It's been a while, hasn't it? Of course I've got no one to blame but myself for that. I can't promise that the next chapter will be up in any particular amount of time, but I made a promise to someone that I would finish this story, regardless of how long it takes me. It won't be long, only a few more chapters, but I've got the ending planned out, so hopefully things'll fall in place in a timely fashion. Whether you've been with me since the beginning or have popped along at any point in between, I just want to thank you all for reading and I hope that you enjoy this story as much as I do and that you'll see it through to the end with me.

As always, please read and review because it's nice to know who I'm writing for and it's a great way to make me feel guilty enough to update in a more timely fashion. Also, in the event you didn't notice, I changed my screenname from Lady Arion to themaskedpostit. I apologize for any confusion, but I like this name better.


A faint tapping at the window beside his bed woke Remus early the next morning. Rolling over, he attempted to drift off again, but the tapping continued. Annoyed, he peered out from beneath his pillow, expecting a tree branch only to see an owl on the other side of the foggy glass.

Confused, he unearthed himself from his mounds of cream colored sheets and, squinting against the early morning light, he located the window's latch and let the bird in. With a disgruntled look, the family owl, a small gray named Sikander, flew into the room and dropped a letter onto his pillow.

"Sorry, Skander..." he offered as he warily reached for the letter. Fully expecting to be nipped, he was pleasantly surprised when the gray settled in his lap, seeping his warmth into her dew drenched feathers.

Worrying his bottom lip, he cautiously glanced at the envelope, stomach sinking on seeing his mother's neat cursive.

"They can't know already..." Remus groaned.

Sliding a finger under its flap, he began to work the letter open. While he was grateful it wasn't a Howler, he knew his parents didn't need a bit of screeching parchment to tell him off.

Unfolding the letter within, he swallowed and began to read, grateful that the Christmas holidays were still a few months away. By the time he saw his parents again, they might have forgotten some of their anger. He could hope.

Dear Remus,

While your father and I are happy to finally hear you are doing, we didn't expect the news to come so late in the evening, let alone from Professor McGonagall. Especially since you've yet to answer any of our earlier letters.

As it's so late and I have a class to teach in the morning, I'll get straight to the point.

How is it, exactly, that you managed to get into a fight with your fellow Gryffindors? You know how I feel about fighting! And as far as I know, you've never even been in a fight before! I sincerely hope you haven't forgotten everything we've taught you, Remus John Lupin.

I expect an explanation before you come home for Christmas.

And since you've yet to answer any of my other letters... How was your first week? Your father says not to expect too many letters from you. He says you're too old to write to mum all the time, but you know I want to hear from you!

What are your teachers like? What are your classes like? Have you made any friends?

Write soon, Rem! And don't you dare forget to give me an explanation about your fight with those boys.

Much love,

Mum & Dad

Beneath his mother's neat cursive, however, was a much messier hand belonging to his father.


Don't tell your mum, but I'm glad to see you're getting on well. As much as you take after her, I was afraid you might not fight back when the time came.

Next time, though, use your fists. Nails are for girls, Rem, and don't you forget that. I'm proud of you, but try not to get into too much trouble. Boys will be boys, and all that.

The signature beneath was completely illegible.

Although his mother's displeasure struck fear in him, Remus couldn't help but smile down at the letter. Still, he couldn't believe his father's comment.

"Boys will be boys?" he murmured as he refolded the letter, returning it to its envelope.

It was like he wanted him to act like James and Sirius!

As for the nails, he blamed that part on the wolf. It always felt like it was lurking in the corners of his mind, waiting for him to let down his guard so it could take over. It terrified him, but over the years, it was something he'd come to accept and the incidents when it did happen became more and more rare. It was largely that realization that made him adopt his mother's view on violence. If he lost control, who knew what he might do or who he might hurt? However, he also accepted his father's insistence on self-defense. Being what he was and knowing how people felt about his kind, he needed to be able to protect himself. Just in case.

