Disclaimer: Not mine
Notes: Written in one quick burst for the Super Hero Time Kiss Meme, so the quality may not be the best ever. Apologies in advance.
Warning: Character death
He's not coming back this time.
There'll be no flying in at the last moment, no Tetsu to bring him back from the brink. Hoji tried to save him, he tried so fucking hard, he tried everything he could think of, even screaming at Ban to open his eyes.
But it didn't work, of course. And why would it? Why would screaming at a man who's been dead for fifteen minutes change anything?
It's too late. All that's left to do now is to lean down, his lips lingering against Ban's (they're already cold) for one last kiss.
Hoji snaps up when he hears footfalls-- undoubtedly belonging to the gang they had been staking out until everything went to hell.
His hand tightens around his weapon as he waits for the Alienizers to approach. He wasn't able to save Ban.
But he can die with him.