The Craft Two: The Next Generation

Chapter One

Disclaimer: I Don't own anything...yadda, yadda, yadda... Dana , Erica, Kara and Valarie are m own characters (and everyone else that wasn't in the movie, like teachers and other kids and stuff...)

Erica Bailey sat on her bed. Tomorrow was her first day of school. She was nervous.

"You know, I went to St. Benedict's. It's really not that bad," her mother said, walking in and setting Erica's newly washed school uniform on the chair beside the window.

"I'm just nervous about going into high school. Especially a private one," Erica said.

"I was nervous on my first day, too."

"Well, did you make friends easily?" Erica asked her mother.

"I guess you could say that"...


"You ready for your first day of school?" Dana Downs' mother asked.

"Yeah, whatever," Dana replied.

"Same attitude I had when I was your age," Ms. Downs said with a distant look in her eyes, as if remembering the "good times". "Of course, I've changed so much since then."

"Yeah, good for you," Dana said. She stood up and walked to the stairs. When she reached the bottom, she turned to her mother and said, "Well, I'm goin' to bed." Dana continued up the stairs to her room.

"Good night, honey!", Nancy yelled after her daughter. No reply. Instead, she just heard Dana's bedroom door slam. Nancy sighed. Her daughter was so much like she was when she was young. She just hoped Dana wouldn't end up the same as she did at that age. A witch.


"All right class, we're going to break up into reading groups. The groups have been randomly assigned by fours," Sister Anne said. "Okay, the first group is Sam, Carl, Katie and Aaron. Next is Carrie, Lucy, David and Timmy. Now we have John, Chris, Alicia and Matt. Next: Harry, Steve, Tom and Nick. And lastly is Dana, Erica, Kara and Valerie."

All the groups got together at a table. Erica, Valerie, Dana and Kara sat at a table in the back.

"Uh, hi, I'm Erica."

"I'm Kara."

"I'm Valerie. But, um, you can call me Val."

"Yeah. Hey, I'm Dana."

"All right class, we'll start our books in a little while, but right now, each group will take a little while to get to know eachother. After all, you will be working together all year," Sister Anne instructed.

Kara started. "Um, okay. Well, you already know that I'm Kara. Uh, I'm 14. Um, well... I live with my mom and dad and grandma. Um, I guess that's it."

"Okay, um I'm Erica. I'm also 14. I just live with my mom because my dad died in a car accident before I was born."

"Sorry," Valerie, Kara and Dana said at the same time.

"It's okay, I didn't know him."

"Um, okay, well as you know, I'm Val. I live with my mom and dad. I'm 14. I uh, have a cat named Lola and I guess that's it."

"Yeah. Well, I'm Dana, I'm also 14. My parents are divorced. I live with my mom. I hate my dad. Whatever."

"Uh, well, okay, so um... what school did you guys go to before here? I went to Harmon," Val said.

"I went to St. Arnold's," Kara answered

"Farefield," Dana said.

"I was at Hayston," replied Erica.

"Cool, okay, so... uh..." Kara laughed nervously. It was awkward and slightly uncomfortable sitting with three people she didn't know, and very hard to try to think of something to talk about.

Sister Anne clapped her hands twice to get the class' attention. All right, I'm going to pass out the books now. Take a second to look it over. Read the back, skim the first couple pages. Then we'll start reading."

"God I hate how all these teachers are soooo happy. They talk all high and cheerful like it's gonna make us actually wanna be here or something," Dana said, putting her feet up on the desk.

The group laughed.

"Ugh, I know. They're so annoying," Kara said.

"Feet off the table Miss Downs. This is a classroom, not your house," Sister Anne said as reached their table. "Here are your books."

"Yeah. If this was my house, I'd kick your ass outta here," Dana mumbled.

"I heard that Miss Downs!" Sister Anne scolded.

They all laughed.

"All right, girls, start your books." Sister Anne ordered.

The girls took turns reading until the bell rang.

"Okay, everyone, you have to read five chapters over the weekend and be prepared to answer questions about what you read on Monday," Sister Anne said.

"Hey, um... do you guys wanna come to my house on Saturday. We could read the chapters together. Then, maybe, um... like, have a sleepover?" Val suggested.

"Yeah, sure," Erica said, smiling.

"Yeah, sounds fun," Kara said.

"Sure, I'm in," said Dana. "Not like I have anyhting better to do..."


"Hey!" Val said, opening the door for Kara and Erica. "Come in." Val led the girls upstairs to her room.

"Oh, hello girls!" Valerie's mom said. "I just put some clean clothes on your dresser hun. Oh, it's nice to meet you guys."

"It's nice to meet you, too Mrs.-" Erica started

"Bonnie. Please, call me Bonnie." Val's mother said.

"Um, okay, well, it was nice to meet you, Bonnie."

"Okay, you girls have fun."

"Yeah, okay mom. We'll be in my room," Val said. "Ugh, sorry about that," she said, once they were in her room.

"She's nice," Kara said.

"Yeah, I've never had friends over that much... well, I never really had friends at all... so, she just gets excited to see me hang out with people," Valerie explained.

"I didn't really have any friends at Hayston either," Erica said.

"Yeah, I was always pretty much an outcast, too," Kara said.

The girls smiled at eachother, happy that they had each finally found people who understood them. Just then, the door bell rang.

"That must be Dana," Val said. The girls went downstairs to answer the door.

"Hey," Dana said. "Sorry I'm late, hope you didn't start without me."

"No, of course not. Come in. We can, uh, go upstairs and get started now, I guess," Val said.

The girls went upstairs and read the chapters, then talked about the book so they were ready for Monday.

"Well, what do you wanna do now?" Kara asked.

"I don't know. But as long as it has nothing to do with school, I'm in. Who would have thought that I ever would have done homework. Especially on a weekend?" Dana chuckled.

"I think I have an idea," Val said. "Follow me."

The girls followed Valerie out of the room and to a door at the end of the hallway. Val unhinged the lock and led the girls up into her attic. There wasn't much in the attic, but the girls immediatly noticed a large trunk, and in the corner, a small table covered in candles.

Val led the girls over to the trunk and table.

"What is all this?" Erica asked, turning to Val.

Val opened the trunk to reveal books, incense, herbs, and more candles. "Have you guys ever done witchcraft?"