Thoughts returning once more to his father's words, he vaguely wondered what he'd been like at Hogwarts, only to fight back a laugh. The first thing that came to mind was the tall man shrunken down to his own size while his bearded face remained the same.

Quiet as his father was, he was equally stubborn and Remus didn't doubt he'd given his professors a run for their money. He also didn't doubt that he'd spent a good deal of time in the Forbidden Forest, not failing to notice when he'd talked of his adventures, he'd barely caught himself once or twice.

An affectionate nip from Sikander, however, drew him back to the present and he gave a wide yawn. As much as he wanted to sink back under the covers, he knew there was no chance of falling back asleep now that he'd woken up. Leaning as far as he dared off the side of his bed, he struggled to catch hold of his school bag, fingers barely brushing against its rough fabric. Sighing, he quietly dropped to the floor, removing a piece of parchment, a quill, and some ink. Sikander returned to his lap once she felt certain he wouldn't be moving much again.

"If I were just a little taller..." he mumbled as he set himself up to write a response to his parents' letter.

By the time he finished, Sikander had nodded off in his lap. As he sealed the envelope, he hoped his explanation of the fight would calm her down rather than just feed the flames. Gaze drifting down to Sikander, he tried to figure out whether or not he should just use one of the school owls to mail the letter back. As his father's work centered on magical animals (and animals in general), She wasn't the only owl in the house and wouldn't be missed for a few days. Thinking morosely of Kidder, Remus was thrilled at the thought of company.

Glancing at the watch he'd propped up beside his pillow, Remus resigned himself to mulling over his Potion's book as he waited for the sun to rise, not wanting to disturb Sikander. Thankfully, the book was a little easier to retrieve than the parchment had been.

When he couldn't ignore the grumbling of his stomach any longer, he reluctantly set the book aside and woke the sleeping owl who tumbled off his lap and made herself comfortable beneath his covers.

Getting dressed, Remus tried to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake the others, especially not Potter and Black. Robes on and hair tied back into a stubby ponytail, he checked on the owl one last time before pocketing the letter and making his way towards the Great Hall. Slipping out from behind the portrait of the Fat Lady, he stood in the corridor and stared blankly at the hallway ahead and where it branched off, a sinking feeling growing in the pit of his stomach. He'd been to the Great Hall once or twice already, hadn't he? But he'd always headed off with a group of his fellow first years. Of course, they probably wouldn't wake for at least another hour with no classes to force them out of bed.

Racking his brain, he hesitantly began down the leftmost branch, studying the artwork along it in the hopes it would jog his memory. The different paintings seemed to be the walls' defining features, but not a one looked familiar. Just as he was about to turn and start in the opposite direction, a high pitched laugh a little further along caught his attention and he began to inch along once more. Reaching a bend, he pressed himself against the cool stone of the wall and peered furtively around the corner. There, hanging in the air was one of the ghosts that seemed to roam about the castle.

As the ghost drew back, it tilted its head to the side, giving one of the paintings an appraising look. Satisfied, it grinned and took the next one from the wall, darting to the opposite side of the corridor and dropping it into a pile while its inhabitants cried out in outrage. One monk in particular proved more vocal than the others.

"Peeves!" he screeched, his raspy voice carrying down the hallway. "We'll get the Bloody Baron, Peeves! And he'll make you put this all to rights!"

Glaring down at him, Peeves pulled a face and plopped another painting down atop his before he began shifting through the pile to find an appropriately sized replacement. Quickly, Remus ducked back around the corner, hoping to avoid being noticed, but the flash of movement caught the poltergeist's attention and, current mischief forgotten, he drifted towards him.

"An ickle firsty!" he crowed, Remus's size unmistakable. Once he had a closer look, though, he lit up, a malicious glint entering his transparent eyes. Swooping down, he halted so that they were face to face and Remus fought the urge to back up a few steps.

"Oh, it is you!" he cackled. "The only student that spent his first few days in the hospital wing!"

