Light shone down on the earth as the day carried on, people continuing on with their daily lives. A small butterfly seemed to float by, golden eyes watching it closely. The owner of those golden eyes reached out a hand, gently encasing it in his hand, feeling it flutter against his palm. He sighed softly, letting the sun warm his skin. "Brother? What are you doing out here?" a voice asked, catching his attention. Ed glanced passively at his brother before his attention went back to the butterfly captured in his hand. "Ed, I need help planning for the wedding. Come on." Al said, shadow playing across the ground, blocking the sunlight from reaching Edward.

Ed heaved another sigh before opening his hand, allowing the butterfly to glide off through the air. He slowly stood up, following after his brother. He was tired of helping Al plan for his wedding. There was so much that had to be done. Once they entered the house, Ed let a shiver run down his spine. "Why is it so cold in here?" he asked no one in particular. He got no answer as he sat on the couch beside his brother, not listening to a word being said about the preparations. Beside Al sat his fiancé, Riza.

Ed had always found Al's and Riza's romance a strange one but he wasn't one to interfere with Al's happiness because of the awkwardness he felt. He was quite shocked when he found out Al proposed to Riza after about a year of dating. But he kept his mouth shut. Besides, he knew nothing about this Riza woman, nor did he want to. But he supposed that if Al was going to marry her, he'd have to be on good terms with her.

He was so lost in his own thoughts, he didn't even notice when the coordinator left. He sighed and stood, stretching his muscles. "Well brother, now that everything is finalized, all we really have to do it wait. Two more days and we're through with all of this." Al said happily, as he came back from walking Riza to the door.

Ed nodded, beginning to head to his room. "I'm gonna head in for the night." He said lazily before closing the door. Al stared after Ed, a worried look plastered on his face.

"Ed…" was all he said before he sighed and headed to his own room, shutting the door quietly.

Ed stared in the mirror as he fixed his bow tie once more. He let a sigh escape his lips as Al came up behind him. "Brother, do I look alright?" he asked, making Ed turn to face him. Ed gave him a smile, his face lighting up.

"Of course you do Al! It's your big day. You're not nervous are you?" he asked, hands coming to his hips. Al's face became flushed at the thought, shaking his head violently.

"No! Of course I'm not nervous! I've been waiting for this day forever!" he cried, hitting Ed on the head.

"Ow….what was that for?" Ed asked, rubbing his head. Al only crossed his arms before heading towards the door, motioning for Ed to come along. Ed sighed before following his brother, wanting to go ahead and get the ceremony over with.

As he walked to his spot as best man, his eyes wandered over the groom's side, spotting everyone he knew and a couple of Al's friends he had yet to become acquainted with. Bored with looking around at the people he knew, his eyes wandered over to the bride's side, eyes sweeping over the many people that sat there.

Soon, his eyes landed on a black haired male, dark eyes staring right back at him. He jumped slightly, quickly turning his eyes to look at something else. This man made him very uncomfortable. Soon, his eyes went to the doors of the church as the bridal march began to play, everyone standing as they waited for the bride to pass down the isle.

He saw Riza give a quick smile to the black haired male before her eyes went back up to Al, smile growing as she saw him.

The wedding ceremony went by quickly, cheers filling the room as the two kissed and began to head down the isle once more, this time as a married couple. Al glanced back at Ed, Edward giving Al the brightest smile he could manage.

Soon, everyone began to file out, heading towards where the reception was being held. Once Ed arrived, he sat near the back, in a corner of the room, golden eyes watching as people danced, drank, and ate, making some conversation with the people who came up to him. Finally, with a sigh, he walked outside, breathing in the night air.

"Crowded in there isn't it?" a smooth voice rang out, making Ed jump. He turned quickly to see the black haired man leaning against the wall, eyes staring out into the night, glancing briefly at Ed.

"Y-Yeah. Al and Riza seem to know a lot of people." Ed replied, eyes resting on one of the decorations.

"Roy Mustang, friend of the bride. And you?" the man asked, hands in his pocket.

