Twister: Troypay Style!

By: Bloody Orchid

Challenged By: Disney Channel Challenger

Sharpay fidgeted with her handbag uneasily as she, Gabriella, and Taylor walked beside her into the under crowded shopping mall, discussing about their latest celebrity obsessions: Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens.

"I heard the two broke up," Taylor laid.

"Yeah, because stupid Zac got lost and blamed it on her," Gabriella replied distinctively, sniffing as they made their way through the food court.

"Who cares? As long as he's hot, I wouldn't even argue back."

"But he was a total arse towards her!" Gabs snapped back. "Sharpay," she called, looking at her fellow friend for an opinion. "If someone did that to you, would you - Sharpay?... Sharpa-ay."

The two stopped abruptly, leaving Sharpay walking alone, down the hall while people on the other ends cruised right next to her, not noticing her two friends had froze in mid-step.

"Sharpay?" Taylor asked worried.

The once walking blond came to a halt, and turned towards the other two girls, letting her golden locks dance.

"Is something wrong?" Gabriella wondered, noticing the heavy bags under her eyes that even make up wasn't able to cover.

"No, nothing's up... except," she started to tear up. "Troy broke up with me!"

The two looked at each other in shock as Sharpay bawled her eyes out.

"Oh my-"

"Goodness!" Gabriella finished. "Are you alright Sharpay? What happened? How did he call it quits? Does he still love you any-"

"Never, ever use the word 'love' when someone just got their heartbroken," Taylor interjected, reaching in her purse for tissues. "Here you go, honey."

Sharpay sniffed, and reached for the tear absorbing paper.

"Thanks Tay," she acknowledged, blowing her nose on the once dry tissue.

"No problem. Now if you ever want to talk-"

"He broke up with me on a text message!" she cried hysterically. "I can't believe it! Everything was going so well, I just finished talking to Chad, hoping he might pass a message to Troy, and then... and then he sent the text!"

"On text message?" Taylor asked, dubiously.

"Maybe it was because he caught you talking to Chad, and took a turn for the worst," Gabriella suggested sheepishly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Taylor rapidly responded. "My Chad would never, ever cheat on me... and if you don't mind," she said, standing on one foot, while rubbing the other, "let's get out of here, these heels are killing me."


"Are you still inviting him to your pool party?" Taylor asked, as she pulled out of the massive parking lot.

"Probably, it would be kinda rude to say: 'you're not invited anymore because you dumped me,'" Sharpay replied, watching guys laugh at the edge of a sidewalk. Sighing, she rolled down the window and slipped on a pair of designer shades.

"You know what they say," Gabriella implied, "Easy come, easy go."

"No it wasn't easy!" Sharpay screamed, startling the two girls who sat up front. "Do you know how many times I tried to make him notice me?!... And then you came into the picture and dated him for how long?" Sharpay questioned, neurotically.

"Sharpay you should consider yourself lucky," Taylor lectured. "Don't you remember the 'no dating your friends' exes' rule? And Gabriella," she said, adjusting her eyesight. "She just got her heart shattered, try not to say anything about them two."

The two looked at each other apologizetically, and smiled weakly.

"Sorry," they both chimed together.


"PARTY ON!" Chad yelped, with only a pair of shorts on, over the small crowd of people already in the Evans' pool. "Hey, have you seen Troy?" he whispered over to Taylor, who held on to his arm.

"Uh, no. But I don't think he's-"

"Hey Troy! There you are!" Chad smiled, running towards his best friend, while he abandoned his girlfriend. "I didn't know you'd actually come."

"Yeah well, you know, I love Sharpay so much, I just don't wanna stop being friends with her, too," he theorized, shamefaced.

"Good going man. You are one brave soul," Chad empathized, patting him on the shoulder. "C'mon now, you have to taste the cake!"

Chuckling, he followed his friend towards the table filled with food.

"Hey Troy," Sharpay mumbled, smiling delicately, stopping him in his tracks.

"Hey... Shar..." he answered back, smiling as well.

"So enjoying the party?"

"Yeah, I just came, but it's awesome. Love it."

"Tro-oy..." Chad retorted, tugging on his arm.

"Just go! I'll be there soon," Troy whisper shouted.

"Alright, alright. Sheesh," he mocked, leaving the two.

"So how are you doing?" Sharpay asked, removing her eyes from his sapphire jeweled ones, as she stared at the screaming teenagers in the pool.

"Busy busy, but pleasant. You?"

This was getting even more awkward by the minute, drawing his eyes across the giant acreage he stopped when he sighted a traditional 90's game: Twister, along with other board games piled next to a light green tool shed.