Throwing his head back, Peeves nearly lost his hat, but it settled before he began to howl at the top of his lungs.

As much as he wanted to tear away, Remus found himself rooted to the spot and he watched Peeves in horrified silence as the back of his eyes began to prickle. Pleased with Remus's reaction, Peeves began to circle around him, breaking up his howling with the chant of "Looney, Loopy, Lupine!"

Swallowing once the initial shock wore off, Remus struggled to find a way to make him stop. His first instinct was to run, but then he risked the chance of Peeves following him back to the crowded dormitory where questions would undoubtedly be asked. Since he knew no magic, it wasn't an option, either. The way he saw it, the only thing he could do was remain there until it stopped. The chances of another student coming by were slim to none and maybe if he could try and ignore Peeves, he'd grow bored and leave him alone.

Eyes clenching shut while his hands balled into fists at his sides, he tried to drown out the jeers that seemed to continue on endlessly. Just as one of his gathered tears broke free, streaking down his flushed cheek, the taunting came to an abrupt halt. Confused, he slowly opened his eyes, blinking back the other tears that tried to follow in the process. A string of curses filled the air as Peeves darted off, leaving Remus there with Professor Gavotte and Professor Dredge.

"I told you I heard something, Kael." Professor Gavotte said as she made her way towards Remus. Reaching him, she knelt down and brushed away the tear that still clung to his jawline. "Are you all right, Remus?" she prompted, seeming more relaxed around him than she had at their first meeting.

"I...I'm fine." he stammered, rubbing fiercely at his eyes as he tried to compose himself. The last thing he wanted to do was look like a watering pot.

"You won't have to worry about that happening again." she continued. "I'll be sure to tell Dumbledore about Peeves. But in case it does happen, I'll show you how to shut him up once you've learned to use your wand. And you can always come find me, as well."

"Thanks, professor." Remus mumbled once he trusted his voice.

"Let me know if it happens again." she insisted before taking note of the disgruntled look on Dredge's face. She was glad to see she wasn't the only one upset by Peeve's actions and she offered him a small smile that he failed to return. Sighing, she looked back to Remus before asking, "Where were you headed?"

"Breakfast." he murmured.

"Ah, I'm afraid you're going the wrong way, then. I remember how much trouble I had finding my way around when I first started here." She paused, glancing towards the stack of paintings. "And I can see that Peeves isn't helping with that, either. If you want, you can follow us."

At his mute nod, she couldn't help but frown. "Remus?"

"Yes, professor?"

"You do realize that you didn't deserve that, don't you? And that if I can help it, it won't happen again? Peeves has a habit of doing the same thing to everyone here. It's not just you."

Remus forced a smile before softly replying, "Thanks, professor."

"Now let's get to the Great Hall before Professor Dredge can look any more sour." she said, starting off and leaving the other two to follow after her.

Trying to tear his thoughts away from Peeves, Remus recalled the troubles he'd been having in regard to Potions and sent Professor Dredge a sideways look, wondering how to broach the subject. As they rounded another corner, he finally managed to speak up.

"Er...Professor Dredge?" When he failed to respond, Remus swallowed.

"Professor?" he repeated, voice a little louder this time.

One of Dredge's slate colored eyebrows raised and he stared expectantly down at him.

"I...had a question about the Potions homework you assigned last class..."

"Now is not the appropriate time for such a question, Mr. Lupin." he answered, voice flat.


"I apologize, Mr. Lupin. At present, I'm tired and hungry. Please ask me once I've eaten and am in a better mood."

Confused, Remus's gaze shifted to the floor and he gave a small, uncertain nod.

"Don't take it personally, Remus. Kael isn't much of a morning person. I'm sure you can stop by his office later today, though." Professor Gavotte offered, tacking a small smile onto the end of her words.

Relieved, Remus nodded once more, sending Professor Dredge an apologetic look. As they reached the entrance to the Great Hall, he thanked them again and started toward the Gryffindor table, breaking off from Dredge and Gavotte as they went to the staff table.

