Okay, this is a strange Idea I know. In case you're wondering, the person Kakashi's son will be gay with will be is Sai. But, Sai wont make an entrance for a few more chapters, I want to get the Father-Son friendship down first.

Chapter 1


"Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!"

"WHAT!?" Kakashi shouted to his son who sat next to him.

"Hi" He answered.

Kakashi took a deep breath.

"One of these days Akira, one of these days"

Both Kakashi and Akira sat at the kitchen table. Kakashi read his dirty books and Akira sat looking for something to do, mainly seek attention from his father. Yeah, Kakashi had a son. A 20 year-old son. Akira still lived at home, only because he was saving money to buy things the move out. But, Kakashi didn't mind he was close to his son.

"One of these days what?" Akira asked.

Kakashi took another deep breath.

"One of these days I'm gonna bop you upside the head. Now, can you leave me alone, I'm trying to read"

Akira laughed. He has a talent for annoying his father, and Kakashi always gave him the same response.

"Don't you work today?" Akira asked, looking for conversation.

"No, it's Saturday and I'm afraid that even if I did go to I wouldn't be paid. I can't be paid for to teach, If I don't teach." Kakashi responded, annoyed.

"Right, I forgot it's the weekend"

"What about you Akira, don't you have work?" Kakashi asked, hoping he would say yes.

Akira sighed.

"No, I'm off the next three days"

'Great, I'll never finish this book' Kakashi thought to himself.

"Oh, I see"

"Mhm, Hey Dad?"

"Yes son?"

"What would you do if I told you I was gay?"

Kakashi hesitated for a moment.

"To be honest Akira, I don't know.."

"Oh, Hey D-"

Kakashi put his book down in defeat.

"Akira if we did something, would you stop annoying me?"


"Fine, let's go get something to eat"

"Alright, sounds good to me"

Both stood up and headed towards the car.

At the Restaurant...

"So, Akira, about you asking me what I thought if you were gay; why'd you ask?"

Akira didn't answer at first. He did everything possible to keep from answering. Sipped his coke, took a bite of his sandwhich, asked for bread, dropped his fork.


"Huh? Oh right, well you see..."

The truth was Akira wasn't sure if he was gay or not. There was this new guy at work; Sai. Akira kind of liked him. Maybe a little too much. He couldn't tell for sure, but he thought he had feelings for Sai. They talked and hung out and everything, nothing 'Romantic' had ever happened between the two, but Akira just had this feeling...

"I'm not exactly sure...but...I think I just might be gay."

Kakashi dropped his spoon and looked at Akira.

"You're not sure?"


"Then what makes you think you might be gay?"

"Well, there's this new guy at work, his name is Sai"


"And well, I'm not sure really. But, I really like him"

Kakashi sighed heavily. Could he handle his son being gay? Akira was like his best friend..and his son. He had to accept him no matter what. Akira being gay couldn't possibly affect Kakashi...could it?

"I see...Has Sai said anything to you about this?"

Akira looked at Kakashi somewhat shocked.

"Dad, I haven't told him"

"I see..."

"Dad, are you okay?"

Kakashi then picked up his spoon, and reached up to take his mask down.


The meal ended, so did the day and Kakashi sat in his room thinking..

"I'll accept him no matter what.."

He then took a deep breath, turned out the light and went to sleep.

Akira's room...

"I wonder what dad was thinking when I tld him about Sai? I know he'll tell me that he'll accept me, but will he mean it?"

Akira then turned out the light and went to sleep.

To Be Continued...

Short and kind of a weak chapter, I know. This was just to get it started. The next chapter is better, It's Kakashi's birthday! (Not really, his birthday isn't until Sept) What will Akira do?

I promise, chapters will get better and Akira will be less annoying and well Kakashi will be less annoyed. XD

- Kiss and Cry