Miko: You people are so mean to me!!! (runs off crying)

Inuyasha: You all are bastureds!!! I should rip your hearts out and feed them to my half-brother!

Kagome: I can't beleive you people. How can you be so mean!!! no one has reviewed!!! how can you all be so heartless?!?! And Inuyasha sit.

Thud, Inuyasha: Why'd you do that, Wench!?!?

Kagome: You cant kill them. Then no one will ever review her story.

Inuyasha: Feh. Fine, I won't kill them. But if they don't review soon I will rip them to peices.

Miko: (comes back slowly.) Thanks you guys. I just had a talk with our good friend suikidoen.

Inu and Kag: What did she tell you?

Miko: She told me welcome and she in couraged me to make a sequal.

Inuyasha: Feh. i don't see why you would. These bastureds don't deserve it!

Kagome: Inuyasha. Calm down. Miko has a right to write the sequal if she wants to. So good luck Miko. I can't wait to see what happens.

Miko: Thanks Kagome, Inuyasha, and again thanks to suikidoen. I wouldn't be doing this sequal with out your support. bye and I hop you all review my sequal!!!