Ok I'm back with the next chapter because I have insomnia yeah insomnia anyway on with the chapter.

Disclamer:I don't own Inuyasha Rumiko Takahashi does not me cause if I did Kikyo would stay dead Instead of coming back to life every time you kill her.

(1 hour later)

"Kagome, Kagome, wake up dear."

"Huh, oh Mom it's you."

"Well who did you think it was?"

"No one, I just wasn't thinking that's all."

"Well in that case come down stairs suppers ready."



"Hey Kagome is every thing alright you've been kinda quiet?"

"I'm fine."

"Ummm ok. Whats with her?"

"Are you sure, you haven't said a thing about school."

"Thats because it sucked."



"Tell us what happend, it might make you feel better."

"Alright, lets see it started when I over slept and had to skip breakfast just to make it to school on time but I was still late because I triped and hit my head which knoked me unconcious for about 4 minutes so I got to class late, then Yuka asked me if I thought the teacher was hot or not when I said I guess so she went and got herself in trouble but at the end of class the teacher said that he was keeping an eye on me, which is so unfair and then when I was at Wacdonlds Ayumi asked about Inuyasha and when I said that we wern't really seeing each other at that moment they assumed that we broke up. There happy now you know what a horrable day I had!"

"...Jeez what's her problem?"

"What has gotten into that girl?"

"Kagome, I think I know why your teacher is keeping his eye on you."

"How would you know."

"Well think about it Kagome you did miss a lot of school last year that may be why he's keeping an eye on you."

"Ok you're right, I guess I overreacted a little bit to everything."

"See now don't you feel better?"

"Hey your right thanks Mom."

"Your welcome dear."

"\How does Mom do that every time?"

(12 minutes later in Kagome's room)

"Oh this sucks I wish I could see Inuyasha again I'd even seatle for seeing Sesshomaru again. Oh I miss Inuyasha and I miss Shippo, Sango, Miroku, even Hachi and Myoga. I wish I could have stayed in the Feudal Era for just a little bit longer. Hey wait a minute I need to finish my homework so I don't fall behind."

(1 1\2 later.)

"Done now I can relax a bit before I go to bed, I wonder how everyone is doing? I souldn't worry about that if I can't see them any more then I should just forget about them but how their my friends and Inuyasha how am I supose to forget about him, I wonder if he misses me as much as I miss him?"

Ok done sorry it's short but I need to give my brain a rest and I have to work on my other storys so bye