Disclaimer: THIS IS A SLASH STORY, OKAY SLASH! I do not own McFly.

A/N: And we're back with part two which should be easier since it's based off of part one! Hope you all enjoy the second part of our four part feature :D


I think this notebook, journal, diary thing or whatever is a bad idea. Tom thought we should all do it and put it in some box in the backyard, I mean really how…idiotic! My notebook as I call it will be uber sexy just like me, it's the hair I know. I've been in my room all morning but I could hear Dougie screaming downstairs, I wonder why since he never screams unless a lizard has died or something. Last time we had to bury a lizard in the backyard he was screaming and crying like someone had shot his mum! Ahaha yeah, Doug's actually a bit of a wuss but it makes him cute ya know? I think I should say something about myself and be proper, I am Harry Judd. I'm a drummer and in my late teens and I am one fourth of the band McFly. Secretly, I'm gay, but no one needs to know bout that right now right? Hold on someone's at my door.

It was Tom, he wanted to know if I had any hand lotion…and he was in a pink apron…with nothing on…Oh gods we're going to become a house full of gay loonies aren't we?


I accidently pushed Dougie down the stairs today, now don't get me wrong it was just an accident! REALLY!! I had been walking out of my room just a bit earlier and Tom ran past thanking me for the lotion because he used it to shag Danny, TO SHAG DANNY?!?! I was right, we are a house of gay loonies. Anyway I found him at the top of the stairs and decided to talk to him.

"Dougie, do you think Tom's gay?" I asked him seriously right there and he broke out laughing like it was all a joke, bloody idiot…no one takes me seriously anymore…

"Well I've never actually thought about it really, why you ask?" He was so lying through his teeth.

"Because he just ran past my room saying something about shagging with Danny?" I said cringing at the thought of the apron yesterday

"He was probably just kidding, get your mind out of the gutter wanker!" Dougie pushed me in the arm making me jump and somehow ended up falling backwards down the stairs. Me, of course being the gentleman that I am, helped him up and kissed his forehead. Oh Jesus… sweet Virgin Mary…I DID NOT JUST BLOODY DO THAT! Oh hey I see Doug's going to the bathroom let me go write in his MAN journal.

Teehee, Tom likes writing in other peoples journals…Harry's gay!? –Tom

UH WHAT? NO! GO AWAY! MY NOTEBOOK! Stupid Tom invading in on MY private writing area…even though I did just invade on Doug's…whoops.

Hey how about some cricket so you can take your mind off Dougie self? Oh that might be a good idea if the cricket bat wasn't just so damn suggestive in THAT way. I was never going to sleep tonight now.


So we have some thing on GMTV today for All About You and stuff and I'm not sure whether to go with the fauxhawk or not…I mean is it really me? Danny says it is but he's also got rocks for brains so I'm not sure whether to believe him or not. We arrived a little while ago and somehow I lost the other three but found the dressing room. So far I have counted the celing tiles- 77- and managed to sing the ABC's proudly- wouldn't my mum be proud?- and no one else has shown up. I knew we came early and no one was here basically but this is ridiculous! I heard talking out in the hallway from who I assumed was Dougie but it disappeared for a second…then all of a sudden…

"AHHHHHHHHHH! HARRRRYYYY!" Dougie screamed running in as I finished tapping out a beat and took a swig of the beer I had found. He ran behind me as I looked around confused.

"Doug, why are you bloody screaming and why are you behind my chair?" I asked and knew he understood the look I was giving him. I got up and started changing into my nice outfit for today's thing and laughed to myself when I saw Dougie turn a bit red. I will admit, I do have a sort of…crush…on the boy.


"You saw…?"

"I-I-I saw DAN AND TOM HAVING SEX!" Dougie screamed with that cute stutter he gets and covered his blue eyes.

"Oh, you've had something to drink haven't you?" I said laughing as I looked at Dougie in his crouched position, "Were they really?" I walked over to the door and leaned out curious at what our two best friends COULD be doing, that is if Dougie hasn't actually gone insane.

