A.N. This story in no way reflects my personal views or likes. This is just an idea I had that I wanted to get down on 'paper'. I don't support the things that may pop up in this story. This story features a sadistic Naruto.

Disclaimer: I own nothing that you recognize

Broken Promises

Uzumaki Naruto was not a lucky man. In fact, one might say that he was one of the most unlucky men you could ever meet. A nine-tailed fox sealed in him at birth, gaining the hatred of the entire village, nearly killed by said village every year, the death of his mentor, the betrayal of his friend, no, he was most definitely not lucky.

It was this unluckiness that had changed him, breaking the ever-present mask of happiness he wore. It shattered when his "best friend" shoved a Chidori through his chest. After that he had become cold and spiteful to the world. He threw himself into his work, becoming a jounin, training constantly, working towards bring back the bastard that had betrayed the village, Uchiha Sasuke.

He confronted the bastard three years later in the Valley of the End. Fate definitely had a sense of irony. Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru had been patrolling the border when they found Sasuke sneaking around. They chased him to the valley and engaged him.

Shikamaru went down first. Naruto and Sakura worked fairly well together, but when Naruto and Sasuke had charged each other with a Rasengan and a Chidori, respectively, she got in the way. She had run in-between the two, and was completely annihilated. Both the boys had stood there in shock before Orochimaru himself came to retrieve Sasuke.

Once he woke up Naruto found out that Orochimaru had tried to take Sasuke as his next body, but certain complications had arisen. Akatsuki apparently didn't like the idea of Orochimaru gaining the Sharingan, so they killed him, leaving Sasuke to become the next Otokage.

It was after that mission that Naruto had developed and placed upon himself, a seal of forgetfulness. The seal allowed him to forget his past, and anything else he chose to forget. It functioned kind of like an advanced form of selective memory. It was then that Naruto had begun to drink as well, and he found that the seal and alcohol worked very well together. After that he was hardly ever seen without a sake bottle in his hand.

Of course this caused concern for Tsunade, but anytime she tried to help he had rubbed her off. Attempts by Iruka and Kakashi were met with similar failures. Tsunade knew that something had to be done, and fast, so she called those two to her office and they thought up a plan.

Children! That was the key to it! They would use children to break Naruto out of the slump he was in. Naruto had always done well with children before, and they hoped that he would open up because of them. They all knew that what he was doing was bad, and that it needed to stop soon.

So the next day Tsunade had called Naruto up to her office and told him that he would be taking a genin squad. Needless to say, he wasn't happy with that.

"I refuse."

"What did you say brat?"

"I didn't stutter."

Tsunade got angry at that and decided to pull out her trump card.

"That is an order from your Kage and you will obey it. Your team will need to be picked up tomorrow at three." She got a little smug at that, thinking that she had him. She was wrong.


Tsunade was left gaping. This damn brat had refused a direct order. She got up to yell at him, but he cut her off.

"I will take any other mission. But I will not train a Genin team."

Tsunade stood shocked once more before she remembered something. A smirk began to show on her face before she sat down and pulled out a file and gave it to Naruto.

"Fine brat. If you won't take a Genin team, then you will carry out this mission. There has been another kidnapping attempt on the Hyuuga heir Hanabi. Apparently the Cloud has developed a style that counteracts the Jyuuken. Hyuuga Hihashi wants his daughter trained by a jounin outside the Hyuuga clan. She's a Chuunin now, so you won't be starting from scratch. Training her will be your next mission."

Naruto snarled as he realized that he'd been tricked. 'Any other mission' indeed. Fine. Still snarling he snatched the file off the desk and burst out of the room. Stalking angrily home he began to curse Tsunade for assigning him this mission, and himself for allowing himself to be tricked.

When he reached his apartment though, a smirk found its way to his face. The Hyuuga were the backbone of the village. Everyone adored, respected, and obeyed them. If he had the next head of the clan in his pocket, he shuddered to think about the possibilities. But, the Hyuugas were usually very arrogant, so he would have to get rid of that somehow, to make the next head more malleable.

Another smirk spread across his face, but this one was positively sadistic. He still owed the village for torturing him and making his life a living hell. Now, the door of opportunity opened before him. He would break the girl, Hyuuga Hanabi, and use her to gain his revenge. Once she was broken, he would have her answer only to him, and he would flaunt his victory in the faces of the village.

Then when she became the head of the clan, he would use his puppet to destroy the village from the inside out. Then he, Naruto, would rule all of Fire Country with an iron fist. But first he had to break the girl. That might take awhile. But once that was done, he smiled gleefully.

He looked out of his window to the village below him. Soon, soon he would take his revenge.


A.N. Well there is the first chapter of Broken Promises. Did you like it? Should I continue? I'm not sure if something like this has been done before, but I'm trying to be original. As you can see, Naruto is going to try and break Hanabi, force her to serve him, use her to control the Hyuugas, and destroy most of the village, and to take over fire country. This won't be incredibly actiony, but will focus on the characters instead. Yes, Naruto will be incredibly sadistic to Hanabi, unless he changes, or someone forces him to change.

Ja ne