A/N: This is my first actually posted fanfic. Everything else up to this point has been written to the hard drive and nowhere else, so constructive criticism only please, unless you want to tell me you love it and then feel free to review or PM me as often as you like. That being said, this is basically a continuation from where season 3 left off with some important changes.
Disclaimer: Not mine, if it were, it would definitely be back next season. None of the characters belongs to me; I just like to take them off the shelf to play. Please don't sue, all you might get is my computer.
Changes to end of Season 3- Piz really did tape he and Veronica for initiation to the Castle like Wallace, but never realized anyone else but the brothers would see it. Piz quits and Wallace is booted for trying to help Veronica. She breaks up with him and Piz asks her to forgive him, but she says she can't right now. He decides to take the radio station internship while she goes to DC for hers to give her some space. Wallace goes to Chicago for the summer to visit his dad. Parker and Logan didn't break up. She's mad that Logan still has feelings for Veronica, but agrees to go with he and Dick to Australia for the last 2 months of the summer. Veronica's dad does win the Sheriff's election. With him at the station and Veronica gone for most of the summer, he takes on Vinnie as his partner in the PI business. While Keith may not agree with some of his methods, he is good at what he does. He also hires Mac as a receptionist/computer hacker.
Australia, Wednesday, about 6 weeks into summer…
Parker, Logan, and Dick had been in Australia about a month and spent each day almost the same way. Parker was laid out in the sand on her towel, watching Logan and Dick slice through the waves as they surfed. She watched with concern as Logan cut through the crest of a large wave, but breathed a sigh of relief when she finally saw him pop back out. He made it almost back to shore before sliding off the board and carrying it back up the beach to where she was sitting. He dug his board in to the sand, and sat down. He was smiling at Parker and just peeling the top half of his wet suit down when he heard a familiar voice,
Logan whipped his head around frantically searching for the owner of the voice. "Lily, stop!"
He turned around and spotted a guy in a blue baseball hat, sunglasses, t-shirt, and board shorts; chasing a little blonde girl who is about to toddle past him on her way to the water. Just as she's about to go by, Logan reaches his arm around the little girl and scoops her up. She giggles as he hoists her in the air before setting her down in the sand between his legs. "And just where do you think you were going missy?" he asked while tickling her. The little girl just continued to giggle and squirm.
"Thanks man," Logan finally heard his friend's familiar voice say behind him, while panting a little to catch his breath.
He didn't bother to turn around, just smirked and said, "No problem dude, you always did have trouble chasing the ladies, I guess that's why you left it to me." "Logan?" mystery man said before coming around to stand in front of him.
Parker looked back and forth between the two, completely confused. Logan was just giving the guy a goofy grin, while the other guy stared at him in shock. Dick noticed the new additions, made his way from the water to where Parker was sitting, and dug his board into the ground next to her. Startled, she jumped and gave a yelp. That seemed to break Logan and his mystery friend out of their daze, as they both turned to look at her and Dick. Dick was laughing as the turned his gaze from her to the other two guys. He thought the new guy looked familiar, but couldn't quite tell with the hat and sunglasses on.
"Dick?" mystery man said.
Recognizing the voice, he stopped mid laugh, "DK?"
In Washington DC, same day…
Veronica walked into her handler's office and took a seat. She had been there a little over a month now and was beginning to wonder if she would ever get to see a real case. She passed by conference rooms full of agents being briefed everyday, but she was never allowed to stop and listen or participate. They had taken her and the other 4 interns to dinner at the White House last week though. She had gotten to meet the President and First Lady, and even speak with them for a few minutes. So far it looked like that might be the highlight to her trip.
"So what fascinating paperwork are we going to file today?" She asked upon seeing 3 or 4 open case files on Maria's desk.
Maria smiled and looked back at the files hesitantly before walking to the door and shutting it. "Actually, you might just be able to help me."
Veronica smiled and sat up straight in her seat. "Really? With a real, on-going case?"
