Hi readers! This was my very first story. I was traveling through all my docs in the pc and I found it... so I decided to post it to see what would you think about it..!!!


What's left of me

Summary: Yami is a teenager boy that had passed by a really hard situation in his life; Anzu is a girl that would help him to discover that there are many lovely things and beautiful moments everyday. AU.


It was a beautiful Sunday to go out and visit some friends. She wanted to see them because she had expended all the holidays away with her family and didn't have the opportunity of hanging with them. She was riding her bike; she liked to ride it because of the feeling of freedom that appeared when the soft breeze caressed her delicate face. First, she was going to visit her best friend, Serenity and his brother that also was her best friend too, Joey, if she was lucky, then Tristan would be there and she would have meeting three of her friends in one visit.

She was entertained with the people walking by the park, and the children playing with the water of the fountain and feeling the soft breeze that she didn't paid attention to her front for one second and suddenly felt a strong blow that made her fall off her bike and get scrape a little on her legs and arms. She looked in front of her and saw a boy lying on the ground, with spiky hair, good-looking rubbing his pained parts as well.

"Why don't you watch were you are going?!" – exclaimed the boy with a very bothered tone

"I'm… so sorry, I wasn- - -"

"How could be someone so stupid?" –he exclaimed getting up and grabbing a black bag that was lying on the ground

"It was not entirely my fault!"- she exclaimed getting annoyed by that boy who was a stranger to her and was been very rude and arrogant.

"Ha, now you're saying that I put myself into your way to be hasty just because I like it?" –he said – "I don't even know why am I talking to you anyway" –he said and walked off

"I don't want to meet with a rude, and stupid and disagreeable boy like you ever in my life!!" –she yelled to him and mounted her bike again, this time paying full attention to her way.


Starting classes in a new school could be very difficult and could scare anyone but not him. He had passed by worse and horrible things so, being new in a school wasn't compared with the hell of life he had now.

He was dressed in a black neck-turtle shirt, with black leather pants and black shoes, because he still didn't have his school uniform. An unusual collar glistened at the sun light while he grabbed firmly his bag and walked towards the direction. There he received his hourly and went to look for his classroom. He found it and knocked at the door. A man opened the door and he handed him a paper. The man made him enter and stand in front of the class.

"Well, this semester we will count with the company of a new student from Tokyo. Please, present yourself."

"I'm Yami Muto" –he said with the firmest voice he could put.

All were looking at him except of a certain brown haired girl that was interested reading a book. She didn't have been paying attention when a series of exclamations and sigh of delight from her female partners including Serenity caught her attention and she raised her eyes to see the source of those expressions. She recognized him immediately.

"You??!!" –she said standing up, yelling and pointing at him with her finger

All were silent to see her reaction. Yami didn't reacted.

"It seems that Mr. Muto is a friend of you right Mss Mazaki?" –asked the teacher staring at her confused like the rest of the students

"Me? Friend of that?" –she exclaimed

"Perfect!!" –exclaimed the teacher with a tone that clearly said that he was going to put her penalty for her rudeness.

"You will be the one that shows him the school!" –he said to both

"What??" –the two exclaimed at the same time

"As you heard, now Yami sit behind… Anzu Mazaki" –he ordered and Yami walked to his seat making the girls of the classroom let out other series of sighs and exclamations

He sat down with gracefulness behind her. Anzu was predicting her day to be very very long.


The bell rang letting the students yell of joy and getting out of the classroom. Anzu searched with the eyes to Serenity.

"Serenity! Are you not going to wait for me?" –she asked her

"You have duties! I'm going with Tristan, see you!" –she yelled at her giggling and disappeared by the hall.

"Damn…"-she murmured while putting her tools inside her bag.

"You don't have to do it" –she heard a baritone voice behind her. She had to admit his voice was attractive.

"I have to. Is an order from the teacher"-she sighed- "Let's go" she said grabbing her bag and walking towards the door.

She showed him all the important places of the school. Bathrooms, cafeteria, gym, laboratories, classrooms and others. The last one was the theater.

"And this here is the theater. Only is opened when there is an event. But if you want I can make you enter to take a look and - - -"

"Look, I appreciate your interest but I don't care" –he said harshly

"I know we start with the wrong foot, but I want to be your friend. Let's start since the beginning… I'm Anzu Mazaki" –she said extending her hand for him.

"I don't want to be friends with someone that knock down people with a bike" –he said rudely

"How rude you are! I'm just trying to be nice" –she said annoyed

"Save your kindness to someone else" – he interrupted her –"Anyway I don't care any of this" –he said more to himself than to her and walked off

Anzu just stayed there thinking why he was like that.


