Dun dun duuunn! So in this chapter, the first event will start! OMG exciting! Lol sorry I'm really hyper right now.

Annyyywaayy…sorry for the long wait! I've been working on this for like…3 months…Hehehe…

Disclaimer: OMG THE EVIIIL ALLIGATORS ARE GONNA GET YOOUUU!!! Ehe I have no idea what that has to do with the disclaimer but OH WELL! I don't own anything! Got it memorized?!???? (Although, I do own the lovely Huwaka Beach...muahah)


It was 12:14, and everyone was in attendance…except for Axel. The fangirls and company had been waiting for 14 minutes, and they were getting very irritated.

"Hey, Kyllex," Isa-chan said.

"What?" Kyllex snapped. She was a very impatient person.

"Didn't you say that if you miss the meeting, you're disqualified?"

"NO! I never said that! You're just trying to make it easier for Zexion to win. And besides, even if I had said that, Axely is just late. He'll come." Kyllex answered. As if on cue, Axel teleported right next to Xonny (who gave him a huge hug) just seconds after Kyllex had finished speaking.

"See! Told ya!" Kyllex cheered.

"Well that was weird," Ari said. Everyone else nodded.

"Alright! Let's get this meeting started!" Lyxsing said. "Okay. So, the purpose of this meeting is to tell you all what the first challenge is! Then we will dismiss you to go plan."

"WHAT?" Demyx shouted from the audience. "Why did we spend all that time waiting for Axel then?? You could have just told him later!" he complained.

"No, Demyx, we have to wait for everyone before starting the meeting. Now," Lyxsing continued.

"I WANNA TELL THEM!" Malina whined. (In case you forgot, Malina is Ari's little sister. She begged and begged Kyllex to allow her to be a fan club leader, but she's too young. She's 8. So she was given the position of 'Ari's helper'. She's a pain in the butt!)

"No, Lina, you can't! You're not a Leader! Besides, we planned for Chanelle to tell everybody." Kyllex told her little cousin.

Malina went off to sulk in a corner and Kyllex motioned for Chanelle to announce the event.

"Kay! The first event is….." (there was a drum roll from the other fan club leaders) "A RACE!!" she exclaimed.

The audience gasped, only the leaders (and Malina) had known what the first event would be. The four "popular ones" smirked confidently.

"A race, huh? No problem." Axel said.

"Okay, shush! Let me explain the rules!" Isa-chan said. Once everybody had quieted down, she continued. "There will be NO use of portals. We will know immediately if you use one, and you'll be disqualified from the event. The race will take place on Huwaka Beach."

"Huwaka Beach?? What kind of name is that??" Roxas shouted.

"Shut up, Roxie. The race will take place on Huwaka Beach, no matter how stupid the name is." Kyllex snapped.

"But I've never even heard of this Huwaka Beach! Nobody has!" Roxas continued to complain.

"That's because we made it up." Kyllex stated.

"What!? How can you…you can't just make up places!"

"Sure I can. I have author power! Now, shut up, and let Xonny finish telling the rules," Roxas pouted, and Xonelel began to speak.

"We will all meet here at 2:00 PM, later today, and we'll all teleport to Huwaka Beach together. Then we'll start." Xonny said.

"So…the race is simple. You go across the sand, through the forest, cross the river, and then circle back around to the finish point. The fan club leaders will know immediately when you cheat. Like, if you cut across a whole section of the race. Also, part of this actually requires strategy, since you have to figure out how to cross the river." Xonny finished.

"So…are those all the rules?" Demyx asked.

"Yep!" Ari chimed.

"So…if we come across another one of the competitors, we can fight them or something, right?" Axel asked.

"Yep. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't actually hurt each other. Oh, and the fangirls are allowed to do stuff, too. But it has to be human. Like I can't use my author powers or anything." Kyllex explained.

"How will we know you won't use them??" Roxas asked.

"I won't use them!! You'll know if we do anything strange."

"I guess you're right."

"So, you are all dismissed to go plan! Fangirls, meet with your leaders!"


Zexy Fan Clan

"That's right. Group A goes to intercept Axel, Group B goes after Demyx, and Group C goes to Roxas." Isa-chan was explaining the plan to the Zexy Fan Clan. One girl in the group, a 10 year old named Kaila, had taken the position of co-leader and was helping Isa-chan decide what to do.

"Alright everyone! I'm assigning you groups now. Group A will be setting a trap for Axel. Group B will be going to trick Demyx into going the wrong way, and Group C will be going to capture and kidnap Roxas." Isa-chan said.

Kaila told everyone their group letter. Isa-chan had decided who would be in each group depending on their qualities. Kaila happened to be in group B, and Isa-chan was in Group C.

"Oh yeah, Melanie, Isa-sama told me to tell you that you're in charge of Group A. You will be supervising and making sure everything goes right." Kaila told one of the members. She nodded.

After everyone had gotten their group letter, they were arranged into the groups and started off to go win.


Isa-chan wasn't the only one who was thinking up a plan. The other three fanclubs had also been discussing for quite some time.

But now, their planning time was over. That's right, it was 2:00…time for the race! This time, everyone was in attendance.

"Okey dokey! Everyone listen up!" Kyllex ordered. The group quieted and focused their attention on Kyllex.

"Okay. So, now we will all be teleporting to Huwaka Beach in just a few moments…" She was interrupted by Roxas, who had coughed. Although it sounded a lot like a muffled "STUPIDNAME!". Kyllex chose to just ignore him, however.

"Well…let's go! TELEPORT!!" Rihxy shouted stupidly as she stepped into a gaping black hole that supposedly led to Huwaka Beach. Everyone followed her.


Huwaka Beach was amazing. It was actually an entire island, and it was beautiful. The lake was shiny, huge, and sparkly; and the sand was soft and pretty. There was a fantastic sunset on the horizon, even though it was only 2:00. Kyllex said that Huwaka Beach was on a different time zone.

After everyone was done admiring the place, Ari called everyone to order. The competitors were shown the start line, and a full explanation of the course was given. The fanclub leaders told Axel, Roxas, Zexion, and Demyx where to stand on the start line.

When everyone was in place, including the fangirls, they were ready to start.

Chanelle stood up tall and yelled, "READY…SET….GO!" The sound of the whistle shrieked in the air and the four Nobodies began to run.



There you go!! Sorry it's sort of short…I just wanted to get another chapter out. Hope you all enjoyed it anyway! I know I can't wait until the race! To be honest I don't really know what's going to happen….hehe.

Anyway, please review and let me know what you thought…thanks, bye bye!!