Maria sat back down in her chair before leaning her elbows on the desk. "It's not a very high priority case or anything, but you are familiar with the subjects, so you may be helpful." Upon sight of Veronica's obviously confused look, she continued. "The subjects are Jacob Kane and Richard Casablancas."
"I thought the IRS already nailed Mr. Casablancas. I thought he was being incarcerated at the end of the year, and what does Jake Kane have to do with him?" Veronica mused.
"He is," Maria said. "What we're interested in is a hotel property Mr. Kane purchased from him last year. The hotel was never opened, but Mr. Kane makes regular, rather large, deposits into an account set up in the hotel's name. There are regular debits from the account including payroll for two maids, a chef, and a groundskeeper. The Australian government has laws that indicate for the hotel to remain a commercial property, it must be in service or actively worked upon to achieve an open status or it shall be relinquished to the government for resale. Mr. Kane has had the property for just over a year now and while it was worked on for the first 2-3 months, no work has been done since, and it has never been opened for business. At first we thought it may be connected to Mr. Casablancas' real estate scheme, but there does appear to be someone living at the hotel. The staff are all very tight lipped and obviously paid off. They simply refer to him as Mr. Reynolds. The car he drives and the insurance are all listed in Mr. Kane's name. Surveillance photos all show a man appearing in his mid twenties, sometimes with a young girl. He is always dressed in casual clothing and usually has on a baseball cap and sunglasses, his beard and mustache make it hard for us to identify him. As far as we can tell from the company photos Mr. Kane's chief of security sent us, he is Keith Reynolds, CEO of Kane Pacific, but according to the government, he doesn't exist. What I need you to do is tell me if you recognize the man, given your history with the Kane family."
Veronica was silent for a minute letting it all sink in. "Mr. Reynolds…It couldn't be... 'A man in his early twenties, sometimes with a young girl' …or could it? The beard and mustache would make him look older," she thought to herself before finally asking to see the photos. What she saw made her fight to keep her voice calm and steady and her face passive. "I'm sorry, I don't recognize him. I really wish I could have helped, but besides a couple of friends' parents that work for Mr. Kane, and maybe some of his house staff, I just don't know that much about his company. When his daughter and I were friends, we never really talked about his company."
Maria looked her over carefully, she could swear there was something Veronica wasn't telling her. "What about his son? Didn't you two date before he disappeared with the Manning baby?"
Veronica blanched briefly at that before answering. "We obviously didn't have the relationship I thought we did, because I don't even know where he went. I worked with a couple of agents then trying to find him. He never even told me he got Meg pregnant. I didn't know until I went to visit her and confronted him about it. We both went to see Meg before she died, and she asked us to keep the baby safe and not let her parents send it to some religious commune they had picked out. Right after she died, he told me the Mannings wouldn't let him see the baby. Next thing I know, he's missing and so is the baby. He called once right after he left, I tried to get him to come home, but he refused. I haven't talked to him since."
Maria seemed satisfied with her answer and let things drop. "Alright, just forget I asked. I wasn't supposed to let you see or know any of this."
Veronica plastered a fake smile on her face. "No problem. I'm not a big fan of Mr. Kane myself, or Dick Sr. for that matter. Believe me; I would have loved to help you nail them."
Maria chuckled and seemed to accept her answer as she rose from her chair. "Alright Mars, let's head out front and see what the chief has for you today."
Meanwhile, back in Australia…
Parker's eyes darted between all three boys and the little girl playing in the sand at Logan's feet. They all seemed to know each other, but she certainly didn't know this guy DK, and she was pretty sure she had never heard Logan or Dick mention him before.
"Dude, what the hell? Have you been hiding out here this whole time? You've missed some messed up shit man. Is that Meg's kid? Holy shit man, you're a dad." Dick ranted making Parker even more confused as she watched Duncan share an amused look with Logan before letting out a short laugh and starting to answer Dick's questions.
