Spangladesh here again. In this fic, we travel into the future and witness an anniversary party like no other. I do not own "Amazed" by Lonestar.

Fourteen year old Tammy Turner looked around the crowded ballroom nervously. She never really liked public speaking, and she really hated public singing. She would always freeze up and forget the words to the song she was singing…like the time during the 3rd grade Christmas pageant.

A light push on her shoulder shook her from her thoughts. Her twin brother Tommy was trying to get her attention. Tammy shook her head and stared at her brother.

"You didn't hear a word I said did you Tammy?" Tommy asked, arms akimbo.

"I'm sorry Tom, I guess I just zoned out for a moment."

Tommy just smiled at her. He knew she was nervous, and he was trying to calm her down.

"I didn't know so many people liked Mom and Dad. Aunt Trixie really pulled this thing together didn't she?" Tommy said, waving his hand across the crowded room.

"That she did bro. It was really nice of her to throw Mom and Dad a Fifteenth Anniversary party. She, Aunt Vicky and Aunt Veronica really went all out this year. The food was awesome, and I wish that we were old enough to hit that bar. A drink sounds like the cure for my jitters."

Tommy laughed and led her back to their table. Grandma and Grandpa Turner were chatting with Grandma and Grandpa McDonald when the teens sat down. All four smiled upon noticing their grandchildren's presence.

"Hey kiddo, how you holding up?" David Turner asked of his granddaughter.

"I'm fine Grandpa. I hope Mom and Dad like what we are going to do for them."

"Oh I'm sure they will sweetie. You know Tootie just loves gatherings like this." Nicole McDonald replied.

"So how'd you two put that slide show together?" Victor McDonald inquired.

"Most of the pictures came from you guys, Uncle Chester and Uncle A.J., and Aunt Veronica was the one who gave us the song. She said something about it being the song they had their first dance to." Tommy replied.

"That's right, and I don't think there was a dry eye in the house when they finished. I know Nicole and I were just bawling our eyes out." Katherine Turner said, eyes brimming at the memory.

The clinking of a spoon against a glass got everyone's attention. Chester had taken his place at the podium, and was ready to speak.

"It's time Tammy, break a leg!" Tommy called as Tammy made her way next to her "Uncle".

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have gathered here tonight to celebrate the day my best friends Tim and Tootie finally got married." Chester began. His emphasis on finally bringing hearty laughter from the people in the room, and a light blush to his friends' faces.

"So to get things started, their children have a special gift they want to give their parents. So take it away Tammy!" he finished, handing the young lady the microphone. She took a deep breath to compose herself before she began.

"Mom…Dad, Tommy and I wanted to give you something special. So, with the help of our grandparents and your friends, we were able to put together a special slide show accompanied by a special song." she nodded to Tommy, who sat at his laptop to begin the slide show.

As the show started, she began to sing.

Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

The slideshow began with baby pictures of both of her parents, leading into the early school years. Even though she had gone over it several times with her brother, Tammy still couldn't get over just how much they looked like their parents. She still had to smile at the pictures of her father in his silly pink hat and her mother in her pigtails and glasses.

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do

Baby I'm amazed by you

The pictures led into shots of Timmy hanging out with Chester and A.J., and if you looked close enough, you could see Tootie in the background holding a picture of Timmy looking soaked to the bone from a barrage of water balloons from the three boys.

Finally, the pictures moved into middle and high school. Pictures of group dates, football games, Tootie, Trixie, and Veronica in their Dimmsdale High School cheerleader uniforms before homecoming.

Then it was onto the prom pictures, which got a big laugh when they showed Timmy stepping on Tootie's foot during a dance. Her father just bowed his head and covered his face in embarrassment while her mother just smiled and playfully nudged him with her shoulder.

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh it feels like the first time every time
I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you

Then, the slide show came to the big day. Tammy always thought her mother looked so radiant in her wedding dress, even if Trixie, Veronica, and Vicky looked like they wanted to burn their bridesmaid's dresses. Pictures of the ceremony and the reception left the crowd breathless, and the sound of a few people choking back tears could be heard.

The final scenes were of when Tammy and her brother were born. Tim just beamed as he held Tammy and fed her. Tammy couldn't help but see the love in her mother's eyes as she held Tommy for the first time.

Pictures of the twins growing up flashed by, and the last picture was a family photo of Tim, Tootie, Tammy, and Tommy that had been taken not three weeks ago. It showed that they truly were a happy family, no matter what trials and tribulations came their way.

Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Oh, every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you

She finished singing, and went down and gave both of her parents a big hug. Tommy followed close at her heels and they joined in a big group hug. Cheers and applause rose up at the conclusion of the video and song.

"You two did such a good job! I'm so proud of both of you." Tootie said with a smile and tears brimming in her violet eyes.

"I second that. I loved every second of it kids. Thank you so much for an anniversary present we will cherish forever." Tim quipped, hugging his daughter and ruffling his son's hair.

The twins smiled and gave their parents one last hug. They went off on their own so that their parents could talk to their friends.

"So, are you over your jitters, or should I try to con someone into getting you a drink?" Tommy asked of his sister.

"Nah, I'm over that. I'm just glad Mom and Dad enjoyed it as much as they did. We did good work Tom." she replied, slapping her brother a high five.