Chapter 3

It was now the third night and Octavius still hadn't woken up. Jed was still the same. He barley paid any attention to what was going on at the railroad any more. Plus, he was worried about the Roman Empire. It was falling a part with out Octavius. He was sure they were blaming him. As Jed was going to the car to go be with Octavius, he was stopped by the Roman empire.

"You are the reason our general is hurt," one of them indicated.

"Yeah I know it's my fault. I'm sorry for what I did," Jed apologized.

"That is not going to help," a second one of them brought forth.

They started attacking him, but Jed's people saw this and came to help. Jed got away in the car and told Larry what was going on. He went to brake it up. Jed went to Octavius.

"Hey Octavius. Man you missed one heck of a fight. The Roman Empire attacked me because they blamed me for what happened," Jed explained, "but you know if it wasn't for my people interfering, I would have taken what was coming to me. Because I deserve it. I deserve what they were going to do to me. I mean look what I did to you."

Jedadiah stopped for awhile. Tears were now spilling down his face.

"Octavius please wake up. You just have to. I can't keep doing this. It hurts me so much when I wake up and remember what I did to you. So please wake up," Jed pleaded through his tears.

Jed buried his head in Octavius' chest.

"Please just wake up," he pleaded.

He was now crying so hard now, he didn't even feel the hand that gripped his. After a few seconds he heard a small whisper.


Jed stopped. He looked up and met Octavius' eyes.

"Octavius," he smiled through his tears.

He hugged Octavius.

"What happened?" Octavius asked.

"Well you and me got into a fight. And we started throwing punches. I hit you and you rolled off the side of the bench. You have been in Larry's office for the past three nights unconscious," Jed explained.

"Really? Why are you crying?" Octavius asked.

"Because I have been here every night with you. Waiting for you to wake up. And every day got harder," Jed whispered as more tears ran down his face.

Octavius wiped away the tears with his thumb.

"You have been blaming yourself for what happened haven't you?" Octavius asked.

Jed nodded.

"It is not your fault Jedadiah. We are best friends and I know you would never do anything to hurt me," Octavius assured.

"But I did hurt you. I was the one that hit you. That hurt you. I don't even deserve to be your friend anymore," Jed stated.

Jed got up and started walking away. Octavius carefully stood up and followed Jed. He stopped him.

"Jed you do deserve to be my friend. You are the closest friend I've ever had. And I do forgive you for what you did," Octavius stated.

Jedadiah couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed Octavius in a tight hug. Octavius hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry Octavius," Jedadiah apologized.

"It's okay Jed. I forgive you," Octavius comforted.

Larry had saw and heard the whole thing. He watched the two smiling.

Teddy Roosevelt was right beside him.

"I'm glad those two are still friends. They deserve to be," Larry whispered.

"Friendship is something we all value. We can't buy it. Or denie it. It is something comes natural to some people and others must look for it. It has bumps and sometimes ends. But there will always be friendships that have no ends," Teddy preached.

Things returned to normal. Octavius was very mad at the Roman Empire for doing what they did to Jedadiah. Octavius and Jedadiah rarely fought after that. They did have disagreements, but always forgave each other. Because forgiveness, friendship, respect, kindness and love are the most powerful things in a friendship. With those five things you will have a powerful friendship with someone. In the wise words of Helen Keller,

"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much."