Title: Green Eyes
Drabble: #5
TK's prompt: Purse
Randomly selected pairing: Yamori
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon.
Notes: This was an absolute pig. I mean, really; of all the pairings to match up with the word 'purse'…
These days, Iori and Yamato are living in an apartment together. It's a convenient arrangement; Yamato has a job in a high-class restaurant down the road, and Iori is studying law at a nearby university. Together, they can easily afford the rent and they can take turns doing things like cooking and the washing-up.
They're also in love, which makes sharing an apartment just that little bit easier.
One thing Iori can't tolerate, however, is mess. This is most unfortunate, seeing as Yamato is quite possibly the single most disorganised person he has ever had the pleasure to meet. So one day, while Yamato is working, Iori takes it upon himself to clear all the junk and put everything back into its rightful place.
While he is going about his task, he discovers a box with rather unusual contents. Confused, he sets it aside and confronts Yamato about it when he returns home later that evening.
Yamato peers inside the box to see three brightly coloured purses with his face on, and he laughs. Iori is still confused though, and in an effort to explain Yamato asks him if he remembers Jun.
The green-eyed monster inside Iori stirs upon hearing the name. Of course he remembers Jun.
Yamato says that the purses were gifts from her; she seemed thoroughly convinced that he would fall for her if she gave him presents with pictures of himself plastered to them.
He laughs again, before reassuring the jealous Iori that he has nothing to worry about. Yamato is dating and living with him, not Jun. That must count for something, surely?
Yes, Iori agrees, it does. But he embraces him anyway, just to make sure.