"Yeah, I hitched a ride to Mexico in the sheriff's trunk, and then Astrid and Cliff brought Lily across the border and picked me up. They dropped us at the airport and this was the first international flight out, we've been here ever since."
Logan had been staring at the little girl, but finally looked up and spoke, "You named her Lily?" He had a kind of sad smile on his face that Parker couldn't identify. She watched the same smile form on Duncan's face and Dick looked at the sand uncomfortably.
"Yeah, and she gets more like her name sake every day. If they call it the terrible twos, I hope like hell she's getting it over with early, otherwise, they'll have to invent a whole new category just for her." Duncan said with amusement.
Logan chuckled, "That would be typical Lily fashion wouldn't it."
Having finally been ignored long enough and being more confused than ever; Parker cleared her throat and stood up. When they turned to look at her, she held her hand out to Duncan, "Hi, I'm Parker."
That seemed to finally get Logan's attention as he stood, careful not to hit Lily, and moved to stand next to Parker. He threw an arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek, "Sorry babe. Duncan this is my girlfriend Parker. Parker, this is Duncan, my best friend from middle and high school."
Duncan smiled and shook her hand while Dick piped in, "Dude, that hurts, I thought I was your best friend." The other three laughed.
When they caught their breath, Parker spoke again. "So you guys all went to high school together." Logan shot a warning look to Dick over her head. "You must know my roommate and…"
"Hey Parker, why don't you come with me to the snack bar for a minute and let these two catch up?" She didn't even have time to respond before Dick had his arm slung around her shoulder and was steering her up the sand. She did catch the sudden look of relief that swam across Logan's face and the sudden tensing of Duncan's though. She decided not to question it for now. She would ask Logan about it later, and if he wouldn't give her a straight answer, she was sure she could get it out of Dick.
Logan and Duncan watched them walk up the beach before both became fascinated with the sand at their feet. They stood that way for a couple minutes before Lily broke their silence. She giggled happily while smashing mounds of sand as a hermit crab tried to scuttle away from her. Duncan finally spoke, but his eyes were still trained on his daughter, and his voice was barely more than a hoarse whisper, "So how've you been?"
"Don't you really mean how's she been?" Logan asked catching his eye as Duncan finally turned to look at him.
He at least had the decency to look sheepish as he responded, "Both."
Logan hesitated for a moment before finally choosing Dick's words to sum it up, "dude, you've missed a lot of shit." They both chuckled before becoming serious again as Logan sat back down on Parker's towel and motioned for Duncan to take a seat. He stared at the waves for a moment before turning back with a smile on his face, "how long have you got? This might take a while."
Duncan slowly smiled as he picked Lily up and put her in his lap, "All the time in the world…"
Up at the beach bar Dick ordered their drinks, turned on his stool to look down the beach to where his two friends were now sitting, and felt Parker shift into the same position. He knew she was curious but wasn't sure what Logan or Duncan thought she should know. She was just about to open her mouth when he spoke, "Before you ask, we all went to high school together, ALL of us." He looked at her to make sure she caught his meaning. "Senior year a bunch of crap happened and Duncan skipped town. None of us have seen or heard from him since. I know that doesn't help much, but I don't know all the details and the ones I do I'm not sure if I should tell cause they involve other people; people that could be hurt if I said something they didn't want you to know. It just brings up a lot of bad memories for a lot of people. Let's just leave it at a few people died and a couple more almost did." He stopped and turned to look at Parker, whose eyes looked like they were about to bulge out of her head.
"Look, just forget I said anything. Ask Logan; let him and Duncan decide what they want to tell you. Don't be surprised if they don't want to talk about it though. It took them a long time to get over it, and it wasn't pretty." Dick turned back around to pick up their drinks and threw some money on the bar. He turned to Parker and she had a puzzled look on her face, Dick just sighed, "Come on, let's get back before I eat my foot. I already have you going over murder conspiracies in your head. If Logan asks, I didn't say anything!" Parker just gave him a weird look and laughed before taking two of the drinks out of his hand and following him back down the beach.