The chapter you have waited for so long has finally ARRIVED!

Jinx fluttered her eyes open, waking up to the aching of her bones caused by sleeping on the cold concrete floor and the fight the previous evening. She found herself in Raven's room, where she had also established the half-demon had no sense of style from a prior visit. Evidently things had not changed. Jinx shifted her head left and right, trying to get a better view of her surroundings.

It was not enough.

Then she attempted to sit up. Resulting only in hitting against hard metal, not being able to move her hands apart. The sorceress passed off failing to hex herself free as bad luck, and instead moved her legs apart, swinging the metal binds forward to hit the ground between them, using her fists to balance as she stood up. Though her eyes felt itchy and dry, she could not attend to them. There she stood with an immense weight hanging from her arms, aching all over with irritating eyes and an even more irritated mood.

Jinx flung the restraint device against the control panel, opening the door in front. Looking only to one side she exited the room, bumping into Starfire who had so nicely decided to walk from the opposite direction. Not good.

"Hello, who are you, why do you have the device which stops your powers and what were you doing in Raven's room?" Starfire bombarded Jinx with her many questions. That still didn't explain why her powers didn't work. Her powers being bad luck should have resisted the power inhibitors. Jinx gazed up to see the princess waiting in anticipation for her reply.

"I am Raven's friend and we're playing hide and seek. That's why I was in her room."

"Counting." Jinx added. How a person could be so damn alert this early in the morning was beyond her.

"But I still do not understand why you have these on." Starfire lifted the metal cuffs around her hands, relieving Jinx of the burden for only a short period of time as she soon dropped it, causing the girl to lean forward a bit.

"It's our own version you see. We must put these on to slow us down, making it more difficult to find the person?" Jinx's tone of voice went unnoticed by the redhead. Best to play safe. Her head lurched backwards as if taken by surprise by something.

"Is something wrong?" Starfire asked, concerned.

"Raven just contacted me, she says you have to put the power inhibitors on Robin." Starfire took Jinx's reaction as normal, remembering the first time Raven had done so she had let out a scream so loud the whole team had to pitch in and help replace the glass. It hadn't helped that the whole tower was covered in glass.

"Of course." Starfire took out a key and inserted it into the hole in the cuffs, releasing Jinx's hands before floating off to what soon would be a very flustered leader. As soon as the titan was out of sight, the bleary eyed girl tried to release a small wave of energy, to check if her powers were up and running. Strangely enough her powers were lost and even though Jinx would not admit it, this fact made her feel vulnerable. Weak.

Hearing footsteps in the distance, she clung onto the lamp above, her legs pushing against the ceiling to prevent her from falling. It was Cyborg coming her way. Her grip tightened on the lamp. The man stopped. Usually, she would have been able to support her own weight, but it felt like there was something extra. She retracted her neck to examine her stomach, what was once a toned stomach, was now a swollen lump.

The cord holding the lamp in place snapped. Luckily, Jinx had parted with the object just in time, landing gracefully on her ass.

"Shit." She cursed as she caught the lamp in her hands, so as not to alert the others.

"Hey there Jinnie Minnie."

"Don't call me that." She sneered.

"What brings you to this neck of the woods?"


Wally West was sitting in The Butterfly, sipping black coffee. Yes, caffeine was poison for him. However, this was different. He drank this in memory of Jinx, not to annoy the hell out of someone. Although the bitter liquid did not agree with his taste buds, he drank it anyway.

He glanced up from his cup, spotting the table he and her would sit at, the chair he would pull out solely for her, the place he would get shocked by her pink magic. Right now, it was also the table from which a waiter, for some bizarre reason, was picking up a chair. The chair. It took a while for Wally to realise what was happening, almost doing nothing about it. Almost. I mean it was just a chair that had sentimental value.

This was the time when the caffeine clicked in. The last expression on his face before he went mentally insane had his left eye twitching and mouth slightly open. As he could not use super speed in public, he had to find some other way to burn up the sudden rush of energy. Walking up to the waiter at an agonizingly slow speed, he gripped onto one of the chair legs.

"Minemineminemineminemineminemineminemine!" He exclaimed.

"What the hell. Get off you fag."

"Nooooooooooooooo! I'm a butterfly!" Distracted by Wally's flapping hands, supposedly symbolising wings, he did not realise the hero in disguise had quickly taken the chair and run off with it.



"Thanks Cy." The pale skinned girl thanked the robotic man. She had a silver ring with a fake diamond on it. This was a different version of the holoring, looking more feminine so as not to raise suspicions, perfectly concealed her identity. Jinx now had normal coloured skin and brown eyes in place of her trademark pink cat eyes, not needing to wear contacts anymore s a result.

"No problem. I'm happy you stopped being a villainess." Cyborg led the lady out of his room.

"Hey Cy." As far as Jinx had told him, Beastboy had no clue of the situation. This was not the case. Beastboy had recognised Jinx with his sensitive sense of smell and to warn his friend, held her tightly by the wrist.

"Do you know who this is?"

"Yes. It appears you do too. What's goin' on BB? Why didn't you tell us that you had captured her? Why did you keep it from the team?"

"Dude! So much pressure. I just did what I thought best. What we thought best."

"Look little grass stain, next time—" Jinx nudged Cyborg arm. He shot her a questioning look.

"What a cute couple!" Jinx hinted as it dawned on Cyborg and Beastboy their fight would have to wait till later. Robin and Starfire both blushed deeply.

"She was the girl who asked me to bestow the cuffs on you Robin!" Starfire pointed directly at the helpless witch.


Raven had finished reading her book and was on her way back to her room when she heard a noise. Picking up her pace she discovered the sound had come from.

"I had no idea you invited a friend over today Raven." Starfire was the first to speak. She looked over to see the newly transformed Jinx.

"Neither did I Star, neither did I." Raven said to herself.

She penetrated her "friend's" mind.

Who are you?

I'm Jinx remember?


Ask Cyborg and your little boyfriend.

Raven did so.

Beastboy what is the meaning of this?

Cy and I decided to give her a chance.

So you decided to let her go without asking me?!

We don't have to have your permission you know.

She closed the connection off. Then proceeded to question Cyborg.


She's not asking us to make her a titan. She just wants us off her trail. I know Jinx. She'll keep her word.

Pffffffft. Yeah right.

You're being unreasonable. If she does break her promise you can send her to jail or whatever.

There would be no harm in that… If they think I'm gonna let that little—

Raven, I can hear your thoughts.


She paused.

Fine. But she has to stay here for a few months, until I can I can fully trust her.

Raven re-entered Jinx's mind.

Think of something quick!

Of what?

The reason of your stay.

Why would I…

"Robin, Jennifer is going to be stay here for a couple more months."

"Why?" Jinx stared at the floor. What could be believable and proven?

"I'm pregnant."

How are you going to pretend?

I don't have to.

The doorbell rang as she blocked Raven from invading her thoughts.

"I'll get it." Jinx offered.

She looked closely at the screen but saw nothing. Must have been some prank. She turned around to meet the very person she had been trying to hide from.

"You look preeeeeeeety."