Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

I advise that if you're reading this, and you haven't read Pain on Contact, you better go do it now, as you're gonna be pretty confused otherwise!

Tadah! The sequel is here! Already? Sorry, I couldn't wait! Oh, and I'm really happy about how many reviews I got on PoC! 80!! I can't believe it!

Now, this chapter is just kinda like a introduction, but it'll get better, I promise! I've got a great idea for the next bit... Kukuku!

Chapter 1

Sasuke settled himself on to the soft couch, adjusting his narrow, rimless glasses. A certain blond fidgeted continuously, eyes anxiously darting around the tidy room. The kitsune tried to think of some way to stall the oncoming barrage of questions that he hated so much. Suddenly, an imaginary light bulb flashed above his head and he spoke.

"Hey, uh, Sasuke?"

"Yes?" The raven replied, peering at the other boy above the specs.

"Why are you wearing glasses?" Naruto was expecting a special reason. After all, there was no other point in the Uchiha would be wearing them, right?

"Hn." Sasuke smirked slightly before answering, "To look the part."

Naruto stared at the brunette for a long time, confused and partially disappointed. That wasn't a special reason! It was completely pointless! He had wondered earlier whether the Uchiha would have to wear them all the time. The kitsune began to crack up at the idea. Sasuke ignored the blond's barely stifled giggles and proceeded to explain what he was actually doing.

"Since you were raped-" Naruto immediately stopped laughing and winced at the painful word, "-I've decided to counsel you!"

"You've decided to what?!"

"Counsel you. Hopefully, you'll get better over time." The raven continued his explanation, showing no emotion as leaned back on the couch. The blond nodded slowly to show that he understood.

"Okay, then, lets begin..."

Several hours had passed, and Naruto had hardly been generous with the details. Sasuke was getting impatient. He wanted to be able to help the shinobi, but the blond refused to speak of it. He was obviously suffering severe mental abuse. The Uchiha didn't want to have to go too far and hurt the other, but it was becoming extremely difficult and his patience was wearing thin. The raven rubbed the bridge of his nose irately, trying to prevent the ominous headache that loomed in Sasuke's mind, threatening to attack.

"Alright, lets start again. When did it happen first?" The brunette resumed his organised position on the chair.

"A- a few weeks ago..." Naruto trailed off nervously. He desperately didn't want to be reminded of the rape. It had been a traumatising experience already, and Sasuke trying to get him to recollect the event sure as hell wasn't helping.

'It'll help in the long run, kit.' A deep voice echoed through the blond's mind. Kyuubi had returned to communicate with his container after Naruto had told Sasuke about the incident. Still, Naruto wasn't sure if he really wanted the demon annoying him again.

'Hmm, maybe...' Naruto answered the fox, uncertainly, obviously doubting the nine-tails.

'It will. Trust me on this. It would've just gotten worse if you'd tried to ignore it. Just tell the Uchiha everything.'

'I-I'll try...'

"Naruto! Are you even listening to me?!" An angry voice snapped the blond back to reality.

"Ah! Sorry, Sasuke." The kitsune's head drooped slightly. The raven regretted shouting and sighed heavily before apologising himself.

"No, no. I'm sorry. You're obviously not ready for this just yet..." The Uchiha massaged his temples. He couldn't stand to harm his precious blond, whether it was physical or just in his head...

Wait, hold on a second... His blond?!

'Snap out of it, Sasuke! Now is not the time to be obsessing.' He reminded himself sternly.

"Fine, that's all we'll do for today. Do you want me to stay over?" The brunette asked the kitsune. Recently, Naruto often let Sasuke remain over in his house. Still, to the Uchiha's great disdain, the blond always made the other sleep in the spare bedroom. Not that he wanted Naruto to know about his real love right at this moment. The blue eyed ninja was happy to stay as a brother to the brunette, as vice versa. Sasuke often thought about flirting with the blond, yet Naruto would be completely oblivious. It was almost as though the blond fox was naivety personified.. Anyway, it seemed the kitsune was too innocently pure to get romantically close with without feeling as though Sasuke himself was a dirty individual for trying to take advantage.

Naruto bit his lip thoughtfully, before finally replying.

"Uh, do you mind" The blond watched the raven carefully, studying his features. He was quite taken aback when Sasuke smiled reassuringly.

"Of course not!" The Uchiha said cheerfully, while a single thought ran through his mind.

'Smiling hurts...'

"Yay!" Naruto grinned gratefully at the ebony-eyed man. Yet, he was deep in thought. Not many people actually knew it, but the blond was really quite bright. Most thought he was ditzy, but he simply hid behind that mask. His brain whirred as he wondered.

'There's something hidden behind those eyes...'

Sasuke got up, saying he would be back in a minute. Naruto barely registered the words as he proceeded to think.

'But what is it?'

It was annoying Naruto, as he always liked to know what was up with his friends. Yet the Uchiha's countenance was hard to read.

'Kyuubi, are you there?'


'Can you tell what's wrong with Sasuke?'

'Hmm, he's hiding it very well, I'll give you that. The Uchiha almost reminds me of you, kit.' The fox muttered to the blond boy.

'What? How?'

'You both hide behind masks of emotion. But, where your's was one of fake cheerfulness, his is one of cold, articulate precision, but he smiles sometimes. I wonder what he is concealing behind that face...'

The brunette once again appeared in front of the blond, taking him by surprise. He was carrying a bag, probably filled with clothes, and a few toiletries. Sasuke let gentle smile adorn his features in pure adoration of the kitsune.

'Well, that was a pretty real smile, unless he's a better actor then I thought...' The blond missed the demon's comment as he looked at the raven.

"Yosh! As per usual, you'll be sleeping in the spare bedroom! I just cleaned up in there, so it should be perfect for the ice prince." Naruto gave the Uchiha a cheeky grin, before running off to the bathroom and slamming the door behind him. After all, an angry Sharingan user was not what you would want chasing you.

Sasuke growled slightly, yet was happy on the inside.

'You're finally back to normal...'

Eurgh! I hated that chapter, to tell the truth, but I can't wait to write the next one!

Hope you enjoyed it! (At least, more than I did...)