Chapter 13

"YEEEEEEEEEEPP!!!!" Gabriella kept her eyes closed. She felt too lazy to get up and smack Taylor.

"Look at them! They're so cute!" Taylor squealed.

"Except the fact that Troy's naked," Chad replied. Gabriella also wanted to smack Chad, but she didn't want to wake up. First, she feels it's too early. Second, Troy's next to her, thinking of the exact same thing.

"But they're so adorable. They're meant for each other!" Taylor jumped up and down. Gabriella could feel the vibration under her. She took a pillow beside her and tried to throw it at Taylor without looking. She aimed correctly and Taylor fell back a little into Chad's arms.

"Are you okay?" Chad asked, looking down at Taylor. Taylor blushed and pulled back.

"I'm fine." She glared at Gabriella, who was smiling against her pillow.

"You guys wake up!!!" Chad shouted. Troy waved his arm at him.

"You guys are bothering us. Go away…" Troy moaned. Gabriella turned and kissed him on the lips.

"I think we should wake up before they keep annoying us." Troy smiled, still with his eyes closed.

"Why don't we ignore them and do something on our own?" He crashed his lips onto Gabriella's and pulled the covers over them.

"Ewwwwwwwww Taylor. Let's leave. I don't want to see them doing their 'activities'." Chad motioned Taylor to get out.

"Chad, you are so disgusting," Gabriella shouted from under the covers. Troy continues kissing Gabriella's neck. Taylor and Chad left, closing the door behind them. Gabriella pushed the covers above her and got off her bed to walk to her bathroom.

"Aw c'mon Gabi. We were going to have some fun." Troy played with the covers.

"I don't want to have fun." Troy groaned; he left her no choice. He ran up to Gabriella in the bathroom and lifted her up to bring her back to bed.

"No! I don't want to go! Put me down!" Troy drops Gabriella on the bed and puts his hands on both sides of Gabriella's head. Gabriella looks up at his face really close that showed no expression.

"Troy, you…" Troy crashed his lips on hers before she could finish her sentence. He pushes his tongue into her mouth. She gives him permission and lets him in. When he moves his hand under her shirt, she pulled back.

"As much as I like doing this, I really want to brush my teeth." Troy groaned, but let her go. She went to the bathroom and did what she does usually in the morning.

"Did you see Gabs and Troy all cuddling in bed?" Taylor squealed.

"Yes. Do you think…?" Chad froze for a second.

"No they didn't. Gabi was fully clothed."

"But not Troy…" Chad's eyes bulged out, "Did care bear seduce him yesterday?"

"Or maybe because he sleeps in his boxers?"

"Oh yeah…" Taylor rolled her eyes. Taylor walked into the kitchen, thinking of what to make for breakfast while Chad wondered off into the living room.

"So what's for breakfast?" Troy said when he came down of the stairs.

"Don't know. Go ask Tay," Chad said, flipping channels on the Montez's flat screen television. Troy skipped off to the kitchen.

"Chad, where did Troy…" Gabriella said. Chad pointed at the kitchen in the middle of Gabriella's sentence without looking up. Gabriella nodded.

"So what's for breakfast?" Gabriella asked as soon as she stepped in the kitchen finding Troy and Taylor cooking eggs and making pancakes.

"Eggs, bacon, sausage, everything that's made for breakfast," Troy said. Gabriella smiled and head over to Troy, who was cracking the eggs open for Taylor. Gabriella pecked him on the cheek and sat down at the dining table. It was huge compared to family sized tables. Troy and Taylor set the food down on the table and called Chad over. Chad immediately ran over and put bits of food on his plate. His plate looked like Mount Everest.

"You're gonna eat that all?" Taylor asked when she sat down next to Chad.

"He always eats mountains of food like that. He's been ever since he tasted his own food at the age of zero," Gabriella pointed out. Troy laughed.

"He's a growing boy, isn't he?" Chad nodded and Taylor gave him a kiss on the cheek. Gabriella's jaw fell and Troy raised his eyebrows.

"Are you guys together?" Gabriella blurted out. Taylor nodded proudly. Gabriella squealed and ran over to Taylor to give her a congratulations hug.

"Finally, Chad finds a girlfriend that doesn't wear revealing clothes," Troy said. Gabriella glared at him.

"Well, at least now his parents don't have to put me with him like we're supposed to be a couple," Gabriella stated. Troy wrapped his arm around her waist and grinned.