"Edward Elric, brother of the groom." He replied, glancing up at Roy. Roy nodded, pushing himself off the wall he was leaning on. He reached out a hand, Edward grasping it hesitantly.

"Well Edward, how long are you staying in this town?" Roy asked, black eyes staring straight into Ed's own.

"For the rest of the week. And you?" he asked, wishing to look somewhere else yet his eyes wouldn't seem to move from Roy's. It was as if they were drawing him to t hem, keeping him staring into them. Roy's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"The rest of the week also. Maybe we could get together and do something this week. To pass the time, you know?" Roy suggested, shrugging his shoulders passively. Ed stared at him a minute, mind flipping the answer over in his head. Something told him to just say no and keep away from this guy. But another part of him wanted to meet with him, to get to know him. He didn't know why, it just kept telling him to say yes.

Hesitantly, Edward nodded, speaking. "Sounds good. You need my number to call me up?" Ed asked, not even thinking as he said that.

Roy nodded as drew a napkin out of his pocket, pen in hand. Ed knitted his brows at this. Was he expecting this? Ed pushed the weird feeling out of his mind as he told him his number. The two talked for awhile before they realized people were leaving. Ed hurried inside, giving Roy a goodbye. He quickly found Al, giving his brother a quick hug, congratulating Riza and Al before he waved goodbye to them.

Ed woke the next morning, silence filling his ears. He sat up, groaning, hand to his head. As he threw his legs over the side of the bed, the phone rang. "Damn it…who would call at such an hour?" he asked before glancing at the clock. Suddenly, his eyes popped open. "It's three? Crap…" he said, now knowing why he had such a headache. Too much sleep…

He climbed out of bed, hurrying to the phone, picking it up without looking to see who it was. "Hello?" he said into the phone, rubbing his temples in an attempt to get rid of his headache. The shrill voice ringing on the other line didn't help either.

"Ed! Wasn't that wedding beautiful! Riza and Al looked so cute together! And Riza's dress was just beautiful! Where were you last night? I couldn't find you at all! You just disappeared! I had no one to dance with! And you need to come down sometime to visit! You never visit anymore!" Winry babbled on from the other line of the phone.

"Winry! Calm down! Jeez….you're only making my headache worse!" Ed complained, sitting down in a chair, head falling back to rest on the back of it. He heard a sigh in response escape from Winry's lips.

"Edward…did you just get up? You lazy bum! Too much sleep is not good for you! It's just as bad as not getting enough sleep!" Winry cried from the other line, scolding him quickly. He sighed and banged his head on the chair, quickly standing up and heading to the kitchen to get some pills.

"Winry, I get it okay? Don't sleep to much, don't sleep too little, yatta yatta yatta. Now do you mind? I really have a headache and I have to go. Talk to you some other time." He said, hanging up before Winry had a chance to answer him.

Right after he took his pills, the phone rang again, Edward picking up slowly. "Winry! I told you I'd talk to you some other time! I have a huge headache and you're not making it any better!" he said, jumping when he heard the voice that answered him on the other line.

"Hate to disappoint you Edward, but I'm not your little girlfriend." Roy spoke smoothly through the phone, Ed giving a little squeak.

"She's not my girlfriend! I would never go out with someone as annoying as that!" Ed cried through the phone, fist pumping through the air in anger.

"Calm down, Edward. Do you usually get this worked up at a joke?" Roy laughed through the phone, Ed allowing a small blush to come across his face. "Anyways, I was just calling to ask you if tomorrow night was a good time to meet." He said.

"Oh…yeah, that's fine. What time?" Ed asked, thinking nothing of it. He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment as Roy continued on, confirming the plans.

"Around seven. We can meet at the park and we'll go from there." Roy said, waiting for Ed's approval.

Ed nodded, voicing his approval before goodbyes were exchanged. Ed sighed before heading back to the living room, flipping on the television.

It's my first attempt at an EdRoy please, R&R

Next Update: June 15th or sooner