"Who was that?" –he asked cornering her by resting his hands against the lockers closing her way out

"It's none of your business" –she said not looking into his blue eyes. He was taller than her and she felt a little defenseless

"If it is about you, then I'm interested, and a lot"

"But I didn't even am interested in telling you" –she said –"Now if you excuse me, I had things to do" –she said trying to go away but he stopped her

"I miss you Anzu" –he said inhaling her scent

"Seto… I" –she stared him directly. Her body started to eager for that contact, her mind was not working. She still felt something for that tall guy

"I love you and I want you" –he said grabbing her by the arms.

"Seto, you're hurting me! Let me go!" –she said trying to be free

"Sorry to interrupt but I want to speak with her" –Joey said standing besides them

"Fine, I will see you later, Anzu" –he said staring at her lustfully and then walking towards some stairs that were there.

"Thanks, Joey" –she said hugging his best friend and letting some tears run down her cheeks

"No problem, that's what friends do" –she said hugging her back

In a corner was a red eye boy watching the scene, watching how the girl was crying in her friend's arms


The following days he had been chased by her, a silent chase. He tried to lose her, to avoid her but it was useless, he found her in every class he had… how? Don't ask… so he decided to be with her besides in that way the other girls will stop pursuing him around. He hated when the girls were like that. He thought that be with her was better that be rounded by a group of crazy girls trying to go out with him. He slowly started to make team with her in the works and to lunch occasionally with her. Although to get Yami to lunch with her was a very difficult task in which Anzu succeeded…

She always talking about her friends, her life, and he, generally quiet listening to her. She talked so much that he thought he knew her friends a lot though he never had seen them or talk to them.

"And how about you? How about your family?" his hand that was holding his glass of juice twitched unconsciously and she saw it. He didn't want to talk about it so he stood up.

"I have to go" and with that he stormed off don't giving her the chance to say or do something


When she asked him that, she saw him twitch and almost immediately kicked herself mentally. She had hit a sore spot without doubt. She saw him stand up and leave, and she missed the chance to apologize or do something. She sighed.

"Back to square zero… This is going to be more difficult than I thought" she whispered staring at his juice, which was left there, untouchable…


The bell sounded.

Anzu still was seated at the cafeteria's table staring at nothing with a hand on her chin. She wondered why Yami was like that, so closed in himself…

So absorbed was in her thoughts that didn't noticed the sound bell.

She felt a hand on her shoulders that made her snap out of her thoughts. She looked from who was the hand. A smile crept on her face.

"Hey Serenity! What's up? Where did you left Tristan?" she wondered

Serenity smiled.

"Young lady, the bell had sounded. Come on!! We are going to be late!!" she exclaimed grabbing her by the arm and running all the way towards the classroom.

"What?! I didn't hear it!" Anzu said running at Serenity's side

"Why were you so absorbed about?" Serenity asked eyeing her a little

"Nothing" she said simply and made it into the classroom, finding the teacher with an annoyed face signaling the clock

They said a low 'sorry' and headed towards their seats. Anzu saw Yami already there, behind her seat; high concentrated reading a strange book. She didn't say anything at him now; she decided to talk to him after classes.


The bell sounded announcing end of classes. The students began packing and heading towards the exit hurriedly. Anzu stared behind her. Yami was packing normally, when she was going to address him, she heard an unfortunately male's voice in front of her.

"Anzu, my love, want to go out with me?" Seto said leaning in her desk, his face close to hers.

Any good feeling she could have about him disappeared in that exact moment. Just to know that he wanted her for others things made her want to slap him.

"No, thank you" she spat rolling her eyes and attempted to stand up but he didn't let her. She stared at him with hate.

"I. Insist" he said, his patience running down

"No" she repeated, hissingly


He was packing his notebooks, books and a strange little book. It talked about a secret that his family had. He still hadn't understood what that meant, considering he found that book recently in the basement of his old house. He had being reading it since the class started but nevertheless, he needed to analyze it calmly at his apartment.

When he was finishing his bag, he realized that the entire mob of the class had already disappeared, and in front of him just remained Anzu with a tall man obstructing her way. He immediately recognized him. From when he saw him apparently hounding Anzu until that blonde man came to help her.

He was going to stand up and leave, that matter didn't concern him at all, but his body played him a trick and didn't move.

He listened when Anzu refused straight and clear his proposal and then saw him made his move by leaning forward and forward at her and she trying to stop him by putting her hands in his chest to push him back.

He saw in her the expression of his little brother, Yugi… the last memory he had from him…


Anzu wanted to escape; Seto didn't know the meaning of 'NO'. He was getting closer to her by the minute and she was trying to stop him but he was stronger than her. Her eyes started to water, she didn't want him to hurt her again. Then, she felt the air making its way again towards her lungs when she heard a baritone voice at her side. She never thought to be so happy to hear it.

"It seems she doesn't want you on top of her… Let her go." he stated, standing firmly in front of the man

Seto turned to face the interruption, straightening his body to let him now who was taller. Cold icy blue eyes met sharp red eyes and an awkward little silence followed. Anzu stared at their eye-confrontation. Seto broke the ice of silence suddenly realizing something.