So early in the morning, the Hall was largely empty with just a few pockets of students scattered here and there. The teacher's table was by far the fullest, or perhaps it only seemed that way because of the enormous young man seated next to Dumbledore. Eyes growing wide, Remus quickly returned his attention to his breakfast. That must be Hagrid, the gamekeeper. He'd heard the rumors about him, but finally seeing him made him realize how true they were. Chewing thoughtfully on his eggs, he wondered how someone reached that size. Perhaps a spell gone wrong?

If only he could be that big! Then he wouldn't have any trouble getting the others to leave him alone. Of course, then his monthly disappearances would be more obvious...

Glancing up again, Remus was startled to see that Hagrid had vanished, leaving Dumbledore to speak with McGonagall instead. Unwittingly catching her eye, he felt his stomach drop and he pushed away the remainder of his food, no longer hungry. Just as he was about to start back to the dormitory, a heavy hand settled on his shoulder, nearly toppling him out of his seat in the process. Slowly turning his head, he came face to face with the gamekeeper he'd been staring at before, though he looked far less intimidating with a smile planted on his face that seemed to reach all the way to his beetle black eyes.

"So yer Remus..." Hagrid mused, smile widening at his delayed nod.

If Remus had thought he was large before, now that he craned his neck to meet the man's gaze, he realized that his initial observations were an understatement. Tight dark curls drawn away from his face in a fashion similar to his own, Hagrid's full cheeks were left on display and made him look much younger than Remus thought at first glance. He couldn't be much older, could he? But he must have already finished school to be employed there, so...

His thoughts were cut short as Hagrid began speaking once more.

"If yer done with yer breakfast, I was wonderin' if yeh wanted ter talk."

"I...I guess so..." Remus stammered. Hagrid seemed friendly enough, but he couldn't help but feel a little awkward around the virtual stranger.

Hagrid waited for him to climb to his feet before starting out of the Great Hall and toward the wooden doors that led to the grounds, leaving Remus to sprint after him in order to keep up. Each stride on Hagrid's part took him a few good feet ahead and Remus was panting for breath by the time they reached his cabin.

Once there, Hagrid motioned for Remus to sit as he set to boiling some water for tea. Finally seating himself across from Remus, Hagrid offered him another smile which helped to alleviate some of Remus's unease. Leaning forward conspiratorially, Hagrid glanced from side to side. In a soft whisper that seemed impossible for his size, he finally spoke.

"So what's it like?"

"...excuse me?" Remus prompted, dumbfounded.

"Yeh know... What's it like?"

"What's what like..?"

"Dumbledore said yeh might not want ter talk abou' it, but I jus' wanted ter know..."

"About what?" Remus demanded, his frustration getting the better of him.

"Yeh know, 'bout bein' a...a werewolf."

Remus's mouth went dry and all he could do was stare back at the gamekeeper, unsure of how to answer and unsure of his motivations for asking in the first place. He knew the staff was aware of his condition, but as he was so used to keeping it under wraps, he doubted he would ever grow accustomed to their sudden inquiries.

"See, I think it's pretty damn interestin' 'n so does Professor Gavotte." Hagrid offered, inching a little closer. "Jus' wanted ter know a lil more abou' it..."

"I... Um... It's..."

"Do yeh really want ter eat people?"


"I had some werewolf cubs a while back 'n they never tried ter eat me, so I was jus' wonderin'."

"Why would you want werewolf cubs?" Remus finally managed to splutter, shocked into coherent speech. "What if one of them had bitten you?!"

"They wouldn' of done that." Hagrid answered with a dismissive wave of his plate sized hand.

Remus stared up at him in blatant disbelief, mouth slightly ajar and expression blank.

"Are you barking?!"

"They were jus' babies." Hagrid replied, sounding defensive. "S'not like they was full grown."

"That's dangerous, though! You could've ended up me!"