"BEHIND YOUR DRUM KIT!" Dougie shouted and then covered his mouth and gave me that deer in the headlights look.

"NO FUCKING WAY! NOT NEAR MY DRUM KIT!" I shouted in rage, they could have sex just not near the merchandise. In my anger I seemed to have forgotten my pants because when I arrived at the scene I was only in my green Tesco boxers. I ran and hid behind the cymbal as Dougie came running in with my nice jeans I had brought.

"Harry, what are you screaming about?" Tom asked, standing there fully dressed but with an 'I've-just-had-amazing-sex' look. Danny looked curious as he buttoned up the rest of his shirt and put his sweater on.

"Mate, are you not wearing any trousers?" Danny asked in his strong Bolton accent. I gave a squeak as Dougie put a hand on his head and handed me my pants.

"Wait, Doug is holding your trousers…your missing them…YOU TWO WERE ABOUT TO HAVE SEX?!" Danny decided as he looked back and forth between me and Dougie.

"WHAT!? NO!" Dougie said in shock, "NO! NO! NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER!!" I slipped on my pants and laughed to myself at how flustered Dougie was, like he had actually wanted that to happen…did he? Must investigate that later notebook!

"Woah, cool down mate, I was just joking." Danny said laughing, "Unless you really were about to have sex…"
"Dan, shut up." I said as he finished putting on his belt buckle and rolled my eyes.

"Aw, don't yell at Danny like that!" Tom said as he hugged the younger guitarist next to him.

"YOU TWO WERE…FORNICATING….BEHIND HIS DRUM KIT!" Dougie declared pointing from them to the floor.


"Oh so you two really are together?" I said simply as if Tom had just clarified that he was going out to get lunch instead of clarifying he and our other best friend we're gay together. I was gay, secretly, and Tom knew I'd understand him.

"Yes, haven't you noticed? We told you all week…" Tom said as he held onto his lover and winked at me and I looked away.

"We thought you were just joking…" Dougie mumbled and crossed his arms. I laughed and we filled out as people started filling in the studio, good thing there aren't any camers…oh crap what if there is? We could have problems, big time.

There weren't any, Dan checked! –Dougie

And how would you know? I don't mind you writing in my notebook for one, especially since I'm standing RIGHT HERE.

Whatever, I hear him tell Tom…dork. –Dougie

He'll pay later.


I found drawings on my notebook this morning, I blame Tom who came into my room last night and thought it would be funny to tickle me…stupid me telling them I was majorly ticklish. I was walking through the hallway this morning when I saw Dougie looking around for his bass and he didn't have his journal with him. When I got to the kitchen finally, thinking about how Dougie's hair looked so perfectly perfect in the morning, I found Dan and Tom writing in Dougie's journal.

"Er…" I said with a cough and both of them looked up and pranced off to the bathroom together. I respected Dougie's privacy and went to go look in our 'studio' room of the house for my extra pair of drum sticks I had needed. While walking back I saw James Bourne heading out our front door.

"Oh hi James, when did you arrive?" I asked smiling, he had always been a good friend to us.

"I arrived? Where did I arrive at?" James said confused looking around. I rolled my eyes and watched him leave before walking into the kitchen to find Dougie over his journal again and Danny eating a sandwich.

"Was that James Bourne I just saw?" I wondered out loud casually as I got the marmite, God's gift to man and looked over a Dougie.

"He was in our closet, odd right?" Dougie said with that nervous giggle he gets that just makes my heart flutter. Danny started choking on his sandwich and ruined the moment; the Bolton part of him has problems with breathing and eating at the same time sometimes. I helped him breathe again as Dougie laughed and scribbled in his journal furiously. Currently I'm writing while watching Dougie go insane from Tom's version of West Side Story- WITH HAND MOTIONS!

I'll have you know because of my acting school and everything I COULD BE ON BROADWAY! – Tom

And you would fit right in with the guys in the plays there wouldn't you?

Watch it Judd - Tom