"I know you. From the news back in Tokyo, you are Yami Muto, the last one of the Muto's"

Yami's instinct told him to escape while he was still able, so he made a gesture with his hand to Anzu to follow him. She caught it immediately and stood up, walked rapidly at his side behind him.

Yami was about to turn around and leave when he felt that man grab him by the arm. He looked once more into his cold eyes demanding to take off his dirty hands from him.

"I'm so sorry about your family" Seto said hypocritical "They said a demon did it, maybe you did it…"

Yami felt his brain disconnecting the logical and reasonable side and the irrational and crazy side was taking over, anger clouding his mind. He cracked his knuckles while throwing daggers at him with his death glare.

Anzu shivered. In part, of what she had heard from Seto. It seemed that in Yami's family something terrible happened. And in the other part, by Yami's cold and death glare. She was relieved that the target of the glare was not her…

Seto changed the matter suddenly feeling a strange chill run down his spine to see those dark red eyes. They had something strange; Seto couldn't quite tell what it was… It is important to say that no one ever made him felt that kind of sensation, because he was known as the coldest man in the entire school, but it seemed someone had already taken that title…

"Don't interrupt me ever again! Who are you to ordering me around?!" he exclaimed and stepped to reach Anzu again. She instinctively took a step back.

Yami didn't move, just waited for him to get closer… Two seconds later and Seto was flat on his butt, holding a bleeding nose, and grimacing in pain…


Yami walked by the halls with a very bothered expression that challenged anyone to get near him without getting hurt. He was so pissed off for what that man had said that he thought he deserved more than just a little punch on the face. Unfortunately it was late now, he was already at the school front doors and he didn't want to go back again.

Anzu followed him when he went out of the classroom leaving behind a nose-bleeding Seto. She didn't care for him, he deserved it.

She walked behind Yami, seeing how the students that were there backed off and made a way for him to pass.

"His glare is certain intense… that death glare overcoat…" she thought and still didn't have the guts to talk to him… she sighed.

"How will I get to know him if I can't talk to him? He's so mysterious and closed off to the world…" she felt attracted to his behavior, she really wanted to know what was wrong with him… she wanted to help…

He stopped in the corner of the street while the light changed into red. She thought this was the chance but how to start a conversation with him? To her surprise, he started it.


He had felt her presence all the way until the street he was standing now. He decided to ask her why she was pursuing him, it made him feel annoyed and uncomfortable.

"What do you want?" he asked her not bothering in looking at her.

She jumped slightly realizing he was talking at her.

"I… just want to… thank you, for what you did" she stammered feeling like a stupid little girl


The light went red and the vehicles stopped allowing the people to cross the street. He started to walk, she followed.

"And…" she continued and Yami looked at her by the corner of his eyes. He thought she had finished… "… I was wondering when we could do that math teamwork… It's for tomorrow, I completely forgot…" She finished and Yami stopped walking.

She stopped as well and saw him look at her straight in the eyes. She felt like melting under that intense glare, she had to admit he had beautiful sharp red eyes, and with his features, made him look gorgeous.

"What?!" he snapped. She could foresee a fight right there and then. A gorgeous jerk…

"And you tell me now?!" he snapped again "Great…"

"Hey! I forgot ok?! And it seems Mr Perfect here forgot too! You didn't tell me anything either!" she argued forgetting she was talking to him

"Since when with the nicknames Smarty?! Hey, it's Impossible for you to forget something like that! Maybe in other life but not in this!" he argued

"It's a Teamwork! You are supposed to be involved too! Not just me!"

"Now I have the fault your little closed brain forgot!"

"Yeah! You have the entire fault!"

"Yeah, right! Maybe you were to busy knocking people out with your bike that you didn't have time to think about math…!" he sarcastically said rolling his eyes

"I wasn't busy doing what you said!"

"Then, in what were you busy?"

"If I hadn't been concerned thinking about what's wrong with you the entirely week, I would have tell you sooner!" she said without thinking and immediately realized her mistake. A little awkward silence followed.


When she said that, in his mind came like a shot all the horrible memories he wanted to forget, to bury deep on the earth… and to know someone actually thought about him, not with pity or sorrow, just with concern, made him feel strange… he knew she was concerned about his behavior, by just looking at her in the eyes…

"Nothing is wrong" he said in a low tone "And it's not my fault you have been thinking about me! I didn't order you to do that!" he argued again

"Are we going to keep arguing or work on the matter at hand?" Anzu said defeated. He sighed.

Then he looked at his watch. It was 14:00 hours. It was early. She saw him turn his head away from her and ask.

"Are you busy now?" the tone he used was his normal tone

She looked at her watch.

"I have free the entire afternoon, but I have to advise my parents first" she said calming down

He nodded.

"Library. 16:00" and with that he walked off.

Anzu was left wondering what terrible things could have happened to him, something really horrible maybe…


Well, next chapter will be better! Review! I want to know what you think!!

Shine Angel