Pairing: Maggie/Mikaela – Transformers

Rating: G/K whatever you people want to call it. Very tame

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Megan Fox and Rachel Taylor like owning themselves, I'm sure.

A.N.: This fic contains FEMSLASH - don't like it, call 1-800-TOO-BAD
P.S...I was in a very wierd mood when I wrote this, so no flames, please. This fic is i suppose kinda AU, but not really...ok, no explaining. just read.


The first time I saw her, we were on a helicopter, and I knew we would be friends.

"So, what did they get you for?" Maggie looked at Sam and me, ammusment, sympathy and annoyance playing across her face and tinting her voice.

"I bought a car and it turned out to be a giant alien robot."


I wanted to break out laughing at what was happening, but for some reason, I couldn't even smile.

"How about you?" I asked her.

She smirked and looked me straight in the eye.

"I found the hacker of Air Force 1 and the FBI – which happened to be our little bad robot friends – made a copy of the signal and showed it to the best hacker in the United States."

"Nice," was my only reply. There was no time for small talk. We were off to war.

The second time I saw her, we met at a coffee shop, and I knew I wanted us to be more.


I heard my name called and felt my heart speed up at the sound of the familiar voice and the accent I loved so much. I turned and saw her waving me over, a gorgeous smile on her face. I quickly went to greet her.

"Maggie! Hi!" Our embrace was tight and unyielding, a comfort after hard times. As we broke apart, she motioned for us to sit down.

"How are you?" My gaze was steady on hers as I asked, and we both knew the question held more implications than the actual words themselves. She smiled and looked me straight in the eye.

"I'm good." She said; her voice was soft, but strong and confident. I reached out and took her hand in mine from across the table.

"I'm glad."

The last time I saw her, we were in bed, wrapped in each other's warmth and comfort. We both said 'I love you.'

And then the world exploded.