"Wouldn' that've been somethin'... Half giant werewolf..."


"Yeh, tha's why I figured yeh'd be all righ' talkin' ter me. We're kinder the same." Pausing, he recalled something else he'd heard about the boy and a wide grin spread across his face. "Heard yer dad likes animals, too. Care o' Magical Creatures was always my favorite class... What kinds do yeh have?"

Grateful for the change of subject, Remus considered his answer a moment before giving a small shrug. "We've got all kinds."

"Got any of the more...interestin' ones..?"

"Like what?"

"Mebbe a dragon?"

"We don't have any dragons." Seeing Hagrid's crestfallen face, Remus tried to cheer him up. "My dad doesn't do a lot of work with the more dangerous ones since he's not with the Ministry anymore, but we've got a lot of interesting ones! I think dad's favorite is the three-headed dog."

"Three-headed dog?" Hagrid prompted, grinning again.

"Yeah, we've got a lot of other neat ones, too."

"Yeh like animals too, Remus?"

"I think they're fascinating!"

"Ever think of what yeh'll be doin' when yeh graduate? Think yeh'll work with 'em?"

"I...I don't know exactly."

"I'm sure yeh'll find somethin'."

"Thanks..." Graduation was the last thing he wanted to think about, especially knowing that there wasn't a lot he'd be able to do whether or not he'd graduated.

As the kettle began to whistle, Hagrid climbed to his feet and began to make the tea. Meanwhile, Remus took the break in conversation to look around the cabin and to marvel at how large everything in it seemed to be. Peering over the edge of his chair, he scowled down at his feet that hung far too high from the ground for his liking.

Setting two mugs on the table with matching clunks, Hagrid seated himself once more.

"Yeh make any friends yet, Remus?" he prompted.

Eyes drawn up once more, Remus leaned forward in order to take one. "I'm not sure. I might've... Peter Pettigrew and Lily Eva--" The dread he'd felt on meeting McGonagall's gaze that morning seemed to suddenly pale in comparison to his latest realization.

"Lily! I told her I'd look at her essay this morning at breakfast! I completely forgot!"

"Yeh don' want ter make a girl mad, Remus." Hagrid advised, peering seriously at him over the rim of his earth colored mug.

Standing, Remus glanced ruefully down at his tea before offering Hagrid an apologetic smile. "If you don't mind, I'm going to see if I can try and find her before she finds me. It was nice to meet you, Hagrid."

"Same here. Yeh get some free time, come 'n visit again. I think we've got a lot ter talk about, you 'n me. Righ' now, yeh don' want ter mess with Evans, though. Better hurry."

Nodding, Remus started out, not wanting to think about why Hagrid might already know who Lily was. It probably had something to do with James and Sirius and the willow. The thought of what Lily might've done if she'd seen the two at it made him wince. He almost felt sorry for them.


Making his way back as quickly as he could, he finally reached the entrance to the Great Hall, though another boy happened to be heading out an equally fast pace. Both failing to stop in time, they tumbled to the ground and Remus was startled to have a wand in his face a moment later.

Not again...

"I'm very sorry!" he offered, arms coming up quickly as though to ward off any spells or hexes that might come his way.

Hearing only a mumbled reply, he hesitantly peered out from behind his impromptu shield only to see a boy he assumed was his own age. Oily hair falling about his face, it took Remus a moment to recognize the Slytherin who was busying himself gathering his dropped belongings off of the stone floor. Frowning, Remus caught sight of a potions flask that had rolled toward him upon impact. Wrapping his fingers around its cool glass neck, he held it out to the Slytherin, hoping to make up for running into him.

Snatching it out of his grasp, the boy sent him a wary look before stuffing it back into his overflowing bag. Feeling awkward, Remus was about to offer another apology, but the boy chose to start walking away before he could get the words out. He didn't get far, though.

"Great job, Lupin. Git thought he could avoid us!" Sirius exclaimed, causing the boy to stop in his tracks.

