
Tohru lay on the hospital bed. She wore a light pink gown instead of her blue dress. She lay against Kyo, who kept Tohru sitting upright. Tohru bit her lip and held onto Kyo's hand tightly through each contraction.

"How're you feeling Tohru?" Kyo asked.

"Ok, I think." Tohru replied. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

Mayu placed a cold rag over Tohru's head. She held Tohru's spare hand for comfort. Having a husband as a doctor and having two children of her own, Mayu knew what was expected in childbirth.

"Alright Tohru, you're ready. Let's get you into the delivery room." Hatori said. Kyo gently leaned Tohru onto her pillow and climbed off the bed. He still held her hand in his as they wheeled Tohru out of her room.

The rest of the family had been forced to wait out in the hallway. Once they saw Tohru's bed come out they all stood. Tohru smiled as she past them all.

"Tohru are you alright?" Momiji asked.

"Don't worry about me, I will be." Tohru replied.

"Wish them luck." Hatori said.

They watched as Tohru was wheeled down the hall and into the elevator. Rin took Haru's hand and squeezed. Although she'd never admit it, she cared for Tohru. As did all the Sohma's present. Every one of them was now worried for Tohru.


Several hours in the delivery room. Kyo walked with two bundles in his arms. One was pink and the second was blue. Everyone gathered to get a look at the twins. Both were asleep, but they already looked like their parents.

"Welcome to the family; Izumi and Katsuya Sohma." Kyo said.

"You know Kyo, Izumi looks a lot like you." Shigure said in a serious tone.

Kyo nodded. "And Katsuya looks like Tohru."

"How is Tohru?" Kisa asked.

"Is Tohru going to be alright?" Momiji asked.

"Tohru's fine. Tired, but fine. They're taking her back to her room. Which is where these two will be in a few minutes." Kyo turned back to the delivery room and reentered.

"Let's get back to Tohru's room." Yuki said. They all quickly made their way through the hospital and headed for Tohru's room.


Tohru lay in her bed asleep. The sheets were pulled up to her chest. Her brown hair stuck to her forehead. Kyo sat next to her bed in a chair. He leaned his head back, he was exhausted as well. Worrying about someone can take its toll.

Tohru silently stirred and opened her eyes. She saw Kyo in the chair and smiled. Kyo looked at Tohru and sat up. He smiled and took her hand.

"How're you feeling?" Kyo asked.

"A little tired. How're the twins?" Tohru asked.

Kyo smiled, "Izumi and Katsuya are fine. They'll bring them in a few minutes. But I think there's some people who want to make sure you're alright." Kyo explained.

Tohru giggled at his statement. "Better let them in so they don't break the door." Tohru said.

Kyo nodded and stood up. He walked to the door and opened it. Kisa and Momiji were the first ones into the room. They rushed to Tohru's side. Yuki and Machi were the next two. Then Haru, Rin, Hiro, Shigure, Ayame, and Mine.

"Tohru are you alright?" Kisa asked.

"Yes I'm fine." Tohru answered.

"You may say that, but you still need to rest. "Hatori stood at the door. Mayu stood right behind him. "Which means, all of you…out!"

Everyone walked out of the room, but not before giving Tohru a few hugs and pats on the heads. Hatori and Mayu entered the room, both carrying the two babies. Tohru slowly sat herself up and took both of the babies into her arms. She smiled at the two sleeping babies.

"They look so beautiful." Tohru said.

"They definitely got that from you. Let's hope they didn't get some things from me." Kyo said.

"I hope they got your courage at least." Tohru replied. "And your determination, spirit, and maybe your love."

"They've had it since they were born." Kyo leaned closer to Kyo and kissed Tohru. "We did it."

"Mhmm. We've got our family." Tohru replied. The clock in the corner of the room chimed.

Everyone turned to the clock; it chimed midnight.

"Happy New Years, Tohru." Kyo said.

"Happy New Years, Kyo." Tohru replied.


yay family!!! i can't wait till i get to be a mom...that's alos a long ways away. but did you like it? tell me you liked it. review pleaze!!

i own nothing!