An Alchemist's Son

WARNINGS: SPOILERS for HP books 1-6, and FMA series

RATED: just in case, and a few potty-mouths...

SUMMARY: Harry Potter has recently seen the rebirth of Lord Voldemort and has been kept in the dark, while at the same time a fifteen-year-old Elric is having to put all faith aside as he begins a journey into the world of not only magic, but an ancient race of magical beings that seems to think he's more than just an alchemist's son...


I'm sure you all remember that dark, stormy night...

A day before witches and wizards celebrated throughout the country, and the day James and Lily Potter were murdered by 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named'...

But this isn't their story, the story of 'The Boy who Lived', or even of witches and wizards...

Instead, this is a story of alchemists and a race of magical beings known to humans only as 'The Fable'...


Now, most people don't know what actually happened, but I was there, an unseen witness to that horrible night. My name is Dreada Mahiit, a servant of the High Priestess. She was a truly remarkable woman whom I honour to this day. I followed her, as I did every night, as she taught her son about our people...

Covered in mosaics of the old gods, the room almost radiated knowledge and power. This room in the temple was used for prayers or ancient spellwork that involved alchemy, the ancient holy science.

The High Priestess, last remaining daughter of the Emperor of her people, was teaching her son about his heratige. She named him Edward, after an ancestor, and he seemed to understand her, large golden eyes staring at whatever picture his mother showed him.


She turned quickly, surprised, but calmed down as she saw a dark-haired man with onyx eyes.

"Roy? What is it?"

He walked up to her smiling down at the one-year-old child. But a frown quickly formed on his handsome features and he looked into Quira's happy eyes.

"I... Quira... I think they know about him..." her features contorted with fear and worry as he continued "they're coming after you both next. Perhaps even tonight."

She bit her lower lip slightly before tears slowly formed and she handed her beloved son to the man.

"Take him, please... keep him safe."

Voices suddenly started to flow into the room.

"Take him t-to his father... an alchemist named Hohenheim Elric. It will be safer for him if he's nowhere near this place, and doesn't know who or what he is until he can protect himself."

The voices grew louder.

"Quira..." Mustang's soft voice was surprising, "I- I promise, I'll protect him... God... I love you like a sister, you know that, right?"

They hugged, and Mustang left, looking back only once, and a group of faceless men dressed in black entered.

The Priestess turned to them, smirking.

"I'm not going to make this easy for you bastards."

I can only regret that night, because I didn't help her, I was frozen in fear. She was amazing, but she---

The book closed, effectively stopping the book's holo-reading.

A girl about fifteen years old sighed and looked at said book with fiery eyes of hazel.

"Thank you for showing this to me Ms.-err-Mahiit... could I borrow this?"

"Of course, sweetheart. But what do you need it for?"

The girl stood, smiling at the older woman. "I suppose you haven't heard of me- I'm General Alche. I've been obsessed with this story for over 3 years. This book holds information key to my investigation."

The woman's eyes widened and she dropped the glass she was holding, which shattered on the floor.

"Y-Your with the military- a-a general?!"

"Don't worry- it's a private investigation. I haven't told the Elders anything. I'm looking for him to overthrow those corrupt bitches and bring peace back. You know, all that."

The young girl snapped her fingers, a few sparks going from her hand to the glass, repairing it.

She bowed simply saying, "Thank you for your time." and leaving.


Meanwhile, in Hogwarts, in the office of one Professor Dumbledore...

"Professor Dumbledore?"

"Yes Minerva?"

"Something incredibly strange has happened..."

She paused.

"Apparantly, a boy with magical abilities has been found in Reisembool. Although he is fifteen and it seems he has almost no control over them. Do you think it would be wise to leave him there, or should we invite him here?"

Dumbledore thought for a moment before replying "I think it would be best if I payed him a visit. What is his name?"

"Edward. Edward Elric..."


Please Read and Review, constructive criticism is welcomed with open arms :)