"I'm good."

"Hey, I'm sorry about the break-up," he apologized quickly, looking down at his shoes. "But let's be the best friends we were and pretend nothing happened... Deal?"

"Deal," Sharpay agreed, a genuine smile beaming from her pallid face.

"So," Troy began, with more interest in his voice, still setting his eyesight at the simple game. "I bet I could beat you at a game of Twister."

"Ha ha," Sharpay laughed. "No way, Bolton! You know I was in gymnastics for, like, half of my life!"

"Then it's on. Loser skinny dips in the pool," he betted, knowing full well he could win.

"Fine. Bring IT!"


"Come one come all," Gabriella's voice rung. "You are about to experience the extreme game of Twister in all it's glory! Place your bets here, and watch the show!"

"You ready for this?" Troy asked right behind her as she laid the game onto the grassy floor.

"Heck yeah!" Sharpay retorted.

"Alright let's do this!" he said rubbing his hands together.


"It seems that Sharpay is in a rear ending situation. Her face is inches away from Troy Bolton's bum bum! Will she make it or will she fall?" Gabriella's baby voice rang through the steely black microphone.

Spinning the dial on the color wheel she yelled out, "Right hand: yellow!"

Oh shoot, what the hell? I can't touch that without letting my face hit his freaken' arse. Dear Lord...

Only one movement and she'll fall down on my ass for sure. Dammit, and days after our breakup too...


Sharpay's Point of View

I'm okay, and no, I didn't fall into my ex's butt.

When I was about to make a move for the yellow circle I thought this: Why would you go above his bum (and have the risk of planting your face headfirst into it), when you can go below it? It doesn't sound wrong or anything... nope... not at all. Okay. Shut up.

Any who, I moved my way up to the farthest circle away from his you-know-what so that I could get a breather, but then I finally realized he was going to get the same circle as I was, so I raced him for it.

The next thing I knew... I - I mean, he was kissing me.

Furious that he would actually have the nerve to do such a thing after he dumped me on a freaken' text message, I slapped him and stood up.

"Ow," he whined dumbly, which of course made the anger course through my blood that much faster.

"Ow schmow. You! Why did you dump me? What the heck is wrong with you? Now you come up and have a lousy excuse to kiss me?!" I crossed my arms angrily at him, as he twitched from his spot on the game.

"BECAUSE... BECAUSE YOU WERE GOING TO DUMP ME FIRST!" he exclaimed insanely, now standing up from his former position. I could hear the crowd gasp.

Ha, his face looks so cute when he's red... I mean. No, his appearance will not cloud my judgment. Who said he was cute... or hot for that matter.

"WHO SAID THAT?" I screamed equally as crazy.


I shot my head into a vulnerable Chad.

"You!" I screamed. Now the crowd was getting overly larger as my voice echoed through the yard.

He stared at me, then started shifting his eyes nervously.

"I-I never said that!" he confessed.

"Then what did you say, Chad?" Taylor asked, her hands on her hips tapping, her foot tapping impatiently.

"I... I said... I don't know! You know I have short term memory loss!" he claimed, raising his hands up in defense. "All I remember was that Sharpay asked me to tell Troy that she wanted to go shopping with him..."he quieted down before whispering the word, "Oh."

"What do you mean, 'oh'?" I snapped, giving him my best death glare.

"He means," Troy started. "He forgot that was the message, so he came up to me and said: 'Hey Troy, Sharpay wanted me to send you a message.' And I was like, 'Yeah, what?' And he was all, 'I don't know but I remember it wasn't good. I think she even used the words: We need to talk.' And I was like, 'Oh no! Sharpay's going to dump me!' And he was like, 'Yeah, so you'd better get to the duck first.' And, of course I was like, 'What?!' So yeah, I dumped you on text because I didn't want to get the end of the... stick or whatever... So you wanna go out like normal again?" he asked me, sheepishly.

"Of course sweetie," I answered as angelic as possible. "Right after I kick Chad's butt!" I ran towards Chad with a mad expression on my face, as well as a tight fist in one hand and a shoe in the other.

"Oh God... I think I'm going to go now!!! Aaah!" he hollered running across the lawn.

A/N: That's it. Done... :'( This sucks bum. Anyways, I truly hope you enjoyed most of it.

Special thanks to marri, and OoIce QueenoO for their ideas. I was lucky to put the two together.

And of course thanks to all of my wonderful reviewers! You guys make my day and night! Love you all! MWAH! XD!