting the brunet one last glance. He retrieved a pencil and a sticky note from his own backpack and hastily wrote out a -Call me later!- sticking the note to the Sora's forehead and letting himself out.

Once he was in the safety of his own home did he remember he had agreed to go help Axel study. He groaned, knowing full well that Axel's idea of studying had very little to do with books, and more likely had Roxas dressed up as a naughty school teacher with a short miniskirt. He shuddered at the thought and began to ram his head repeatedly into the wall, albeit softly.

No use in getting hurt over Axel right? He could be easily fend off the redhead with anything combustible. It was a little creepy how easily distracted Axel became in the presence of fire, or anything fire related.

"I suppose that's one thing I can always expect from him, good old dependable Axel." he snorted. He sat up in his bed and hastily typed away, the fluid motion of his fingers on the keys became comforting in a sense as the monotony of the task relaxed him. It was quite the contrast, seeing as how the whiteness of the walls around him seemed to be suffocating him. One of these days he was going to have to paint them. He wasn't really the type to keep a journal, but every once in a while he would write some of his thoughts down to reflect upon later.

Sometimes I wonder how other people go through life so easily, I mean I'm not trying to sound depressed but seriously. How is it that people like Sora, even Axel can wake up each day and just act the same as always? There are times when I'm completely content with my life, most centered around Sora, but most of the time I feel a deep nagging that just won't go away. Why do I have to experience this sense of alienation? Why is it that I can't seem to just be happy.

I think of things like the future, college, work, relationships, I have a feeling that I'm going to fail… that by even attempting normalcy, I'm just setting myself up for a huge letdown in the end. Like with Sora, I'm basically working off of nothing, how do I know he would even like me in that way.. I think maybe at the heart of it, I'm just desperate for something to latch onto.

I feel so empty sometimes, but I guess cutting doesn't solve much does it? I just… makes me feel alive for lack of a better word, but I shouldn't need self mutilation to feel alive. Plus I doubt all these scars would be a turn on for anyone, well maybe Axel but he's a psycho. Writing this all down does seems to help though, I get a sense of clarity, but enough wallowing for now.

He closed his laptop with a sigh and fished Zexion's number out of his pocket. The blonde was feeling rather apprehensive about calling up the slate haired boy, his eyes, correction eye, since half his face was covered at all times, seemed to bore into Roxas and that made him slightly uncomfortable. Zexion, the resident emo, so to speak, but maybe Roxas was being a little too hasty in his judgment of the boy.

"Just because he looks like he could be the poster child for emo, doesn't necessarily mean he is after all." Taking a deep breath Roxas dialed Zexion's number. No turning back now. After a few rings a quiet "Hello" could be heard from the other line.

Roxas responded with a quick, "Hey Zexion, it's me Roxas." suddenly the room felt a whole lot warmer.

The blonde blamed this on the fact that his parents liked to turn on the heater at the most random of times, It was spring damn it! Roxas was of course alone in the house, but he felt no reason to point out that little fact.

"Oh, hello Roxas." uttered Zexion. An uncomfortable silence was beginning to settle in, Roxas was unsure of where to go with the whole conversation.

Somehow, "Hey, just called to like make sure were on the same page, no one has to know about my little razor incident, you know? " didn't seem like the most subtle approach.

He was, in fact about to blurt that out when Zexion spoke in a slightly defeated tone. "Don't worry Roxas, your secrets aren't mine to tell."

Roxas realized that he had been holding his breath the whole time and let it out in a satisfied sigh, all the tension in his body was released. "Thanks Zexion." an impish grin spread across his face, and if Axel would have been there he would have said that Roxas was "Brighter than a rainbow on acid." How a rainbow could possibly be on acid was beside the point. The blonde was positively radiating sunshine, and that in itself was rare.

"Don't worry about it Roxas… just next time try not to do it.." replied Zexion in a nonchalant tone of voice. Zexion was becoming a much cooler person in Roxas' point of view with every word he uttered, which was very few to be honest.

"So umm see you in school tomorrow?"

"Yeah, take care Roxas."

And with that the blonde hung up, taking a moment to bask in the ambiance. He glanced over at the clock. The red digits stared back at him reflecting that it was 6:17.

He really had nothing to do at the moment, he had no homework to do, so he just went downstairs to get something to eat. After rummaging around in his fridge for a few minutes the blonde made himself a turkey sandwich, and headed off towards the living room to watch some TV.

He was not, of course, expecting to be glomped as soon as he entered the living room. A muffled cry of surprise escaped his lips as he went crashing to the floor. He opened one eye warily to glance up at his attacker and was met with a face full of brown spikes. Sora was currently attached to his torso, head resting on the blonde boy's chest. From the looks of it he wasn't letting go anytime soon.

"Breaking and entering, Sora you do know that's against the law right?" he sighed, not quite able bring himself to be mad at the brunet. He grinned as he attempted to unlatch Sora from his torso, but damn if Sora wasn't putting up a fight. Roxas let out a frustrated sigh and resigned himself to being a floor mat for his best friend.

