Each of these will be "Supernatural" crossover of some sort. Each will standalone and have warnings.

Title: Not in Kansas

Fandom: "Supernatural"/Shrek crossover

Disclaimer: not my characters; just for fun.

Warnings: spoilers for all three Shrek movies

Pairings: none

Rating: PG

Wordcount: 480

Point of view: third

Dedication: raligh, who requested the Winchester boys meeting Shrek characters.

"Sammy," Dean says, deadpan. "We're not in Kansas anymore."

"Dude," Sam replies. "That quit bein' funny when I was ten."

Dean snickers.


They walk down the street side-by-side, naming every fairy tale they see. Dean's ahead by twenty points—one for damsels in distress, two for villains, three for heroes—when he sees her.

"Dude, it's Mulan!" he hisses at Sam, staring in shock.

Sam glances over. "I didn't think she was a fairy tale," he muses. "Weird."


The sign proclaims Far Far Away; Dean snorts. "Didn't think we traveled through universes just to see the fantasy version of Hollywood."

Sam openly laughs. "You were really expecting something else?"

Dean's answering smile is sunrise. "Nope."


"Dude." Dean freezes in the street, staring.

Sam swings around instantly, follows his gaze. His mouth drops open in shock. "Is that…"

"The Gingerbread Man." Dean's voice is full of wonder. "The fucking Gingerbread Man." He steps forward. "Awesome."


They end up at the palace, of course, where King Arthur is holding a tournament. Sam enters the Rhyming match, whereas Dean signs up for the Hand-to-Hand combat.

Dean wins against all comers, even an ogre, but Sam loses to Pinocchio, who then loses to Rumpelstiltskin. The Winchesters are invited, along with all the contestants, to a feast; Sam says they shouldn't go, that they need to go back, but Dean overrules him, playing the big brother card.

Sam ends up next to a Spanish cat wearing boots, but Dean has to sit beside a talking donkey that doesn't know when or how to shut up. By the time the appetizers are taken away, Dean's barely restraining himself from shooting.

"You wanted to come, Dean," Sam tells him, glee coloring his voice.

Dean bites out, "Don't remind me," and snarls when the donkey finds a new topic.


Dean flirts with Fiona, the princess of Far Far Away. He also flirts with King Arthur, which doesn't shock Sam as much as he'd thought it would.

The king invites them—them, Dean and Sam Winchester—to spend the night in his palace. Sam doesn't let Dean out of his sight.

Sam finally drags Dean away in the morning, after King Arthur blatantly makes eyes at his brother. Dean preens beneath the attention, like a giant cat.

Puss walks with them back to the portal, talking to Sam. Dean takes in the sights, making random comments the whole way.

At the Gate, Puss removes his hat and bows. "It was an honor to meet you, Sam Winchester," he says.

Sam nods his head. "You, too."

Puss turns to Dean. "You are a strong warrior," he states. "I wish you luck with all your battles." He bows again.

Dean stares then, to Sam's shock, bows back.

Puss walks away and Dean turns to Sam. "Let's go home, Sammy," he says.

Sam doesn't even correct him on the nickname, just nods.