Tales Beyond the Woods
By: Selim
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
Rating: M-18
Summary: Drabbles about Kyuubi and Arashi. Love isn't only destined between two humans, but a human and a demon that can defy anything for each other.
Pairing: KyuuAra, Suggestive SasuNaru, KakaIru, ect. Depending on chapter.
Dressed in a white kimono, pink along the seams, Arashi shifted his weight to the front of his legs to ease the numbness. Beside him dressed in a light green kimono, Kyuubi lowered his head, his chest rumbling with a growl as he watched solemn actors move across the stage to display the rest of their oncoming lives. Reaching over discretely, Arashi laced his and Kyuubi's fingers together, carefully leaning against his mate as they listened to the dark haired man before them start speaking in a hushed voice speak to the blond at the altar. A guard behind them, assigned to protect the hokage, shifted uncomfortably.
"Are you proud of your little boy, Kyuubi-kun?" Arashi whispered softly. Blue eyes never left his smiling son that took his turn on the floor, making promises of everlasting love.
Kyuubi's ears curled back. "He could do better. Gaara – he was a fine demon and would have taken good care of my boy. As far as I can understand from those human females, Uchiha-san only offers financial security. We're proud demons, finance means nothing to us." Kyuubi glowered as a woman next to him hissed under her breath for them to shut up. His son was beaming proudly as Sasuke took his hand, placing a ring on elegantly long fingers. The two leaned forward and shared a soft kiss, their first as husband and wife and the watchers bowed their heads politely, some with tears rolling down their cheeks while others clapped and smiled at the happy couple.
"This? Why would I regret watching my son's wedding? I never thought I'd live to see the day to be honest." Arashi smiled.
"No, I don't mean our son's wedding – we can only regret the other man, not the day," Kyuubi grunted as he stood up. Helping the blond up, the two followed the newlyweds out of the chambers. Their voices grew even more hushed, sure that if too loud Naruto could pick up on their conversation. "I mean do you regret not having such a ceremony with me? I never even bought you a human wedding ring to mark our mating. We've just…been together for each other."
Arashi's gaze lowered to the ground letting an awkward silence fall on both of them. Naruto turned towards them, still smilingly widely after his marriage had just been informed to all of Konoha. "Congratulations Naru-chan, Sasuke-san." He drew his son into his arms. For a second the man didn't want to pull away afraid his beautiful son would be gone – to his new family. When he did finally relent his hold, he grabbed the reluctant Sasuke in a tight hug. "Your parents would be so proud of you, Sasuke."
The man blinked before shyly returning the unfamiliar hold. "Thank you, Arashi-sama."
"That's Arashi-mama now, young man!" The hokage chided, earning a fit of giggles from his son. "And you better be quick at making me lots of grandchildren to spoil rotten! I'm not getting any younger!" He returned to Kyuubi's side, who nodded in greeting towards the two red faced ninjas. The group exchanged a few more words before Naruto dragged Sasuke off to see some of their other friends, leaving Arashi and Kyuubi alone once more. The guard, still unnerved by closeness of his leader, had backed away just a little more. Kyuubi noted it but didn't say much.
"So do you regret me?"
Arashi cuddled into Kyuubi's side. "No because I know this ceremony wouldn't mean anything to you like it would for me. A ring on the finger would mean even less because you and all the demons can smell that I belong to you. I don't care if no one else can see this bond that we share but I'm happy because of the everyday human things you've accepted into your life. I don't want a stupid ring if you're only giving it to me because you think I need it. I don't care about this ceremony if you don't. Besides, after twenty years of common law marriage, I don't think either would change anything. You'll still come home and drop a rabbit on the table, telling me to cook the portion I want to eat, I'll still whine to you that dry baths do not count as a bath, and at night when we're through with the trials of the day we'll crawl into each other's arms and forget about Konoha and the Fox Village and just be Kyuubi and Arashi, two people madly in love with each other."
Holding the Hokage close, Kyuubi rested his head on the man's blond mane. "Where would I be without you…"
"I've actually thought about that one."
"Yep." Arashi grinned. "I'd probably marry some woman; Naruto would still look the same…only he won't be part fox. One day you'll probably kill a lot of humans because we're on your lands, we'll fight back. Many will die. Probably, as a last chance, I'll seal you in my son before dying myself. There, you'll protect our little boy from evil Uchihas, snakes, and possibly himself."
The demon snorted. "You really thought this through?"
Nodding, the hokage craned his back to peck Kyuubi's lips. "Yes, but it always depresses me but then I remember it's me who has to wake up to your annoying voice about the birds outside being too excited in the mornings and not Naruto."
"Heh, well as long as that's just some bad dream. I'd rather be with you everyday than our son. He's the Uchiha's problem now."
I know, I know. This is how you end it? No SasuNaru porn? Well… it's KyuuAra, no SasuNaru….and….it was originally just supposed to be that first chapter. These were just fanfic plot bunnies I've had over the year and they never got any further.
Also the point of the end of the chapter was suggesting the canon plot for Naruto but Arashi and Kyuubi laugh such a concept off. Shows them, huh?
Laters! (Also, note, I won't be changing Arashi's name. Don't message me telling me that it's not that. I honestly don't care what his name is. I don't read Naruto anymore and have no plans on starting again.)
With Much Love,
Selim Nagisokrov