"Its not really breaking and entering Rox, your front door was open." he mumbled sheepishly, grinning at the blonde as he unlatched himself from his chest.

"Anyway I just came over to see if you wanted to hang out, and to thank you for carrying me to my room. You could have just woken me up you know." said Sora as he proceeded to eat the turkey sandwich that just happened to be laying there, earning him a squawk of protest from Roxas. The blonde watched resentfully as Sora finished his sandwich in two bites. Where does he put it all? he wondered finally standing up.

"You were sleeping, no point in waking you up," he mumbled shyly as he scratched the back of his head. "And sure we can watch a movie if you want, I'm sure there's something on." He took a seat on the couch and patted the spot next to him with one hand while reaching for the remote with the other. Sora, of course needed no further invitation as he took a seat next to the blonde.

"I'll be right back, going to get some snacks." muttered the blonde as he handed the remote to Sora and headed back towards the kitchen. He put some microwave popcorn to cook and found a bowl to pour it in when it was done. Grabbing a few cokes from the fridge, made his way back handing the drink to the brunet and placing the popcorn before them.

He turned his attention to the movie that Sora had chosen, and was met with some rather disturbing images of a track team running. The camera was centered on their midriffs, and a voice was eloquently going on about "Pork Swords."

Sora let out a bark of laughter, and Roxas couldn't help but chuckle. Leave it to Sora to pick Juno. Thought the blonde as he settled himself in. He had gone with Sora to watch the movie when it had first come out.

The night had gone on with the two bursting into laughter in the theatre, many glares of annoyance had been thrown their way that night. They sat in semi silence, laughing at the funnier parts of the movie, and Roxas couldn't help but feel a warm glow settle over the evening. This was all he truly needed, to be with Sora, doing something as simple as watching a movie.

As if reading his thoughts, the brunet glanced over and smiled causing the blonde to blush slightly. For the record, Roxas' heart was not pounding like a drum, and he most certainly did not want to jump his best friend right then and there. The gleam in his eyes said otherwise, and Sora might have noticed if he hadn't turned his attention back to the movie. An hour later the movie was coming to the end as Sora sang along with the ending song, he was looking directly as Roxas as he sang.

"You're a part time lover and a full time friend"

"The monkey on your back is the latest trend"

"I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else, but you"

Roxas grinned and sang along giddily, never taking his eyes off of Sora. It was safe to say that at that moment nothing could bring him down. Then of course a knock came from his door, and he went to answer it annoyed at the nerve of some people. It wasn't like he was having the fucking time of his life or anything!

He opened the door rather violently, and growled, "What?!" It seemed fate really hated him as none other than Axel was standing before him. He let out an audible groan and tried to slam the door shut, but a certain redhead had wedged his foot in the door and pushed his way in. He looked down at Roxas, a sly grin on his face.

Roxas mentally slapped himself for answering the door in the first place. "How the hell do you know where I live?" he seethed.

"Earth to Rox, we've been friends for years now, course I know where you live silly" replied the redhead smirking.

Friends right, he cursed himself for ever letting that fire crotch know where he lived. He glared at the mass of red spikes before him, no one should be allowed to be that tall. It should be like illegal or something.

"Well then, since you let yourself in, what the hell do you want?" he spat. The fire crotch in question winced at the venom in the petite blondes words, and shrugged.

"Just wanted to say hi," he said visibly shrinking under the gaze of the shorter boy. Roxas sighed in defeat and turned, heading back to his living room. Axel just stood there still in slight shock.

"We're watching movies in the living room." he called back. Wait was that an invitation? Thought the redhead as a he broke into a wide grin. "Coming Roxy!" he shouted, even though the blonde was simply one room away. He faulted, seeing that Sora was near Roxas. The redhead was ecstatic, and he'd be damned if Sora ruined it."

"Hi Axel," called the brunet, waving. Roxas watched the exchange pensively as he motioned for Axel to have a seat on the couch opposite him and Sora. He turned his attention back to the screen.

The rest of the night went by rather uneventfully, Axel hadn't pestered the blonde with his innuendos, and Roxas was on a Sora high, that even Axel couldn't bring him down from. When his friends finally stumbled out the door it was close to midnight. Roxas was genuinely happy, as he cleaned up his living room and headed upstairs to go to bed.

The blondes last thoughts as he through himself on top of his bed were of his best friend Sora. A smile remained planted on the boys face as he slumbered, it was adorable in all sense of the word.

This is my shortest chapter yet, and I changed it quite a bit from my original one. Originally Roxas was to go over to Zexion's and Zexy was going to try and molest our little blondie but I think I like it better this way.

With that said I pretty much threw out the plot I had before and I'm thinking I'll just go with it, hopefully it will get better.

So now be a dear and hit that shiny purple GO button :D