After eating, Mrs. Montez and Mr. Montez came home. They told the kids to stay behaved and they went upstairs. Gabriella decided to do a little shopping, so they all drove Gabriella's new car and drove to the Albuquerque Mall. The girls split up with the guys while they went to the arcade.

"This is so cute!" Taylor said, lifting up a green polo shirt at Hollister.

"So is this," Gabriella said, picking up a blue Hollister hoodie. (The one Ashley wore for HSM2 practice)

"Let's go find the guys." The girls left Hollister and went to the arcade. There was a huge crowd around the middle of the arcade where there were two guys playing Dance Dance Revolution. Taylor noticed as Troy and Chad.

"Hey are those guys Troy and Chad?" Taylor asked.

"Let's find out." Gabriella took Taylor's hand and pulled her through the crowd. Troy and Chad were competing against each other on a DDR game. Chad looked tired but Troy looked like he fired up.

"C'mon Chad! You can do it!" Taylor shouted. Chad looked behind him for a second to see Taylor cheering for him. He grinned and turn back to the screen. Troy made a combo while Chad keeps getting 'Missed'.

"WINNER! PLAYER ONE!" The announcer said. Troy shot his fists in the air while Chad catched his breathe.

"So who wants to come try to beat the DDR Champion?!" Troy shouted over the loud music playing 'That's right' by Ciara.

"Go… Gabi… beat… his… ass… for… me…" Chad said, still trying to catch his breathe.

"I will," Gabriella got up to the DDR pad.

"Hey honey," Troy said. He leaned in but Gabriella pushed him away.

"Don't 'hey honey' me. I'm here to beat you in DDR."

"Really? Let's try." Gabriella gave him a smirk.

"You don't know who you're messing with." Gabriella pressed the Start button. They started with a few simple moves as the song goes faster, the moves start going double. Gabriella and Troy was still in beat until Gabriella steps the arrows with a touché of style. Troy raised his eyebrows at her, but she doesn't pay attention. Troy gets a little tired, but doesn't show it. He wasn't going to let his girlfriend beat him. He swings a little, which added some style points. The song ends with Gabriella scoring a lot of combos.

"WINNER!! PLAYER TWO!!!" The announcer shouted over the loud music. The huge crowd including Chad and Taylor cheered. Gabriella crossed her arms over her chest and grinned. She looked at Troy, who was seriously catching his breathe.

"How… are… you… so… good?" Troy said between breathes.

"You should ask Chad." Gabriella looked at Chad, who walked up to them and put an arm around Gabriella's shoulders.

"She's been a DDR champion ever since grade 5." Troy raised his eyebrow at Gabriella. She smiled at him in success.

"I can't believe your girlfriend beat you at something you're really good at," Taylor pointed at. Gabriella laughed out loud, then stopped when no one was laughing with her.

"You serious?" Taylor and Chad nodded. Troy pouted playfully. Gabriella walked over to Troy and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't know. I could have let you won if I knew." Troy shook his head.

"No. You won fair and square." Gabriella smiled and kissed him on the lips again. She wrapped her arms around him.

"I think we should go home," Taylor said. Chad nodded and walked out of the arcade. They went to the car and drove out of the parking lot.

"Did you guys notice that right now without Gabi, we wouldn't be where we are right now?" Taylor said.

"What do you mean?" Gabriella asked.

"I mean, I would still be in Sharpay's clutches. Troy and Chad would still be the basketball dudes who don't talk to people who aren't cool enough to talk to them. Ever since you came, we got ourselves out of our shells and joined hands."

"Yeah, without you, I would still be moaning over Sharpay," Troy said. Gabriella rolled her eyes.

"You broke through the crowds, care bear," Chad said, using her pet name.

"You know what? I did. I did break through the crowd," Gabriella said, cuddling closer to Troy. Chad and Taylor smiled at the lovely couple and drove back home. Where they all belong. Together.

A/N: That's it. I couldn't wait to put the last chapter so I didn't wait until you guys gave me 100 reviews. I guess now you can by reviewing this chapter. It's the end. Can't wait for Cherish the Memories to end. Last chapter for it coming soon. Then it's the sequel for Cherish the Memories and At Last I Found You, "Love Never Expires". Quote is by me and was used in Over the Years. And now I guess you can read my new story, "East High: Three Plus One"!!!