"Looks like he's useful for something after all." James chimed in, his usual smirk in place, though it was a tad more malicious than usual.

The Slytherin turned on his heel to face James and Sirius who stood side by side in the Great Hall's entrance. Plunging his hand into his robes, he drew out his wand once more, knuckles white from how tightly he gripped it. Rather than reach for their own wands, James and Sirius readied themselves to lunge forward. Remus, meanwhile, took a hesitant step into the middle of the three, facing James and Sirius.

"Don't you think you're in enough trouble already?" he demanded, not wanting to end up guilty by association.

Scowling at him, they began forward, leaving him backing up a few steps. Just as they seemed ready to pounce, Lily planted herself in front of Remus, sending the troublemakers a smoldering look.

"You might want to listen to Remus, you two. At least he's capable of thinking clearly."

"Evans..." James hissed, his battle ready stance dropping. "Who're you to get involved?"

Narrowing her eyes, she turned, taking both Remus and the Slytherin by the arms as she began off, away from the Great Hall.

"Come on, Severus. Remus. These two toe rags aren't worth our time. If they want to be expelled, we're not going to go with them."

Much to Remus's surprise, James and Sirius made no further attempts and Lily steered them into the library without incident.

Scowling, Severus glared at Lily. "I didn't need your help." he grumbled.

"You know as well as I do that Potter and Black don't fight fairly, Severus. And I should hope that this is better than detention with the two of them. Speaking of which, Remus..?"

Oh, no...

"Yes, Lily?"

"I heard you got into a fight with the two of them last night. But you wouldn't do something that stupid, would you?"

What was she? His mother?

Sinking down into one of the chairs at the table they'd stopped by, he began to examine the tabletop with a great deal of care.

"I knew it..." she muttered, shaking her head slowly. "What is it with boys and fighting?! I thought you might have at least a little sense! Maybe the willow hit you a little too hard!"

"Thank you, Lily." Remus shot back, speaking more than a little difficult with how tightly his jaw was clenched.

"So Pettigrew and I aren't the only ones they're after?" Severus prompted, seemingly amused. "And what did you do to fall from their good graces?"

"I was never in them in the first place. The two of them are just bullies."

"I could've told you that." Extending his hand, Severus offered it to Remus. "Severus Snape. And you are?"

Grasping it tightly, Remus nodded. "Remus Lupin."

"Welcome to the club."

"Remus?" Lily cut in, frowning once more. "Is that why you weren't at breakfast this morning?"

Rubbing at the back of his neck now that he'd let go of Severus, Remus gave a soft sigh. "It's...been an eventful morning." he finally replied.

For a moment, she did nothing more than scrutinize him, the sudden silence hanging uncomfortably in the air. Finally, the corners of her mouth twitched upward and she nodded.

"Right, Remus. I believe you."

Fighting the urge to sigh in relief, he straightened in his chair, giving her a weak smile in return.

"If you want, I can look at your essay now that I'm not being dragged around the school." he offered.

Rifling through her bag, she finally handed him a sheet of parchment. Glancing over its contents, Remus's face gradually fell.



"Murtlap's spelled with a 'U,' not an 'E.'"

"No...I didn't!" she protested, snatching the paper from his hand and glancing over it in a sudden panic. At Severus's snicker, she sent him a stony look that quickly quieted him. Feigning a cough, the Slytherin stood, expressing a sudden profound interest in a nearby shelf.

As Lily turned her attention to fixing her essay, Remus finally heaved a soft sigh, the few hours of sleep he'd had weighing heavily on him. If he'd had the energy to get up, he might've headed back to Gryffindor Tower, but his fatigue and the desire to stay as far away from possible from James and Sirius kept him rooted to the spot. On the verge of drifting off, he blinked as he felt someone brush past him. Glancing up, he was surprised to see Professor Gavotte once more. Smiling, she flashed the cover of the book she was carrying at him and, reading the title, he grinned.